Kavanaugh’s frat had a rape basement

However they did it he graduated with the honors - cum laude. Not the top of his class as previously claimed. Maybe everybody get that unless they fuck up.

cum laude is basic and not exceptional in the least.

my mother graduated magna cum laude; my daughter summa cum laude.
However they did it he graduated with the honors - cum laude. Not the top of his class as previously claimed. Maybe everybody get that unless they fuck up.

also, because he busted his tail and was NOT a legacy candidate in the least?
also, because he busted his tail and was NOT a legacy candidate in the least?
My post was directed at the fool who said Kavanaugh graduated first in his class. This is clearly not true given the low status of his honors designation.

Is anybody surprised he was given privileged status when he applied to enter the school?
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it's over! heidi heitcamp is a 'no' vote..they don't have the votes..mcconnell and grassley are having a press covfefe right now with tears..

it's over! heidi heitcamp is a 'no' vote..they don't have the votes..mcconnell and grassley are having a press covfefe right now with tears..


You're saying the only way Kavanaugh is confirmed is if Heitcamp votes "yes"? LOL, is that your final answer? I see you're another one of the political geniuses here. And an attention whore. You're gonna look silly when Kavanaugh is confirmed. Without Heitcamps vote.:dunce:
You're saying the only way Kavanaugh is confirmed is if Heitcamp votes "yes"? LOL, is that your final answer? I see you're another one of the political geniuses here. And an attention whore. You're gonna look silly when Kavanaugh is confirmed. Without Heitcamps vote.:dunce:
Relax, stinky
Holy Jesus God, Andy! I just popped in after what, 4 months of not thinking about this place to see you melting down about the Kavanaugh confirmation coming up this weekend and here you are thinking about me.

It's flattering but pathetic.

I will for sure check in on you after y'all fail in November too.

Hugs and kisses bitch xoxo
You’ve had nearly a dozen sock puppets over the last 4 months
You know who accuses someone of having multiple socks? A punk bitch with multiple socks, that's who.

Basic psychology folks.

Let's get back to Brett. Y'all are really licking the glass on this one. It's epic to watch.
how many demonstrable lies has he told under oath?
See there how that works? You see my sock everywhere because you have so many socks...everyones a liar because you are a liar...whats next, he's a drunk, amirite?


I mean let's not talk about his record as a judge over the last few decades, no no. Let's do rape basements, public gang rapes and paid activist elevator scenes on Flake.

Keep this up y'all it's so precious!
how many demonstrable lies has he told under oath?
Congrats on getting Amy Schumer arrested and Christine Ford's legal team in trouble. Feinstein leaking Ford's personal letter was a nice touch as well. Man y'all sure do have the victims best interest in mind don't ya?
how many demonstrable lies has he told under oath?
Don't ask a jobless troll who has never been anything but a troll here, an actual question and expect a straight answer. Do expect another sock puppet after he gets banned.