Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

Desperate, jobless trollsock would like us all to believe that his taxes (which he doesn't pay since he is jobless) became VA benefits which like all other federal funds, do not come from taxes.

If right wing trolls understood economics, they might not be jobless.
Notice how we lost interest in specifically discussing interest.



Abandonconflict first calls for daddy, then implies I say income taxes pay directly for his welfare services.

You're racist and rapey though so I win with emotions. That's usually how these things go here today will be no different in your bubble I'm sure.

If you look back you'll see that I said taxes don't pay for services for quite a while before your smart ass adhered to that concept. Congrats for finally picking up on it though.
how many demonstrable lies has he told under oath?
There must be a correlation between thinking that anyone who criticizes the GOP is a Marxist and thinking that an actual serial rapist is the victim of a witch hunt. This correlation may also extend to trollsockery to a lesser extent.
Omg I can't wait to check back in 6 months from now and see y'all still crying about this confirmation.

Congrats on your 1 year old saying her first words though, that's a special positive in your life. If you spent half the time talking to her as you do on the internet she would have been speaking full sentences 6 months ago though.

BUT still, congrats.
it is nazi rhetoric though
Omg I can't wait to check back in 6 months from now and see y'all still crying about this confirmation.

Congrats on your 1 year old saying her first words though, that's a special positive in your life. If you spent half the time talking to her as you do on the internet she would have been speaking full sentences 6 months ago though.

BUT still, congrats.
Thought you hadn't been here for four months?
I'm not American so I have no dog in this fight or any political side, I couldn't care either way if he get in or not, so I see this through a clear lens I'm not jaded either way. So i see most comments (99%), by everyone politicians, media , people etc to be political charged and lacking common sense for the most part,its more left vs right. So I see things on both side that make you think twice, but something puzzles me at the hearing Ford made a major major gaff in something she said, I know I'm not the only one that picked up on it, but know buddy is saying anything about it not even the right. not sure why.
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