Kevin's House?

How does that relate to Federal Judge Cynthia Bashant's assessment that even Maddow's own audience understands that her show consists of exaggeration, hyperbole, and opinion?
That's her opinion too, isn't it? and we know there are rightwing judges.
Also it was American Oversight who uncovered the "Fake Electors Plot", not Rachel Maddow.
She broke the story, American oversight is not a news organization, her producers procured copies of the real and fake elector documents and she showed them on her show a couple of nights after she broke the news, maybe American oversight called them, I dunno. I saw the fake electors right after the election covered on the news FFS, it was no secret, even when they tried to gain access to a legislature on camera and were refused. Then it went away until WH involvement was found and the J6 committee. We will be hearing much more about the fake electors this year as indictments drop and trials begin.
LMFAO, they do? Why? A federal judge ruled in 2019 that even Maddow's own audience understands that her show consists of exaggeration, hyperbole, and opinion.
yeah, and she doesn't make any premise otherwise. unlike jones, carlson, rogan et al...she's upfront that her show is her opinion...and while she isn't 100% factual, she's a fucking lot closer to it than any of the magat talking heads.
The Democrats have been doing quite a bit of gerrymandering themselves. It's a bipartisan practice.

As much as it sucks, if they didn't in the couple states that they do it almost as bad as the Republicans do there would be even a greater advantage for the Republicans who not only use it to dilute the minorities in their states from being able to have their vote matter as much, but also then pass laws making it harder for these communities to vote (and then to easily count the votes in a lot of cases too).

There is no comparison when it comes to who is making it harder to vote as well as disenfranchising specific communities between the Democrats and Republicans.
That's her opinion too, isn't it? and we know there are rightwing judges.
She was appointed by Obama, genius.
yeah, and she doesn't make any premise otherwise. unlike jones, carlson, rogan et al...she's upfront that her show is her opinion...and while she isn't 100% factual, she's a fucking lot closer to it than any of the magat talking heads.
Thank you for agreeing that her show is non-factual and based on her opinion of things. The fact that you compare losers like Jones and Carlson, as being right-wing versions of Maddow, says all that needs to be said.
Sure, but she's a professional at giving opinions. Not sure about her asshole though, but law school sure is expensive.
She may be a professional, but it is still largely based on personal preference. Maddow meets professional journalistic standards and practices, clowns like Hannity and Carlson are propagandists and don't. I doubt they can be considered patriotic Americans, much less upstanding citizens, character counts and they have none. Maddow also has quality guests, authors and honest politicians on her show and that's what it is an advertiser supported show, they can be good or they can be dangerous to the country like foxnews.
She may be a professional, but it is still largely based on personal preference. Maddow meets professional journalistic standards and practices, clowns like Hannity and Carlson are propagandists and don't. I doubt they can be considered patriotic Americans, much less upstanding citizens, character counts and they have none. Maddow also has quality guests, authors and honest politicians on her show and that's what it is an advertiser supported show, they can be good or they can be dangerous to the country like foxnews.
They are all propagandists ffs. It's just that you prefer the sort of propaganda that Maddow spews, and the guests that she hosts. I think you are pretty much right on point in comparing her to people like Hannity. Personally I can't stand either one of them, and don't understand why people choose to watch obvious government sponsored propaganda, whether it's on the right or the left.
yeah, and she doesn't make any premise otherwise. unlike jones, carlson, rogan et al...she's upfront that her show is her opinion...and while she isn't 100% factual, she's a fucking lot closer to it than any of the magat talking heads.

I wish our population was smart enough to make the distinction. It should be fine to have political opinion talk shows. We are all here, clearly we like politics of whatever persuasion, we should have shows about the topics we like.

But yeah, we're dumb and can't have nice things. I do place the blame on fox, the problem became very apparent during the early 2000s with how they covered things and how that impacted people's understanding. You know, when saddam hussein killed W.'s dad at 7/11 because he hated our freedom.
I wish our population was smart enough to make the distinction. It should be fine to have political opinion talk shows. We are all here, clearly we like politics of whatever persuasion, we should have shows about the topics we like.

But yeah, we're dumb and can't have nice things. I do place the blame on fox, the problem became very apparent during the early 2000s with how they covered things and how that impacted people's understanding. You know, when saddam hussein killed W.'s dad at 7/11 because he hated our freedom.
Rush Limbaugh (almost two years sober!) and his right-wing hate radio empire plowed the ground for Fox.
They are all propagandists ffs. It's just that you prefer the sort of propaganda that Maddow spews, and the guests that she hosts. I think you are pretty much right on point in comparing her to people like Hannity. Personally I can't stand either one of them, and don't understand why people choose to watch obvious government sponsored propaganda, whether it's on the right or the left.
No, that is both sides are the same bullshit, she is not the same at all, neither are the journalists at CNN or any of the other normal networks, foxnews is the outlier.