man this is a great hobby
i cant think of any better way to spend the time
once i tried to talk my buddy into growin
he complained of how long it takes -hed rather buy
i explained to him the time is going to go by weather you have a cake in the oven or not
id rather have a cake in the oven when my hour goes by then not
we cant change time -only whut we do wit it
use it wisely
and it can be done so many dif ways
there is so many diff seeds
i do it to smoke and get high
sum do it for meds
i do it like a hobby sum do it to pay the rent
sum do indica sum do sativas
sum have 4 cfl's sum have 4 x 1000w
sum have 5 plants sum have 50
thnks oh creator for weed
it is so many diff things to so many of us
^^ ha ha is a bit of madness for a person growin 3 or 4 at a time to have a list the size of the list i have
and at my age im never gona get to them all before i move on to the next life
was thinking when i die just to throw them on top of the dirt LOL
yeah about 6 pages full of print
more of a obsessive compulsive disorder in my self diagnosses
if you truly want to see after i update update
can e-mail an attachment for your parouzel
is two excell forms 3 pages of fems 3.? of regs
i know im mad but we all have our quirks
id rather have a bunch of seeds then a bunch of money
though money is not bad here
ther was times in my past when i had $$ coul not find weed
now il have weed maybe times wit no money LOL
Your just a collector thats all! Nothing wrong with that. I do like the idea of having all the seeds buried over you when you past, Your tomb would be a shit load of plants!
weed itself is a good thing
the way sum handle it can be bad -selfish-greedy-i have even seen egotistical
sum these so called breeders you cant even talk to they think they are gods
the wack that runs thc farmers - logic is a fkn creep - lots i cant stand an because of weed
they got controll of it and are self appointed demi gods- sum kinda athority
they forget god gave the seeds to man
not just the greedy and selfish
God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
itsfukery the way they almost lie to us wiit the pics
yeah pic is a GDP but its a one outa fifty plant
you gotta gro that many to see a plant like that
sum have rarer pics then that on wrightup
almost like a lie -deff deceit unless it said
rhis is a one out of fity plant all yours is not gona look like this
but no nuthin is said and you assume this is the adverage plant
your own assumtion but they planted it in your mind
pure fukery - so customer dont get whut he expects
they sell three times as many then if they had been honest
honest =maybe two pics one say this is the adv plant other say
if you are lucky you will see aplant like this odds are one outa fifty
they loose sale but gain respect
and we know whut we are geting into
both getting sts experiment on one branch i doubt if ill make use of pollen on this grow i might just have to except just getting ollen if i get pollen -we will see
thenil have to use on another auto grow if pol comes to latr for this grow -we will see