Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

i tried to do a restore to go back a few days before this stupidness

now comes up sayin i dont have the plugin to play the movie
evidently program has ad as a movie so now no more ads just a blank movie screen and message
ad blocker works a treat too... i turned mine off just to see what everyone was banging on about lol
make £400 a day working from home.. sure.. growing green maybe.. warehouse scale..
yeah he makes me proud

your sons will to whutever they do
i would be happy wit whut ever he did but im glad he is doing sumtin he wants to do
instead of whut he has to do even though trainin has a lot of hafta doos

yo mr bill no mail
relax rdm fm is def no cop may be security or sumtin def not pork

he is a good man just like you

oh and i hate thiefs to an im no cop

im just a good man like fm
Hahaha Loss and Prevention for a major company! No COP here bro, but I am proud to have completed 20 years Active Duty in the Navy! Def no cop here raider

Didnt mean to stir up anything. Not my style. No D I dont make that much chee$e but I also do get a pension for my 20 years of service in the Navy. I also have VET Disabilty $ every month for the rest of my life. I am not going to be rich but I get by and that is good enough for me!
thats the reason i left the rat race the grind of new york city commute torture
but i had to make a living and only had high school so i had to go di ok but whut a grind

during a downsize sweep they laid a offer on my desk pension full benefits
i said good by they sadi we gona have a retirment party for youi said shuv it never to look back

for same reason im never gona be rich and that pace will kill ya

im never gona be rich
an im always gona be happy

back in my early days money had value was a plce called fort knok
held gold for every dollar then silver now nutin fort knok prolly used for office space

so money is worthless
an my life has value to me

get pension not bad includes full benes was one of the best pkgs at its time from the number one telecumunications companys
and now my pension was doing ok before it now doing good in many way im a rich man wife pulled 110 last year we be niger rich lol

left in 1997 never looked back
tried sum telemarketing uped and quit pay was shit
day treated peeps like shit talked to peeps erry day worst then i talk to my dog when im mad
not for me

i kiss nobdys nuthing for nuthing id rather have nuthin lucky for me i got sumtin
caus id be without if i had to kiss azz to get it at this stage in my life
i did it when i was young -i wouls shouvel shit for you if you were paying -even if i had no boots
whut happened wit my bud Rdm i dont blame you for just misunderstanding i call it

he reacted on his instincts i told him i disagree but thats it
we are all entitled to our opinions an i respect everyones right to there opinions

its part of the freedom package

stay up bro
i am proud of my son he is a fine young man a gentleman he is smart he is a musicain now a pilot has enginerring degree

the things i encoureged him into i never could have survived the disciplines
the hard booking for ever i sat him down told him whut could be availabe to him ifhe wanted it and whut it would take
cause i caould give it to him
he wanted it i could see so i helped him to get ready when young in 4th grade home for summer to go to 5th next semester
id go to barnes and nobil buy workbooks for fith grade one for each subject wed spend 1/2 hour per book everry day during the summer
we both still had plenty time to jerk off
did this every year

i helped when he was a kid to teah him how to learl
to study to form writing assignments
when young cause in later years my scooling was not gona be able to help he had to to have it together by then
and it is paying off for him

its like trying to decipline a teenager after hes has been getting away wit murder all his life -to late
if you dont have him reeled in at a child not gona be ablr to as a teen

words form da old man
you want to gurantee your kid a spot work wit em dont leave it to the teachers they have one interest the check

my son used to come home from state wide competions on elementry school level sayong dad theorientals got ar landing all the seats i told him they dont sit home watching cartoons and playing nintindo they work hard - and will be eating your lunch an takin your jobs if you dont work as hard -he always bought the bullshit iwas selling -but i was selling bullshit and lies for his own good - he ate it up he became avery hard worker very smart very focused
it is not gona be as easy in the future as when i came up in the past the old days were good the new to be not so good i dont enjoy saying this an get nutin from it
hi dweezie, im doing well. Its really very hot here in the desert with the monsoons coming through. Its 107 and humid . Its so strange to walk around at night and able to sweat its just so hot. I like to go up to the mountains where the temp is sometimes 30 degrees cooler and sit on the Hoodoo rock formations and get stoned. At one of my favorite hoodoos I can slip between two huge rocks and get to a flat rock that looks out into the deep wide valley. On that rock In a little smooth hollow hole someone placed a little Budda statue. Its a very spiritual place. Now i can imagine your son up in the sky flying by. My peyote purple is doing very well. I topped her last night.
hi dweezie, im doing well. Its really very hot here in the desert with the monsoons coming through. Its 107 and humid . Its so strange to walk around at night and able to sweat its just so hot. I like to go up to the mountains where the temp is sometimes 30 degrees cooler and sit on the Hoodoo rock formations and get stoned. At one of my favorite hoodoos I can slip between two huge rocks and get to a flat rock that looks out into the deep wide valley. On that rock In a little smooth hollow hole someone placed a little Budda statue. Its a very spiritual place. Now i can imagine your son up in the sky flying by. My peyote purple is doing very well. I topped her last night.

The little Buddha almost brought a manly tear to my eye.
yo amb glad t hear things are well for you in your world
107 and humid is torture i hope that passes soon

i can see the PP now that you gave me its cordanance
wit the small buddage not to sur i would have picked up on it without its location

yo little buddy tweety bird is lookin good in avy

i hope you enjoy the PP aromatic flavorful kushy bubbas sister close to bubba but not it

big hug