Kevin's House?

I find it very disturbing that the democrats on this thread are hoping for a failed congress. I hope they succeed in passing meaningful legislation. I hope the partisanship that has been in politics in our country would be put aside and for once both sides would come together and pass legislation that actually helps the American people. I feel this way because if the Congress fails then we as citizens lose.
what exactly is a Republican policy?....any policy?....besides owning the libs?
I was the only one posting in this thread that was stating that mccarthy would be speaker.
Everybody knew he was gonna get installed/elected. I was questioning what everybody
meant in here, like it seems you were too, because, OF COURSE the asshole would be
speaker, of course. I mean a black guy named Hakeem, please, no way possible. And
was Hakeem even running for it? But yeah, I am very negative, meaning that Kevin would
be a shoo-in (sounds like shoe-in, huh?) But are you a pundit? Well, you're smarter
than the average pundit, but so are many posters in this thread. I continue to be highly
impressed by how smart everybody is in here. Plus you guys all grow the best looking
nugs I ever seen in my life. I've said it before: this place puts HighTimes to shame. :bigjoint:
A couple of bumpy years and hopefully America’s brush with fascism is over.
Are Canadians all this optimistic in life? I pray you're right, sir. :)
The GOP has spent more than 40 years on this very insurrection.
I call all of this since way before 2015, "Reagan's dream."
all both sides want to do is stymie the other side and then point the finger
"Both sides"? Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, "good ppl on both sides,"
was one of the Orange demon's statements about white supremacists running over
a woman. The other is this constant, droll statement that "all politicians are crooks"
when you corner a right winger about his party's stupidity. I would agree with you, but
mostly it's one side, not the other, unless the other (the left) is pointing out how wrong-
headed the right is. Am I right, Roger?
Boebert got a good tongue lashing from Hannity and realized her brand was going to suffer. He'll let her back on and he'll praise her for coming around and all will be good in her world.
I dunno, it looks like McCarthy had to give them a bunch of concessions, so maybe it was a worthwhile fight for them. Imagine if "the squad" had been strong enough to hold out to force the vote on Medicare For All, we might all have government sponsored healthcare right now.

Frankly, some of the concessions look like good things to me, regardless of party affiliations. More oversight over Federal agencies seems sorely needed to me. Putting bills on the floor 72 hours in advance seems like something that they should have been doing already. Separate votes of apportionment bills also seems to make sense.
Are Canadians all this optimistic in life? I pray you're right, sir. :)
The GOP has spent more than 40 years on this very insurrection.
I call all of this since way before 2015, "Reagan's dream."
We are realistic, the GOP are already in the minority, that is why they lie cheat and steal, they are losing and know it. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they would not have a majority in the house as it is, generational and demographic changes will get them in the end. The democrats just have to capture the 3 ring circus once to level the playing field and add two new states, change can happen quicker than you might think. The government has a lot of catching up to the public in many areas of policy and that in the end will make it so, they can't lie and cheat enough to last. J6 hurt them badly, woke up many American to the danger and the convictions of Trump and other republican politicians should finish off the extreme assholes. Leaving the regular assholes to pick up the pieces of a shattered party, as the demographics change beneath their feet and with a base is full of fascists, lunatics and racists.
Actually, Limbaugh gave rise to the media & political atmosphere we now suffer. Modern day Republicans are the spawn of Limbaugh ideology, literally. Hannity, Carlson, they're all just cheap knock-offs of the O.G. wedge-driver. Rachel Maddow & shows on the other end of the political spectrum are hardly worth mention IMO, they have much less traction and nobody believes anything they say anyway :lol: but for some reason, Hannity and Carlson are fucking gospel to the uneducated. As was their lord-n-savior Rush Limbaugh.
We are realistic, the GOP are already in the minority, that is why they lie cheat and steal, they are losing and know it. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they would not have a majority in the house as it is, generational and demographic changes will get them in the end. The democrats just have to capture the 3 ring circus once to level the playing field and add two new states, change can happen quicker than you might think. The government has a lot of catching up to the public in many areas of policy and that in the end will make it so, they can't lie and cheat enough to last. J6 hurt them badly, woke up many American to the danger and the convictions of Trump and other republican politicians should finish off the extreme assholes. Leaving the regular assholes to pick up the pieces of a shattered party, as the demographics change beneath their feet and with a base is full of fascists, lunatics and racists.
I get what you mean. I've been believing for years that when the minority populations grow large enough to capture
the majority of the ballot, then there will be a more egalitarian representation. But you say gerrymandering has created
imbalance, as has court packing, and corporate lobbies, etc., etc., giving more power to the fascists than ever. Also consider
how many of the racial minorities will remain progressive? For example, the leader of the Proud Boys, a white supremacist
group, is himself a black man. There's the gay republicans, if you can believe that, etc., etc. I fear that your Canuck optimism
might be overcome by sheer Yankee Stupidity that has reigned supreme in this country for 200 years. Yeah, it used to be
called Yankee ingenuity. I digress. For some strange reason, and I theorize that somehow, it's lack of the root of an American culture
or true idenity that lends to America such a fascist plurality.
We are realistic, the GOP are already in the minority, that is why they lie cheat and steal, they are losing and know it. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they would not have a majority in the house as it is, generational and demographic changes will get them in the end. The democrats just have to capture the 3 ring circus once to level the playing field and add two new states, change can happen quicker than you might think. The government has a lot of catching up to the public in many areas of policy and that in the end will make it so, they can't lie and cheat enough to last. J6 hurt them badly, woke up many American to the danger and the convictions of Trump and other republican politicians should finish off the extreme assholes. Leaving the regular assholes to pick up the pieces of a shattered party, as the demographics change beneath their feet and with a base is full of fascists, lunatics and racists.

The Democrats have been doing quite a bit of gerrymandering themselves. It's a bipartisan practice.

Actually, Limbaugh gave rise to the media & political atmosphere we now suffer. Modern day Republicans are the spawn of Limbaugh ideology, literally. Hannity, Carlson, they're all just cheap knock-offs of the O.G. wedge-driver. Rachel Maddow & shows on the other end of the political spectrum are hardly worth mention IMO, they have much less traction and nobody believes anything they say anyway :lol: but for some reason, Hannity and Carlson are fucking gospel to the uneducated. As was their lord-n-savior Rush Limbaugh.
Soon it mark be the Gospel of Mark that saves America, as in king rat over J6 conspiracy trials for Trump, his cronies, government officials and even congress people! :lol:
The Democrats have been doing quite a bit of gerrymandering themselves. It's a bipartisan practice.

Look up the book rat fucked from a few years back to see the republicans brought it to a fine art and extreme practice. Here in Canada we have an independent body, Elections Canada, that sets boundaries and oversees elections, the democrats are propsing a regular system of setting district boundaries and when they get power it will be HR 1 on steroids without compromises.
"Both sides"? Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, "good ppl on both sides,"
was one of the Orange demon's statements about white supremacists running over
a woman. The other is this constant, droll statement that "all politicians are crooks"
when you corner a right winger about his party's stupidity. I would agree with you, but
mostly it's one side, not the other, unless the other (the left) is pointing out how wrong-
headed the right is. Am I right, Roger?
you are right...but be right on your own. not that you are, but don't feel obliged to parrot ANYONES opinions in be you, and we'll keep talking to you. we can always use fresh opinions, sometimes the ones in here get a little ripe...
Actually, Limbaugh gave rise to the media & political atmosphere we now suffer. Modern day Republicans are the spawn of Limbaugh ideology, literally. Hannity, Carlson, they're all just cheap knock-offs of the O.G. wedge-driver. Rachel Maddow & shows on the other end of the political spectrum are hardly worth mention IMO, they have much less traction and nobody believes anything they say anyway :lol: but for some reason, Hannity and Carlson are fucking gospel to the uneducated. As was their lord-n-savior Rush Limbaugh.
educated people believe maddow and the other people at that "end of the spectrum"...
they have traction with people who aren't sticking their heads up trump's ass.
but you do have a point about the unwashed,alex jones, fucker carlson, hannity...that whole tribe of lying fucks have a deep influence on those whose bigotry they have been feeding for years now. i think the FCC needs to implement some standards about broadcasting opinion as fact.
EVERY word out of all of their mouths has to be vetted before it's allowed on air, no more live anything for them, until they can be trusted not to spread more lies that hurt the entire country, and by extension, the entire world...

Republican clown show: Jim Jordan tries to seize power to have DOJ reveal criminal investigations

12,366 views Jan 7, 2023 #TeamJustice
After the extended clown show that produced - to no one's surprise - Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, the clowns are now piling out of the clown car and onto the floor of the Republican-controlled three-ring-circus that is the House of Representatives.

In one of the first disturbing clown acts, Rep. Jim Jordan and others are trying to create a subcommittee that would have the power to investigate "ongoing criminal investigations" at the Department of Justice. Needless to say, this would be quite helpful to the members of Congress like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Scott Perry and Andy Biggs - all of whom who asked Donald Trump for pardons for their part in the insurrection.

But here's why this absurd Republican power grab will fail.