Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

like all the rest sum gooduns an sum not worf a shit

but i think its good to keep a few worthwhile auto seeds in your stash box

for when the situation calls for them or just want to do sum veriety on the side

i member once doing kalimist in my tent and diesel ryders in my little veg closet
and diesel ryders is sum real smoke
i lost my seed makin cherry to auto diesel dyders
they wer my first -you know you always remember your first time
first grow was nurvanas ppp an bubblelisious
never looked back at nurvana nutin to offer weak genetics and copies good for beginners
and for the babys that are cryin i need help -the ones afraid to read - can start wit them
yeah Rdm i was scared and nurvous goin in put sum drops ansum jel shit in eye then the blasts of laser is blinding cumin out could not see for shit but not the pain i expected

i'm glad it worked out bro. i hope mine deal has some hope with this nuero disorder i have to live with , 2mg xanax helps tho.
i lost my seed makin cherry to auto diesel dyders
they wer my first -you know you always remember your first time
first grow was nurvanas ppp an bubblelisious
never looked back at nurvana nutin to offer weak genetics and copies good for beginners
and for the babys that are cryin i need help -the ones afraid to read - can start wit them

lol,my first was marc emeries purple lightening in 99 or somethin.came out good...would of done better if someone else would have done it.lol.
had a rough start had lazer surgery in left eye last night in dr's office
mornin not so bad
but i took a bunch of pills last night a pain kill a sleeping pil an could not move till about ten

woke up wit stiff neck passed out on two pillows

other then that im good to go stiff neck an all

top of the day to all
My mother had to do the same thing.. Everything is all good now.. You still have to wear a patch over the eye.. My moms have to go back for some more.. Hope the best for u man.. Autos are looking good too.
im feelin fine bro sumtime a certain group of people get these vains that grow in there eye and must be lazerd out

when i went for my eye exam the look inside the eye found them

the groups are diabeties =im borderline

sickel cell anemia traits =thats me

and another group i dont remember =not me

peeps in any of these groups can have this and it can just pop up
notthere one year there the next
my first learning of it

i said i had lazer surgery
never said cateracts we smoke to much to get them

i gtta get the other done next week

had to sleep off the pills i took but im fine
hold two fingers up
see two of e,
i told you i could see

no im fine

we gotta all get along place is public dont have to kiss
have to be civil

i m guilty of sam but over it time is a healer
i was extremly mad mostly at self for allowing
it to happen and for the dark to tak over

im completly in the light now and no person thing amount or evil
can change that
we have to forgive
it is whut the creator ask of us
he never said we must forget
nt required to forget
is required to forgive not carry around not linger on
(besides it is not healthy for you )

for if you carryin around anegative charge gona draw sum negative shit to you
or someone you care about

be positive
and draw the positive energy you deserve
^^sounds good

good idea

not sure i want a selfe though
my concept has alway been to use on another femal

good mornin all
we have been spared another day
lets say thanks and began to play
all the while grateful for this fine day