Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

sounds like security to me

if so we need cause store up prices to cover theft
so indirectly we all pay
and i have had my house robbed
and car stolen
so i have no luv for thiefs
yeah up around a hunnerd again today not as humid as yesterday

Nice pic bro, wish we had the weather for out door pools other here, had nothin but rain most of the summer lol

oh thats my indoor pool the outdoor pool is very big


Going to a pool party today to, family get together for my oldest son's 4th bday :)

A little sun, bbq and family time. What more could I ask for :)
the best of times when they are young
enjoy every minuet
cause it flys by
an leaves you with only memorries

take the old mans word on dat one
a few things in life i can offer sound advice on
thats one of em
smokin weed would be one seeing as i started in the tenth grade -1965 =47 years ago a lot of trees

soon i be looking fora geriatric strain

back in da day we was only getin bout 5 or 6 strains
in my hood anyway
at diff times of the year
panama red ,acapulco gold, tie sticks, jamaican was lots of hash off an on
an hash oils

funny thing is i liked them all
they got hundreds of strains now an i only like maybe half
a few things great
most ok
an sum that aint shit

we gotta make the best of whut we got
i hear ya i hate fkn thieves an liers
whut do you do if not to personal

an most other false pretenders
lock dem all upan melt da key
do yo job bro try to clean up sum dis scum
cant let da scum win out
we must fight

or surrender
im from the streets -fight

dis world dont be needin dem types of individuals
errase dem dam blood clots from da face of da planet
an da rest be ina better place
Loss Prevention/Asset Protection at a large store. Its a cool job cause I wear everyday clothes walking around looking for thieves both shoppers and workers. At my age and after retiring from the military its a pretty cool gig. Plus it pays for my grow and bills.

Been hitting over a 100F yesterday, today and tomorrow. These are going to be a tough few weeks of heat here!


Loss Prevention/Asset Protection at a large store. Its a cool job cause I wear everyday clothes walking around looking for thieves both shoppers and workers. At my age and after retiring from the military its a pretty cool gig. Plus it pays for my grow and bills.

Been hitting over a 100F yesterday, today and tomorrow. These are going to be a tough few weeks of heat here!



hahahaha reminds me of when I was 10 or 11. We were at king soopers, I grabbed a bag from the produce section and saw that the floral dept was empty.I said hey sister come check this out. I went to the helium tank for the ballons and showed her the high pitch helium voice and we cracked up. I then saw a guy with a cell phone looking all normal walk up and he told us if we were found doing this again we'd be kicked out! Lol loss prevention scaring the hell out of little kid me.
Loss Prevention/Asset Protection at a large store. Its a cool job cause I wear everyday clothes walking around looking for thieves both shoppers and workers. At my age and after retiring from the military its a pretty cool gig. Plus it pays for my grow and bills.

sure dont sound like you makin da $$ policemen make
i told dem you was koshur and not pork
Haha I remember my uncle got caught in home depot with a fuse by one of those lp.. He had to take a picture and get posted up in the store lmao..
used to stal as a kid would not think of it now

and i hate thiefs now

i dont buy no stolen shit either
cause i hate dealing wit thiefs
will prolly cume steal it back
my wireless printer just stoped working yesterday
been pickin at that thing half day yesterday and half day today
a wasted cause a dead soldier about 3 months out of warrenty
i tried everything only prints if i take laptop down stairs and usb puter to printer

i had wasted so much time before i realized it was a waste of time

fuk me
i have no idea wtf they are doin
i always felt they should have a few big sponcers but this crap all over the place is a little much
and to big and distracting