Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

I havent grown out the Stank Ape but I am growing PLP F1s and F2s now. I should be chopping my F1 in a week. Its a skunky pungent citrus smell.
mornin all
this very interesting but very long
i won a raffel fought it out in da ring for magic merlin from outlaw genetics
at the bid house they post info on seller
i contacted him on the down low

we made a deal on
East coast purple diesel
double bubble doja an mental floss x dpd

i remember a line from hbo boardwalk empire
nochie said - two gentlemen can always find a way to work things out

an im a gentleman

I an I

we are alll created in a big plan
we all have assignments -things we were ment to do
sum lucky enough to discover there calling
= automatic success and prosperity
sum not

sum are resourcefull enough to pick sumtin out from whut is available
and pick sumtin they are good at because its close to there gifts from the creator
= a deff job security

sum niether of the two and spend eternaty looking for there spot
sum to blinded to even look -dont even realize they holdin a loosin hand
= unstable not comfortable in money matters

i really dont think our creator meant for us to not prosper or to suffer

we must never forget ther are two energys -two forces - rulling this planet
a north and south pole
good and bad
night and day
god and devil

and if you give your rnergy to the dark forces they might have other plans for you

i give my all that im in controll of to the good side the god side
i walk in the light -more often then not to blessed to br stressed
and i send out nnutin but good

i can get pissy and go off but mostly mad at self for allowing it to happen
i dont see the connection between the two
you must have a perverted mind young man -LOL

but we all se things a little diff

oh auto #1=a girl
yeah i though tit was good
very therough in subjects it covered

seems most vids cover the same subjects give sam old beatten info
i saw this fresh and varried in coverage sumtin for erry one in it

i hoped peeps would like it good gardeners like yourself can always add on

only afool thinks he knows it all

my glass is always emty an im looking to fill it
im always thirsty
for knowledge
for seeds
for good times
for good people

if you liked that vid you are thirsty to
stay thirsty my friend
had a rough start had lazer surgery in left eye last night in dr's office
mornin not so bad
but i took a bunch of pills last night a pain kill a sleeping pil an could not move till about ten

woke up wit stiff neck passed out on two pillows

other then that im good to go stiff neck an all

top of the day to all
yo mr Bill
did not know youd be iterested in autos
most gardner level growers dont care much for autos
i think erryting has its time and place

heres mine we know why im runin em
i think its good to keep around sum good auto seeds

like day and night smoke
diff material for diff situations

View attachment 2260956View attachment 2260957View attachment 2260958---Auto #2 the runt is starting to grow and is looking mighty butch me thinks to be a boy growth very strange my seeds cant blame no one -just the way i like it

View attachment 2260954View attachment 2260959View attachment 2260955----My auto #1 is shown female
View attachment 2260960View attachment 2260962---Auto #3 is beautiful -not shown yet
yeah Rdm i was scared and nurvous goin in put sum drops ansum jel shit in eye then the blasts of laser is blinding cumin out could not see for shit but not the pain i expected
number 2 the one lookin male but not completly shown yet had the latest start of all

if it is gona be a boy let it happen id like to get sum seeds
i wish i had other options of mals to pick from instead of the one started out dragging
in the real world ifwas a table full of plants it would have been snuffed out

my situation im tryin to hop it is sumtin that is not gona pass on an if it does maybe will be just males
in other word i got no choice but to use it an hope

cause id like to have sume more diesel ryders to play wit
an id like to hold sum for my other two autos that are worth there while
easy ryder an afgan kush ryder

i have a bunch of autos im not gona wast my time on sum free promo shit

why is this boy playin wit autos LOL
