Kevin's House?

I was the only one posting in this thread that was stating that mccarthy would be speaker. No need for me to get into all the naiveté in so many of the posts. It was like a coloring book.

Some were talking about Republicans voting for Jeffries. Pure fantasy. As far as politics go many are not even in my league.

Talking amongst yourself hearing things you want to hear and attacking those that differ from the group speak. I belive in thinking outside the echo chamber.

Feel free to carry on reinforcing each other. Some of us are strong enough to stand on our own.

Being wrong is bad. Failure to realize that you're wrong is worse.

Have a good weekend.

We have a new House of Representatives on Monday. Get some rest and get ready for jim jordan and the Biden Files.

lmao you owned those trolls good!
Now that he is in, Kevin and Nancy can measure dicks accomplishments for the next two years. I'm pretty sure that is a contest he is not going to win.

The next must pass thing is the debt ceiling. That one does scare me.
it should, it's the republican's favorite hostage in their terrorist war on democracy
Lol, so it goes. It was fun to speculate, but he was always going to get it, it's still hilarious it was such a debacle.

I will mourn the loss of meme material. Now we just go back to the depressing reality of endless investigations of hunter bidens dick pics.
Lol, so it goes. It was fun to speculate, but he was always going to get it, it's still hilarious it was such a debacle.

I will mourn the loss of meme material. Now we just go back to the depressing reality of endless investigations of hunter bidens dick pics.
Naw, the fun has just begun, Jack is in the background and Donald will be going down in flames, the senate has the J6 report and will be outraged enough to perhaps hold hearings of their own. Then there will be the vote on additional funding for Ukraine, they are covered, but another aid package will fuck the magats over real good! Kevin's majority could be whittled away over the next year or two with some of his members indicted over J6 and other things, Santos looks gone to be replaced by a democrat. It will be a long two years for Kevin, especially if Mark cuts a deal with Jack to rat everybody out.
ok, i'm ready for two years of wasted time. they'll write shit bills that they might get through the house, that will die the second they hit the senate. they will achieve none of their goals, not one. their ONLY weapon is holding the economy of the US hostage, which is basically holding the world economy hostage. they're a one shitty trick, asthmatic, syphilitic, broke back pony...and that pony now has it's diseased dick up mccarthy's ass...
I'm starting a many no confidence votes do you think the never kevs will call for over the next two years? i'm going with 24, one a month, at least, and not one of them will will become their signal they don't try to get rid of their own leader...because that's how adult do thing... :roll:
i hope any of them that get on committees enjoy it, because they'll all get bounced like a hyperactive kid's superball in 24, and IF any of them get leadership on a committee, you better believe that will be over on the day the next congress is called into session...
so smart people would use this opportunity to get some real, meaningful things done, which, of course, means that the republicans will piss it away in a shameful manner. let's see how long it takes for them to announce HunterGhazi...let's see how long it takes for them to start a NEW investigation into settled, stupid, pointless shit...i'm guessing by the week for them to show the rotten core, to show their real agenda...finding someone to blame for their own mistakes...again, and again...
Jack is loading up with anti corruption politician busting type prosecutors over J6 recently and could be headed in the direction of congress. I can think of a dozen congress people that he could have a case against, perhaps more depending on what Mark reveals. The next year will prove very interesting as we see the fallout from J6, after the Kingpin goes down over the documents. What will their reaction be to Donald sitting in a DC jail awaiting trial over the docs and obstruction, or worse out on release exhorting them to action!
ok, i'm ready for two years of wasted time. they'll write shit bills that they might get through the house, that will die the second they hit the senate. they will achieve none of their goals, not one. their ONLY weapon is holding the economy of the US hostage, which is basically holding the world economy hostage. they're a one shitty trick, asthmatic, syphilitic, broke back pony...and that pony now has it's diseased dick up mccarthy's ass...
I'm starting a many no confidence votes do you think the never kevs will call for over the next two years? i'm going with 24, one a month, at least, and not one of them will will become their signal they don't try to get rid of their own leader...because that's how adult do thing... :roll:
i hope any of them that get on committees enjoy it, because they'll all get bounced like a hyperactive kid's superball in 24, and IF any of them get leadership on a committee, you better believe that will be over on the day the next congress is called into session...
so smart people would use this opportunity to get some real, meaningful things done, which, of course, means that the republicans will piss it away in a shameful manner. let's see how long it takes for them to announce HunterGhazi...let's see how long it takes for them to start a NEW investigation into settled, stupid, pointless shit...i'm guessing by the week for them to show the rotten core, to show their real agenda...finding someone to blame for their own mistakes...again, and again...
Let's say Jack nails a half dozen of them before fall? Before they can fuck with the debt ceiling or stop the government? What if he thinks it's an imperative? Let's see what happens when Donald goes down over the docs, that's first up IMHO, unless Georgia does him first and I'm sure they are cooperating on it. He will be tried in Georgia though, that's on TV and will have the biggest impact on the country. Let's see what the GOP house has to say about those coming events and the fallout from them.
Well there it is,A completely sold out house speaker,beholden to a faction that has no clue on how to legislate. Dems. may have missed a chance to diffuse the influence of these sad sacks and negate the sorry ass deals they brokered,Kevin was that desperate. Oh well, now we watch those under investigation launch their own bogus counter investigations to distract from their seditious actions. A 2 yr. Barnum&Bailey circus awaits, only hope is moderate Reps. sickened by the ineptitude of their cohorts will pursue bipartisan legislation w/the Dems. Strap yourselves in.
Let's say Jack nails a half dozen of them before fall? Before they can fuck with the debt ceiling or stop the government? What if he thinks it's an imperative? Let's see what happens when Donald goes down over the docs, that's first up IMHO, unless Georgia does him first and I'm sure they are cooperating on it. He will be tried in Georgia though, that's on TV and will have the biggest impact on the country. Let's see what the GOP house has to say about those coming events and the fallout from them.
Witch hunt
Will be the battle cry and plenty of victimhood :spew:
Let's say Jack nails a half dozen of them before fall? Before they can fuck with the debt ceiling or stop the government? What if he thinks it's an imperative? Let's see what happens when Donald goes down over the docs, that's first up IMHO, unless Georgia does him first and I'm sure they are cooperating on it. He will be tried in Georgia though, that's on TV and will have the biggest impact on the country. Let's see what the GOP house has to say about those coming events and the fallout from them.
nothing political should be an imperative to Smith...he isn't prosecuting anyone for their political beliefs or practices, that would make the republicans right about the DOJ being weaponized.
he is prosecuting people (i fucking hope...) because they broke laws, and being a politician doesn't elevate you above the law.
If it even appears his schedule is set up to impede them politically in any way, that could invalidate everything he has done up to that point...
Don't even suggest such a thing...
nothing political should be an imperative to Smith...he isn't prosecuting anyone for their political beliefs or practices, that would make the republicans right about the DOJ being weaponized.
he is prosecuting people (i fucking hope...) because they broke laws, and being a politician doesn't elevate you above the law.
If it even appears his schedule is set up to impede them politically in any way, that could invalidate everything he has done up to that point...
Don't even suggest such a thing...
If these assholes are Hellbent on destroying the country it might be a factor, these people are not machines and they are also aware of the big picture. They will proceed based on evidence, but the decision to proceed at all could be affected by their continued treasonous behavior. Judges hear cases if there is one and juries decide guilt or innocence, but the prosecutor decides if they will proceed or not, what are the consequences of not proceeding? What would be the consequences of giving Trump and his cronies a pass over J6? Motivation is what I was getting at, not going after someone with no case, but prosecuting them when they do have one and the evidence, and I think they will.
If these assholes are Hellbent on destroying the country it might be a factor, these people are not machines and they are also aware of the big picture. They will proceed based on evidence, but the decision to proceed at all could be affected by their continued treasonous behavior. Judges hear cases if there is one and juries decide guilt or innocence, but the prosecutor decides if they will proceed or not, what are the consequences of not proceeding? What would be the consequences of giving Trump and his cronies a pass over J6? Motivation is what I was getting at, not going after someone with no case, but prosecuting them when they do have one and the evidence, and I think they will.
it CANT be allowed to be a factor....he CANNOT use political activity as a motivating factor...that INVALIDATES everything he might do.
the republicans have been screaming about the DOJ being weaponized against them, jordan wants to investigate the FBI because he says they've been weaponized against the republican party by the Biden Smith CANNOT be visibly politically motivated in ANY WAY...he must be impartial, politically. MUST BE.
the only relevant way he can examine or use political activity is if it is inextricably intertwined with the crime he is prosecuting them for, and then he has to be careful and make it clear that the crime is his focus, and not it's political results.
the republicans will be trashing wildly, looking for a way out, and for smith to even hint at political bias would open a fucking freeway off ramp of a way out.
nothing political should be an imperative to Smith...he isn't prosecuting anyone for their political beliefs or practices, that would make the republicans right about the DOJ being weaponized.
he is prosecuting people (i fucking hope...) because they broke laws, and being a politician doesn't elevate you above the law.
If it even appears his schedule is set up to impede them politically in any way, that could invalidate everything he has done up to that point...
Don't even suggest such a thing...
Garland appointed this guy precisely for the investigation to continue under a apolitical lens,so that the Reps. can't claim Garland is playing politics seeing as he was appointed by Biden,so he is seen as a neutral buffer. But surely your right that the Reps will claim political witch hunt. The only "witch hunts" are the bogus investigations they are about to embark upon to cover their sinful asses,nothing is of limits and they are ready to scorch the FBI and Justice dept claiming they've been weaponized for doing their intended jobs investigating a conspiracy that shook our democracy. What a 180 that is seeing how Mr. Orange tried to weaponize any Federal govt. agency at his behest in order to defend himself or prosecute his battles w/adversaries.
ok, i'm ready for two years of wasted time. they'll write shit bills that they might get through the house, that will die the second they hit the senate. they will achieve none of their goals, not one. their ONLY weapon is holding the economy of the US hostage, which is basically holding the world economy hostage. they're a one shitty trick, asthmatic, syphilitic, broke back pony...and that pony now has it's diseased dick up mccarthy's ass...
I'm starting a many no confidence votes do you think the never kevs will call for over the next two years? i'm going with 24, one a month, at least, and not one of them will will become their signal they don't try to get rid of their own leader...because that's how adult do thing... :roll:
i hope any of them that get on committees enjoy it, because they'll all get bounced like a hyperactive kid's superball in 24, and IF any of them get leadership on a committee, you better believe that will be over on the day the next congress is called into session...
so smart people would use this opportunity to get some real, meaningful things done, which, of course, means that the republicans will piss it away in a shameful manner. let's see how long it takes for them to announce HunterGhazi...let's see how long it takes for them to start a NEW investigation into settled, stupid, pointless shit...i'm guessing by the week for them to show the rotten core, to show their real agenda...finding someone to blame for their own mistakes...again, and again...
Look on the bright side. After this Congress you probably won’t have to deal with a republican majority for a long time.