Kevin's House?

No; the process was followed.
It’s the party that is the problem for having chosen “being a pain” as their de facto platform.
I get it. What we are really disagreeing about is possible ways to get rid of the same menace. I believe dems taking the high road will have a very positive impact long term, you don’t.
I see it as the result of a belief Ronald Reagan voiced when he said:

"The government is the problem, not the solution"

Ever since then, Republicans have been doing their very best to make that true.
Do you agree that democrats should continue to let the republicans stew in their quagmire or do you see any political advantage to the democrats helping out for the sake of the country?
Nope. That Man was not a cause but an effect. The GOP has been on a decades-long binge of fiscal madness, gutting the schools and other infrastructure, xenophobia, abetting the toxic evangelical recipe for an authoritarian state, such as the ongoing assault on sex and gender. That Man merely brought the pus to a head.

There are no moderate Republicans. The party censured the last ones for being moderate, and they’re gone.

The diagnostic is the number of Republican votes for Jeffries, who unlike any Repug option is a moderate.

The Republicans are showing us that they are beyond hope of redemption. Like any other vectors of an incurable pathogen, the thing to do is remove them from harmful engagement, quarantine them for the rest of their natural lives and build an actually republican party from scratch.
While I don't disagree, the GOP will have to regroup at some point, and redefine themselves, as they clearly aren't currently going in a positive trajectory.

I am curious however, if these MAGA holdouts will end up getting any of their demands at the end of the day. Some folks have compared this current situation to "Force The Vote", which the progressive Democrats did not pursue strongly, in the way that the MAGA holdouts have.


Lawrence: Don’t worry about Republicans failing to elect a speaker… yet

579,905 views Jan 6, 2023 #msnbc #speakerofthehouse #republicans
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains that as long as Republicans fail to elect a Speaker of the House, governance of the United States is safe from reckless Republicans in the House of Representatives.
Any chance that the Dems can across the isle, and ask Repugs to vote "present" this way it drop the vote. Dems have been getting 212 consistantly, they only need 6 for the Dems to get the Speaker........?

that would put McFarthy tale between his legs.......
I don’t deny these are factors so what does that mean? Is this election illegitimate?
Legally yes, morally fuck no...
The supreme court allowed some shit that they shouldn't have allowed...But they're the fucking supreme court...So it's legal for the moment. However, i HIGHLY doubt it will stay that way...The same way i HIGHLY DOUBT the composition of the supreme court will be the same two years from now.
jenni thomas is going to be in some deep shit, and she's going to smear it all over clarence...who will then either step down from the court, or be impeached...i'm hoping for a VERY nasty, VERY revealing impeachment that will implicate kavanaugh, gorsuck, and bare-it...
While I don't disagree, the GOP will have to regroup at some point, and redefine themselves, as they clearly aren't currently going in a positive trajectory.

I am curious however, if these MAGA holdouts will end up getting any of their demands at the end of the day. Some folks have compared this current situation to "Force The Vote", which the progressive Democrats did not pursue strongly, in the way that the MAGA holdouts have.

This is very subjective on my part, but I think the GOP has gone too far down its own navel to regroup into anything viable.
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I see it as the result of a belief Ronald Reagan voiced when he said:

"The government is the problem, not the solution"

This is what happens when one believes their role is to blow it all up.
i could actually live with blowing it all up...if they had FUCK ALL to replace it with...but they've had nothing, have nothing, and it looks like they will continue that trend into the future...and that kind of lack of foresight should be an obvious disqualifying factor in the leadership of the country.
I believe that Dems compromising is the low road. That might be the nub of it.
Let them twist in the wind for as long as possible and then make Kevin an offer, if he can bring a dozen with him. It might be temporary, but it will throw the cutthroats into disarray, right where ya want them. They will only do more harm than good if they do get their shit together, so no rush until fall. Getting Gym Jordan chair of the judiciary indicted or hauled before a grand jury over J6 would be embarrassing to say the least! What if they subpoena Mark Meadows and give him immunity, Mark could be a witness against Gym and many others over J6.
Do you agree that democrats should continue to let the republicans stew in their quagmire or do you see any political advantage to the democrats helping out for the sake of the country?
i don't see it being for the sake of the continue to insist that we need them to be working right now...Biden and mcconnell got together and forced through a budget that will last till october...we DO NOT NEED them for a damn thing until at least the middle of september.
Why would letting them run wild and act like fools for 9 months have any benefit, outside the obvious one of further illustrating their incompetence to lead anything beyond a cub scout pack?...and i, personally, wouldn't want young impressionable minds exposed to them, so forget even the cubscouts...they're incompetent AND unfit to lead ANYTHING...