Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

Look bitch, your daddy will be along shortly to clean it all up and put the film back in your little bubble of mental retardation, but for now just shut the fuck up on your stupid conspiracy sock bull crap and just in general as you never add anything to any conversation but drool.

Look at the name and avatar, does it look like I really care? Oh right but all the other times I took great pains to change my identity in a far left modded politic sub forum on a weed site.

Get a grip moron. Fwiw every member you accuse of being a twopump sock is not and every time your shameful, shabby ball washer club makes that accusation it furthers you all down the path to being my little bitch pets.

Now go back to yelling in the room, thanks.
so upset.
Polls are shifting significantly due to this confirmation. Sorry. I mean dems could have just stuck to this dudes judiciary record instead of an all out destruction of his life and family but that's how it went.

Perhaps a new strategy? I mean this lost y'all the white house, prolly this scotus seat and Congress again. 4th time will be the charm though, I know it.
Works for republicans

Nice meltdown earlier btw
Polls are shifting significantly due to this confirmation. Sorry. I mean dems could have just stuck to this dudes judiciary record instead of an all out destruction of his life and family but that's how it went.

Perhaps a new strategy? I mean this lost y'all the white house, prolly this scotus seat and Congress again. 4th time will be the charm though, I know it.
He ruined his own life by raping a 15 year old girl you dumbass

You will blame democrats for anything. It’s pathetic
What's more likely, kavanaugh raped Ford and openly, publicly participated in gang rapes in the dc metro area before implementing a 3 decade legal career in dc or are you all just fringe lunatics.

The latter is more likely.
Kavanaugh has perjured himself a dozen times while shouting and crying and claiming he is being framed by the clintons on the stand

I’m pretty sure he’s a blackout drunk liar who has definitely drugged women and raped them. What he did to that 15 year old girl kinda pinpoints what a scumbag he is