Kevin's House?

I’m confident Jeffries will be a great minority leader and a great speaker when the Democrats retake the house.

He will work with Republicans if they bring forward any meaningful legislation.

Aye..when it's in your house, I'll be sure to ring you up.

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FTW- How long do you suppose the CMP would let this fly if it said TRUDEAU?
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I never said anything about respect.

Smugness isn’t a good look on most people, I think Jeffries realizes that and it’s why I believe he will work with Republicans on worthy legislation.

A couple of bumpy years and hopefully America’s brush with fascism is over.
We will see, but this kind doesn't learn lessons very well, I think action by Jack could move things along. It will be interesting to see their reactions when Trump goes down over the documents and I figure that will be first up. Much depends on what Mark Meadows is doing, if he cuts a deal then a lot of them could be in very deep trouble.
I agree. I touched on this yesterday. I believe it’s also politically prudent for the Democrats to help this congress pass meaningful legislation.

While I have the same sentiment, laughing, pointing and bringing in popcorn wasn’t a good look for the Democrats.
i would be happy if the republicans were trying to pass some meaningful legislation, and if such is pointed out, i would have absolutely no problem with the entire democratic contingent voting for it...
but, please, point out this meaningful republican legislation...because i've yet to see it
What list is that? Congress can't issue pardons if that's what you're thinking.
There were about a dozen pardons requested from members of congress that they know about, however Mark Meadows knows about them all and Jack has got him by the balls a dozen times over. He will need to cut a deal in Georgia too, because he will be facing election conspiracy charges there as well. Mark has gone silent for months now and any competent lawyer would be telling him to cut a deal and squeal his head off, while negotiating the best deal he can with the feds and in Georgia.
I think it was fine to watch the debacle, but yeah, of course we should work on anything meaningful.

Can't lie though, there has been zero indication that the Republicans plan to do much more than "investigate" various bullshit. We should not accept or work with that, it's a mockery of the government and should be treated as such. It's real hard to buy a "both sides" argument when I look at the past 10 years of governance/behavior.
I never said anything about respect.

Smugness isn’t a good look on most people, I think Jeffries realizes that and it’s why I believe he will work with Republicans on worthy legislation.

A couple of bumpy years and hopefully America’s brush with fascism is over.
Things will get a lot more serious when the indictments drop over Trump's documents and obstruction, then the shit will hit the fan in Kevin's house. I think the hits will keep coming too as Jack focuses on congress people and Gym Jordan looks like one of his targets. Gym will be chair of the judiciary committee, so expect fireworks and attempts to obstruct justice in the house.
There were about a dozen pardons requested from members of congress that they know about, however Mark Meadows knows about them all and Jack has got him by the balls a dozen times over. He will need to cut a deal in Georgia too, because he will be facing election conspiracy charges there as well. Mark has gone silent for months now and any competent lawyer would be telling him to cut a deal and squeal his head off, while negotiating the best deal he can with the feds and in Georgia.

I know people requested pardons. That's not a crime. Maybe they believe they are guilty of something but proving they are in front of a jury and getting a guilty verdict is going to be difficult. This is extremely complicated from a legal standpoint. It's not like taking a burglar caught coming out the back door with a bag of stolen stuff to court.

A year ago people were saying trump would be in jail by now and I said he wouldn't. He's still playing golf in Mar A Lago. And will continue to do so for the next few years at least.

People need to be realistic. A desire for something to happen doesn't make it happen.
I find it interesting that the two MAGAs that we thought would be the biggest holdouts (Boebert and Gaetz) voted "present" in round 14. It seems that they gave up earlier than their compadres.
I think it was fine to watch the debacle, but yeah, of course we should work on anything meaningful.

Can't lie though, there has been zero indication that the Republicans plan to do much more than "investigate" various bullshit. We should not accept or work with that, it's a mockery of the government and should be treated as such. It's real hard to buy a "both sides" argument when I look at the past 10 years of governance/behavior.
I’m sure every Democrat will answer all subpoenas, no matter how ridiculous. Another contrast to republicans who ignored congressional subpoenas.
I know people requested pardons. That's not a crime. Maybe they believe they are guilty of something but proving they are in front of a jury and getting a guilty verdict is going to be difficult. This is extremely complicated from a legal standpoint. It's not like taking a burglar caught coming out the back door with a bag of stolen stuff to court.

A year ago people were saying trump would be in jail by now and I said he wouldn't. He's still playing golf in Mar A Lago. And will continue to do so for the next few years at least.

People need to be realistic. A desire for something to happen doesn't make it happen.
There will be a ton of rats, starting with Mark Meadows I figure, we will see, but a few congress people have been mentioned in the J6 report as having criminal exposure. We will see how it pans out, because the Kingpin Trump will go down first over the docs and obstruction soon. Mark was in on it up to his eyeballs and if he cut a deal we will know during the trial and his lack of indictments before then. Mark was the hub of a wheel and spoke conspiracy and they were arrogant and very sloppy, most might go down for obstruction of justice, any who deleted or reset their phones after J6 destroyed evidence. Most of those who went down over Watergate did so for obstruction of justice and that carries heavy time.
I know people requested pardons. That's not a crime. Maybe they believe they are guilty of something but proving they are in front of a jury and getting a guilty verdict is going to be difficult. This is extremely complicated from a legal standpoint. It's not like taking a burglar caught coming out the back door with a bag of stolen stuff to court.

I find it interesting that the two MAGAs that we thought would be the biggest holdouts (Boebert and Gaetz) voted "present" in round 14. It seems that they gave up earlier than their compadres.

Boebert got a good tongue lashing from Hannity and realized her brand was going to suffer. He'll let her back on and he'll praise her for coming around and all will be good in her world.
I find it very disturbing that the democrats on this thread are hoping for a failed congress. I hope they succeed in passing meaningful legislation. I hope the partisanship that has been in politics in our country would be put aside and for once both sides would come together and pass legislation that actually helps the American people. I feel this way because if the Congress fails then we as citizens lose.
lmao at the branding of 'Democrats' and placing bullshit feels bullshit feels that they somehow 'hope' this congress fails.

The correct word I would use to describe how I feel about this congress would be along the lines of 'resigned' to seeing the shit show it is likely to be thanks to the actual reality that is Republican insurrectionist agenda.

It is this attitude that is prevalent in politics these days and all both sides want to do is stymie the other side and then point the finger and say they got nothing done. It is nothing but pure partisan politics and me as an American citizen am sick and tired of it.
Bullshit. Everything Trump was able to get through after 2018 was done with the help of the Democratic Party.

The only one blowing up shit is the Republicans, who then sit back and try to pretend that there is some 'both sides' narrative that they pretend makes any sense at all, when it does not.