Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now

my son is funny had not seen my new lease turn in car a 09 ford flex so i sent him a pic

snt back a pic of a jet - said this is whut im driving

funny guy
yeah you gotta have the right plants inda ground for yo enviornment
but most want to gro whut sumbody else did an it looked good
without consideration for thingss that matter enviornment (lights -setup-nutes -for outdoors tempsture ,an climate)
wo my house emptied at about 10:oo was a good day

life is good
god is good
give them both a chance

I an I

stay true
to yo
dats whut im gona do

Hey D, I havent been around much. Sorry about that, just really busy with work and my garden! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am working tomorrow but its all good. Today I was finally off work, my next day off is next Friday! I enjoy my job cause I catch thieves! lol


i hear ya i hate fkn thieves an liers
whut do you do if not to personal

an most other false pretenders
lock dem all upan melt da key
do yo job bro try to clean up sum dis scum
cant let da scum win out
we must fight

or surrender
im from the streets -fight

dis world dont be needin dem types of individuals
errase dem dam blood clots from da face of da planet
an da rest be ina better place
havin a fine weekend so far been quite nice got a little hectic for me today 13 peeps 5 kids
im normally flyin solo

but was good im glad the day is over

i hope you have a good week end

my wife has been off since the 4th have been fun evolving to a good weekend
wishing same for you and yours

trying to ignore the heat - is hard at times
Hey D, I havent been around much. Sorry about that, just really busy with work and my garden! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I am working tomorrow but its all good. Today I was finally off work, my next day off is next Friday! I enjoy my job cause I catch thieves! lol


hello officer dont come to my thread i'll insult u like ever before.......................................................unsubbed from this thread.se ya d.
relax rdm fm is def no cop may be security or sumtin def not pork

he is a good man just like you

oh and i hate thiefs to an im no cop

im just a good man like fm
see ya later D.hava good one.i dont take chances sorry...jus isnt a good site to discuss arresting ppl no matter wat its for.
i never cared for that fm anyway so yu know...hope yure grow goes well.rdr.
see ya later D.hava good one.i dont take chances sorry...jus isnt a good site to discuss arresting ppl, nt for me .rdr.
I can speak from personal experience, I know the man in question...He is the godfather to one of my children... I can guarantee that he isnt a cop..

Or anything to do with the POPO for that matter.

But suit yourself..
rdm - im sorry you feel that way
fm is not bacon

you must do whut you feel is best for you
but i disagree wit you on that call but i agree that you have a right to your own opinion

ill still visit your site if it is ok
Would be funny if he was a cop, would be good to get some inside knoledge an have him on our side lol plus would be a big nice F U to the system cos that boy grows some nice weed! lol
Ive known FM a while now an he's a sound bloke tbh!

bit of para thats all chill come back an carry on thats what i say.
to each his or her ownso many diff ways of
seeing things
doing things
we are all intitled to our opinion
in speach is america we have freedom of speech
but we dont alwys have to agree wit whut is being said for same reason -freedom
but at same time we must respect everyons right to say whut they believe is true to them
out of respect we listen
then we sort it out for self do we agree or disagree

at disagree is still no reason to attack
maybe just say i dont agree wit you but...
if other is sencable he will take that opertunity to convince you of his thoughts and reasons

once again is a new day and is his day

my man Robert Nesta Marley Jr
said -I f you get down and you quarrel all day
Your makin Prayers to the Devil I Say

You just cant live that negative way

I an I

but it is a new day
I just wanna know what job you do catch thieves as a non police officer.. sounds interesting.
Maybe he's like some kind of financial analyst catching out dodgey thieving bankers.. we need more of those..