Kevin's House?

Sounds about right. I’ll keep quiet for a bit and just watch…

too bad that ain't Bubbles^...
i could actually live with blowing it all up...if they had FUCK ALL to replace it with...but they've had nothing, have nothing, and it looks like they will continue that trend into the future...and that kind of lack of foresight should be an obvious disqualifying factor in the leadership of the country.
There is only twenty and they are trying to gain influence beyond their numbers by preventing congress from proceeding beyond an election in which their ideology was rejected. So, no. They can't blow it all up. They don't have a mandate. They don't have a platform. They don't have a plan to do anything. They are just wrenches in the machinery of government. And that's an insult to wrenches.

They are benefitting from their actions through gaining notoriety and massive injections of cash to their own political funds. They don't give AF about representing the people who voted for them. It's all about PR and money. They have no reason to stop what they are doing and so it will continue.

My personal theory is supporters of Reagan's conservative movement - which was all about tax cuts and cuts in regulation that benefitted the bank accounts of wealthy people -- made a bargain with the devil in the form of authoritarian white racist nationalism in order to grow in power. I'll call that fusion of wealthy backers funding white nationalist policies -- Republicanism. It worked fabulously through the 80's and into the early 21st century. Their power growth curve looked like a straight line up and to the right but it was just the first half of a parabola. For three straight elections people have rejected Republicanism. We are approaching the peak of that parabola or maybe beginning the decline in power. The peak of a parabola is a flat line and our government is flat lining right now.

Most of the youth in this country see Republicanism as something that failed them. They are worse off economically than their parents, angry that boomers, gen x and gen y have let the environment decay and their generation already reflects diversity that the white nationalists are trying to suppress. I've been saying it in this forum for years now -- that the early part of this decade was going to be rough. It has been. The outcome was not certain and still isn't. In order to defeat the growing majority, Republicanism has to change the paradigm of government from Democratic Republic to Fascist government. And that's what Trump and the Freedom Caucus represent. It's not over but we seem to be winning.
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Looks like they'll wrap it up by the end of the day and mccarthy will able to call himself Speaker of the House and won't have to move out of his new office.