Kevin's House?

IF the dems negotiate they should be SAVAGE...demand public repudiation and condemnation of the entire freedumb carcass, not one carcass member gets on any committee, and NO FUCKING HUNTER BIDEN HORSESHIT...IN FUCKING NOTARIZED WRITING...
or they can swing in the wind till they turn into fucking dust.

It won't work because Schumer had Manchin's bottom line in writing on BBB and he never honored it.
The problem is nobody is getting back to work until a speaker is elected and Jeffries is not going to be speaker in this Congress.
again...not necessarily a bad thing..."work" would be a series of ridiculous investigations and a bunch of fucking morons impeding the committees they would be inflicted we really need 2 wholes years of that? let them swing till they figure shit out for themselves...
IF the dems negotiate they should be SAVAGE...demand public repudiation and condemnation of the entire freedumb carcass, not one carcass member gets on any committee, and NO FUCKING HUNTER BIDEN HORSESHIT...IN FUCKING NOTARIZED WRITING...
or they can swing in the wind till they turn into fucking dust.
Based on the GOP splinter group's demand to change House rules on the no-confidence-type procedure, I'd say the Republicans don't even trust each other.

I wouldn't rely on any Republican Congressional promise, notarized or not - especially as a Democrat. The ends justify the means with these folks lately.
Right on, I guess I am settled in for the long haul and am not really thinking that is going to happen until Jan 2025. But who knows, we may get extremely lucky and a handful of the Republicans decide enough is enough and drop their fascist masks and join the Democrats.

Or someone normal gets enough Republican votes that the Democrats would be willing to nominate them for a somewhat normal congress. Either way I wouldn't count on a Republican house getting much of anything done, and I am guessing the Republicans will end up shutting down the government around next Christmas once again.
I understand where you’re coming from and don’t completely disagree. My point is that there may be an opportunity to get rid of the maga movement and the fascists forever, with a different approach.

You know, political discussion in the politics section. I don’t know why some are taking it personally.
Based on the GOP splinter group's demand to change House rules on the no-confidence-type procedure, I'd say the Republicans don't even trust each other.

I wouldn't rely on any Republican Congressional promise, notarized or not - especially as a Democrat. The ends justify the means with these folks lately.
that's true, but the no confidence thing is just more ridiculous bullshit those 20 want, that in reality, means nothing.
they can call for a no confidence vote daily, but unless more than their 20 members support the vote, it's another republican attention getting waste of that will KEEP illustrating to the entire country that they can't do a fucking thing without infighting and backbiting...
let them have that, they can use it to show the nation that they're immature children any time they want to...
I understand where you’re coming from and don’t completely disagree. My point is that there may be an opportunity to get rid of the maga movement and the fascists forever, with a different approach.

You know, political discussion in the politics section. I don’t know why some are taking it personally.
I think that is where I disagree. The GOP has effectively run off its moderates over the last decade or so. The only way I see to achieve what you suggest is to write off the Republican cadaver and build a center-right party from new feedstock.
again...not necessarily a bad thing..."work" would be a series of ridiculous investigations and a bunch of fucking morons impeding the committees they would be inflicted we really need 2 wholes years of that? let them swing till they figure shit out for themselves...
That’s what I’m saying! Let them run amuck for 2 years and show the electorate what they are all about. The work the democrats did in the last congress will reach fruition by 2024 and the democrats can sell the difference between the 2 parties.
I think that is where I disagree. The GOP has effectively run off its moderates over the last decade or so. The only way I see to achieve what you suggest is to write off the Republican cadaver and build a center-right party from new feedstock.
Maybe so but the American people just gave these republicans the majority.
I understand where you’re coming from and don’t completely disagree. My point is that there may be an opportunity to get rid of the maga movement and the fascists forever, with a different approach.

You know, political discussion in the politics section. I don’t know why some are taking it personally.
I think they're doing a good job of making themselves irrelevant. There is a republican element that will always be extreme, who will always be "magats'...But their relevance is fading quickly, they're on their way back to the vocal, annoying, POWERLESS position they should have always occupied.
One of the real questions that should be being asked, is did the Democrats learn anything from the past 6 years?
This was a perfect lab for learning to deal with this shit. How many democrats took advantage of the free class, and how many slept through it?
at the moment, the democrats are presenting a unified front. they appear to be a unit, calm, contained, ready to act...while the republicans appear to be an anthill full of mentally challenged ants that has been pissed on...which is, basically, what they have been since the dixiecrats joined the party.
let them do what they want, why should the democrats intervene? the republicans don't really have anything to promise that they could be trusted to deliver...
That’s what I’m saying! Let them run amuck for 2 years and show the electorate what they are all about. The work the democrats did in the last congress will reach fruition by 2024 and the democrats can sell the difference between the 2 parties.
ok, that's a valid point, but as far as i can see, letting them rot limits their potential for fuckery, while they achieve nothing...
if we let them get started, they'll still achieve nothing positive, but the potential for fuckery expands exponentially.
at the very least, it will reinforce the Qanon crap many of them believe already, they'll use any scrap of unrealted, irrelevant, inadmissible crap to build towering new theories with...
i'd let them sit on the sidelines till we can either get something we actually want out of them, guaranteed, or they decompose and feed worms.
That’s what I’m saying! Let them run amuck for 2 years and show the electorate what they are all about. The work the democrats did in the last congress will reach fruition by 2024 and the democrats can sell the difference between the 2 parties.
That Man put his chaotic evil on full display, and removing him was an anus-clenching close one.
Our electorate has happily swallowed the GOP’s populist tripe, so my confidence that they’ll do better the next round is not very high.

Especially as the extreme and controlling element of the party retool their polemic to the post-orange era. The party will not support up’n’comers who don’t toe the racist, sexist, fake-Christian tax-the-poor party line.

The malignant perpetuation mechanism is in full operation. That’ll take more than 21-plus months (to the next election) to show a change in heading.