Jc3 Jackson...

I still call bullshit, neat little thing about front lines and all but to me bottom line here is your boy FUCT a patient who was legal. I don't hate on owners or compassion clubs I hate on overzealous cops but seriously when you get to make a living off this stuff you got to be ready to take some risk. that's why price is high. if you're just reaping benifits like inflated prices and taking no risk by letting in legal customers then shame on you. oh and BTW shame on you is a retarded phrase.
I call bullshit too. He was a customer and a member, they ALREADY took his money. What is the meaning of the membership. It;s bullshit.
Denying paperwork is shitty, but that is a entirely different situation than what has happened here. If they deny his paperwork - at the very very very very minimum, they owe him his membership back.
Do you not realize that is entirely the reasons why places create memberships? As the saying goes, shame on them, and this has indeed put shame on them. Cory and Trevor's post is right. And Timmah is right too, I have sent several people to market, FROM THE UP!!! Fantastic set-up. And since they are brought up, I wouldn't be mad if they did this, cuz it's an open market and they don't issue memberships.
Why was the OP supposed to ask for someone else. The business has a door guy and you must train that guy or he is hurting your business. The OP was a member and members shouldn't have to go through that bullshit for there meds.
If Roger is such a great guy, then he should address this issue and offer remedy for OP, if indeed OP is legal and a member. A member renewing is a whole world of difference then some stranger with new paperwork and no card. Don't even try to compare the two.
Hows a man to know his employee has fault in a matter if the issue is not brought to his attention...

I simply feel more harm is being done here than good... End of story.

End of story for you maybe. Not OP. Not Jc3 either.
You train your employees and they represent you. You put a guy at the door to enforce your policies. The owner probably should have been notified, but he doesn't get a pass for having an improperly trained guy blocking the front entrance.
If you know the owner then settle this and ask him if the OP should be allowed access or no they stick by their policy.
We are speaking on what we think happened. Ask the owner, what he thinks about this thread and that will put this whole conversation into proper light. If he says, ya I guess maybe I should let one of my members with their hard card and paper renewal get meds, then that is cool by me (like anyone gives a fuck what I think). But we all make mistakes.
I am not mad. You sound very level headed on all you posts that I remember, if you are friends with owner or you think more harm then good is being done, then contact owner.
I would address ALL posts on any thread (within reason) on my business.
There could be a very valid reason that he would deny OP, and then again, he would clear up confusion. If you have so much competition in that area, isn't even more important that you take care of your patients and your members?
A Business doesn't act this way (assuming we have all legit info on the incident) a club acts this way. I didn't know it would act this way to a member of said club but eh, what you gonna do? If it's hard card only then the state and those digging their heels in against the law itself and it's validity are beating us the voters by simply instating a system where you pay top dollar to the state for a year long subscription to their little program and now is the good part.....they play incompitent for 6 months of each of those years and you get a fat-ass bag of nothing! so the state plays fuck-around for 6 months getting my card to me, after my check gets cashed mind you, and these dudes all under the name of self preservation tell you to fuck off without a hard card. Guess all these voters who stick it out and vote for the law so your totally cool buddy there can make is money (non-profits do pay salary and all that shit) and have his business are just out in the cold? So I wander around the state collecting signatures on petitions and drove people without rides to the polls so this cat can get his money and run his business while I get to fight him about the type of proof I have that I'm part of the program. This stinks to high heaven and the more I think about it the more I think you're boy needs to get control of his establishment and employees and start being a little bit more for the patients and not so much about preserving his business and hard card homies. OP is not the only taking one for the Jc3 team. bottom line he just isn't people walk up in there and say "hey man what's up" and walk in without a hard card daily. Stop being a punk. Stop allowing yourselves to be bullied by cops. Put up a camera and record entrances and checks of proof for court AND GO TO COURT. If you make this your business then damn it going to court over bullshit cop raids and fake ID cops trying to fuck with you IS YOUR BUSINESS. THAT is protecting your patients. Not giving a lifetime member some shit over paperwork. lifetime membership to a club is retarded anyway, it's anual renewal for your participation in the program at the state level-how the hell do you take a lifetime membership for someon who may not qualify next year? Have at me and my opinion, I'm sure "he's a great guy" and "just being careful" and blah blah........... he's couting dollars inside while patients sit outside...I mean certain patients. his friends I'm sure could flash a fucking movie pass and be let in.
Is it possible that ALL of this clubs regular-steady-consistent customers get their renewals submitted 5 months early? Hell-to-the-no it isn't possible.
I would like to know if this is indeed their policy. Or, if possible this WAS their policy and they never ran into this particular situation and upon further review they decide under those circumstances the patient would be helped. Or, the obvious possibility that this story isn't 100% accurate to begin with. If they said "hey, that is a good point, we never serve paper holders, but if it's a member that never lapsed in legality, then we will help them from now on" I wouldn't have a problem with that at all. We are all learning from this shit.
Everything you said about the state was right on. Any problem they had, could have, and should have, been resolved years ago. Fuck, they run a driver's license strip and tell all kinds of shit. This is a generic goofy ID that has a spot for a picture, but know picture. Looks like they picked the wrong template at some makeanID.com or some shit. Put it the picture and change the card, what the fuck is wrong. Are they not producing cards cuz they are arguing over whether to add a picture. Is there a fucking idiot at there office with boxes and boxes of id's waiting to be shipped but he is waiting for pictures to add?
If there are only two people making these ID's then they need to switch positions for a little while, cuz the guy that takes the checks and cashes them - He kicks ass. That guy has never been late, never missed a day. I heard a rumor that he almost cut his finger off opening one of the envelopes, ripped his sleeve off and bandaged himself up like it wasn't shit. You think check-taker-casher-state-weed guy took a break? Hell no! I am thinking of a good bud light commercial "Here's to you Mr. check-taker-casher-state-weed-guy..." lmao.
I really could care less anymore but I guess I'll respond one more time here .I think what it came down to was I was not a familiar face and like someone else pointed out my Jc3 card may have been expired But he never said anything about the Jc3 card. His issue was with the money orders. They are western union. He refused to call the number on the back on my money orders to see if they were cashed. I don't see why I would make up a silly story to post on the internet unless it was true. It is true and I was pissed. I even said that it didn't have anything to do with Roger AND in a later post said that I had gotten over it and if the MODS wanted to close the thread or whatever I didn't care. And btw I went to Sweet Leaf with the same paperwork the next day and they said everything was in order.
Level headed. I appreciate the review... I try.

On that note, I would normally let you figure this one out and maintain... however, my blood boils...

I had a meeting with Rodger today but was unable to meet due to complications in his schedule. I often find that his day is crammed and he is consumed in the days events by days end. Today was likely no different. Today as far as I am aware, Rodger was busy with patients, and put me last. I am not only aware, but quite certain. After speaking with staff, I learned that Rodger was busy taking patients to the hospital. That's right. What you may not see is what will leave you feeling sorry for not taking the time to understand that much more goes on behind the scene than you can imagine. Sure, your imagination is not in question, but possibly your judgment when considering the "facts" that surrounded the particular situation in question. While I was to meet about business, business today was postponed in order to meet a promise to help patients first at any cost... I think this defines his MO, and business model. This man sits with you and holds your hand. Cry's with your family while you are undergoing the knife. Supports you in your journey with disease, and when you cannot afford it, he gives you the medications, monetary support, and help you need. This man "sponsors" patients whom cannot afford medications, cultivation equipment, supplies, etc. In plain English, he pays for you to have what you need, all you have to do is ask, and be honest...( This is not an "offered service" or "advertised" as you can imagine, its a service done with concern for the individual and regard for how it can be made possible) Without fee's, without donations, this would be out of his pocket. If feasible, I have no doubt that he would pay out of his own pocket for everyone in need, I have seen it on a smaller scale from this gentleman. Fact of the matter is, he has his own family to support as well, and has created a successful business model that supports the MOST in need, with YES, the money you paid to get in the door the first time, the last time, and anytime your willing to support such a place. Its a Compassion club, and I am sick to hear that this group is so disturbed and convinced that denying a registered patient was intentional, or acceptable by standard, and would go as far as to slander those who are helping you, me, the cause, and everyone globally who could benefit from the cannabis plant. Those signatures your getting to make cannabis "legal" in Michigan, are a grass roots effort started by individuals, not a big organization. If you dig, you will find him at the roots of that effort "ironically". While your blowing smoke about what "I" should do about the OP's problem getting in the door of a compassion club owned and operated by the same individual that got a medical marijuana booth at the same state fair that denied "Nelly" from preforming at such a family event, you may want to consider your own abilities in this matter. However, while I contact the owner in order to allow him to be aware of the requests made, I hope you consider how "factually" ridiculous it is that I am taking time away from my own family, treatment, day, life, etc. in order to do what I always do.... Help where needed, and here it is... I agree, Rodger does a poor job promoting his true self and service. And am sorry for this, as some times the best deeds go unnoticed, and he surely deserves being commended for his deeds; not this...

It is awesome to hear the good this man is doing. Certainly is more than I do, no doubt. Sure sounds like a guy that wouldn't deny one of his patients and members money that want to help donate to the cause of helping those with no money. Did you talk to the door guy and ask about policy? It doesn't sound like the OP would have been able to speak to owner if he did request it, when the owner is so busy saving lives. (Kinda joking).
That is much more compassionate then saying the guy was vacationing in mexico. That is great of you woodsmantoker to stick up for this Roger. Why would you hesitate to clear air? The OP obviously didn't know Roger personally, and we don't. It sounds like Roger would get right on this and clear up air to HIS patients. +rep for clarification.
"why would you hesitate to clear air?"

facts... I don't know what was said or whom said it for what reason, nor do I intend to interpret what jc3's policy is. I am not the owner, nor is it my duty as a moderator to resolve these types of issues. I simply feel compelled.

I cannot and will not act on anyone else's behalf. I will mention this thread in passing as I normally would.

Its bitterly ironic to me that the most common friction for cannabis business owners to deal with (or so it seems) is that of those who feel they "deserve" something from them, simply by being "certified"; and that's just the common crap. I don't feel anyone owes me rights to their establishment for any reason. I strongly support the notion that businesses should have the right to deny service for any reason period. Did you ever think of the idea that maybe the OP looked like someone to be concerned about? Undercover? Smelled funny? Beat his wife who happens to be cousins with the door man....? hell, the facts usually paint another picture. The one painted here by the very first post, is that JC3 is a bad place for patients to go and trust, and that is simply slanderous and untrue. I think most likely its more easy for you to relate with being a patient in need, rather than a club owner trying to make it work while getting shit from every angle.

Facts, we don't know em. Nor does the OP apparently. When I have an issue to resolve with a business, I expect someone in charge to take control of the issue and present resolution. That is impossible without speaking with them directly and making them aware.

"Sounds" can be deceiving gladstoned, JC3 has a manager on staff during hours of operation. like most businesses; Sure, you may need to take your turn.

Just maybe, it was on one of those nights where a cop came in, a narc, another cop undercover, a few folks without cards, a few trying to pull strings, a "junkie", a bum, and a kid in a motorized wheel chair that begs for pot and money and sells out to cars in the parking lot... Then you.

OP - Ill ask you for your honesty in keeping with the theme of clarification. Did you ask to speak with a manager about the legality of your documentation and the possibility of fulfilling your needs based on that which you have mentioned here?

Possibly (You are recorded at JC3, as are the employee's): the audio/video recordings can be reviewed to determine the exact reason for your problems during that incident.
Jackson County Compassion Club
1620 E Mich. Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201

[TABLE="width: 100%"]

Constitutional Amendment To End Marihuana Prohibition In Michigan

A Petition to amend the Michigan Constitution, Article 1, to add:
Article 1 Section 28. Repeal of Marihuana Prohibition.

For persons who are at least 21 years of age who are not incarcerated, marihuana acquisition, cultivation, manufacture, sale, delivery, transfer, transportation, possession, ingestion, presence in or on the body, religious, medical, industrial, agricultural, commercial or personal use, or possession or use of paraphernalia shall not be prohibited, abridged or penalized in any manner, nor subject to civil forfeiture; provided that no person shall be permitted to operate an aircraft, motor vehicle, motorboat, ORV, snowmobile, train, or other heavy or dangerous equipment or machinery while impaired by marihuana.

JC3 will have the petition to Repeal the Prohibition of Marihuana available for signing. Please ask for it at the front desk.

Absolutely. I agree that they shouldn't be forced to serve anyone. They should refuse who they want. I believe a boss should be able to fire who they want and they should be able to hire who they want too.
Problem with this story was that the OP was already a member. All the other stuff is just other stuff. I think it good you defend them. And I hope they continue to help those in need. He was trying to get served by a club, he was trying to get served my HIS club. Whole different situation. For most part, I agree with majority of what you say.
yeah, they shouldn't be forced to serve anyone. let's weed out black people with paperwork and people with blue eyes and anyone who is missing a tooth....totally legit within their right and not at all immoral. You just can't post a sign to that affect, right? Not saying it was motivated by race or anything just pointing out a fundimental flaw in the "serve only who you want" idea you got as fair in your head. It's not fair, not at all and who careds what day it was and who came in before him undercover cop or whatever. Roger sounds great as a person and business owner. I attack the situation and resolution not the man. I don't assume that the owner of every wal-mart knows how his employees acts on a daily basis. I'm saying this instance was bullshit. there, I'm done. nobody has changed that opinion in 6 pages and I don't think they will so...... LY all. once it's legal we can all go to the pot bar for a cookie and a pot shot and laugh about this. provided we have a clear ID and the tender belives I'm 21.

You are correct in saying that the club can refuse business to whomever they choose. What you don't seem to be grasping is that the customer/member is free to share their experience however they choose to as well. This cuts both ways.

I think it's a little disingenuous of you to immediately take the back of this club, while labeling what the OP is doing as "slanderous". The OP has as much right to bitch about what happened as the club does to deny him their services.
Rodger is good people. He is very active and working hard for patients. Staff has changed over time, along with the clubs procedures. Your "paperwork" no longer exists, for your own sake, and information is now stored with an out of state server. TGA and the Cali Connection both work with Rodger for good reason. Had you asked to speak with a manager? The owner?

If you cant get on a plane cause a TSA agent says you don't have the proper paper work, might it resolve the issue by creating a threat to tell people to stop flying Delta?

The fella is fighting the same battle as you my friend. Though he is on the front lines and you are throwing rocks at him... Shame on you pal.

now that they have their out of state server and are so secure why did I get an email from one of the staff asking for money. That is all fine and dandy EXCEPT, this was a bogus email and some one had "hacked" her email. so where is the security there. if there was paperwork only, you can shred, burn, etc... If they can hack her email what other information of mine was hacked also? just wondering?
Gladstoned - I am not sure I understand your point.

Already a member... I have membership to Sams Club, A dispensary, and lowes racing team club or something (evidently according to the shit mail I get from them) but none mean the same thing, each provide me with something different, and I have no control over any of it.. If I cared about what my membership meant, I would inquire. If I needed a membership in order to be part of something I felt was important, I would most definitely inquire. If the membership included importance, health, legalities, fees, and the difference between getting in a door and not, of a place I considered important I would feel silly for not having inquired. I feel upset every time I am turned away from a place of med's, and I can assure you I have had my share. What I have to remind myself, and others apparently is that NONE of it is fair. Owners have to take ridiculous measures to ensure safety that even under the best set of circumstances is no guarantee. Those people are simply people. Some times they turn away good, in need, patients that are legal in the hope that they are making the best judgment call in order to maintain that security. Employees make good choices and bad ones. Some times we are at the mercy of those bad choices. The fact of the matter is, its not in our best interest to attack...Anyone.

Cory and Trevor, You "attack" the situation and resolution however, offer no solution or facts about the situation that suggest any resolution. As far as I am aware, I am the only one that has... Might you have something to offer?

st0wandgrow, "What you don't seem to be grasping is that the customer/member is free to share their experience however they choose to as well. This cuts both ways."
We own freedom of speech because we also own responsibility for our actions.

"I think it's a little disingenuous of you to immediately take the back of this club, while labeling what the OP is doing as "slanderous"." Might you have considered that I am aware of the details more than you? More than the OP? Could I have possibly been there? Might I work there? Maybe I work with?.... Think outside the box friends.

OP, go back to the club, mention that you spoke to someone about the complaints made online here at RIU regarding JC3, and ask to speak to Rodger. I think you may feel better afterwards.

NOW: I came to this thread with ideas of finding comments about the club, intending to make my own. After reviewing the first post made, I had ideas of finding resolution and mentioned it. I now have, and feel arguing various points could be lasting and possibly futile but certainly more time than I can spend here. Thanks for your comments folks, glad folks are sharing interest and concerns about various locations in Michigan, and I hope you continue to share your support for those places that you do enjoy and respect.

After reading your first line, you just said membership at the club means nothing and it is just another change they bend people over with.