Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

oh i just reread yo words
had more meaning and painted an artistic vision -with the added knowledge

i hope all is good for you looks like your supplys are well taken care of
and garden is close to empty even for my small time operation
im left wit 2 auto dieselryders -one cme up refused to grow -other started runt , turned out to be male

i had plans of getting 1 maybe 2 males from the four and hopes to restock my diesel ryder stock
had to fall back on plan 2 ( alwaygood to have a back up plan)
now plan is to try sts spray on two branches an even if i dont cath these plants (dont think i will) i plan to use femed pol on a easy ryder and a afgan kush ryder

reason going wit autos this grow is cause of time restrictions
trip to texas cuming up in about 7 wks these are in wk 4 finish in about 5
i go wit nutin up start up on return

sumtimes good to have a back up to yo backup cause murphy be a busy mauhfuka
an if it aint one thing wrong its two

be good to yoself ma

I an I
hi sexy grandpappy. i be speakin on this beatiful lady that we killed yeserday. me casey jones . here she is in my vid... im still tryin to dismantle her branches.
but enough about me . how are you my friend? are you havin a nice summer and is the garden full of big phat sexy btiches
I hope that res was empty ambz...lol love the killer video! Beautiful plant girl!
autos are cool, i grew some auto blueberry. Very big tight dense buds. I tried topping her but she doesnt respond appropriatedly so if you were unaware of that, dont bother topping .
Have a fun trip to Texas. I havent been there yet but would like to visit. your avitar is sick and twisted i likey.
im finishing up my harvest here on the st.bernard.lol.. nice big fat dense healthy sticky colas .haha, im having fun i hope you do to today. peace pops
lol, no the rez was not empty! lmao. i was wondering if anyone caught that..hahaha, i was laughing what a great unexpected ending. i kinda new that might happen .The carpet got soaked. lol oh i love renting.hehehe
wait wait.. lol.. im really fuckin stoned right now on smelly cherry. I have been vaping her all weekend and its my new fresh cured bud, its really really good. anyway im kinda embarrased really about the rez . I actually did empty it as much as i could by the side tube but i guess there was still a bit that i couldnt get to .. so it wasnt completely full.lol.
good was funny glad not a big mess for you
yeah autos dont do nutin to them all a waste of time i have heard peeps say cant clone
a fkn lie can clone but a waste of time -gotta be whut about 4or 5 wks to have sumtin to cut off
then gotta grow roots about 3 wks
now both mother and dauter to flower then start to die at the same time
cant keep them around like a mom
clone takes same age as mom
autos to flower then die 8 to 10 wks
i had my pup fixed today
i wonder if they could talk would they call it fixed or broken

i made my first pot today had materia been thinkin on it for a while now
the wife had her sewing machine out so i employed her skills starter size my first so size 1

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thier water drinkers cuz alll the roots so gotta stay on top of it.yule get more for yure dollar with those pots with buds.