Jc3 Jackson...

I am completely confused on this thread.
The OP said that he had a membership with a compassion club or a dispensary? Which is it?
If you go to a place and they check out your ID's and cards, then charge you a membership you should be good. I am a member and customer at many places and if my renewal takes six months to get, but I have all my paperwork and I NEVER LAPSE IN STAYING LEGAL!!!!!!! If I am then denied I will be mad as seventy-five m.f.ers. Isn't that the whole idea of membership. How could the center be in trouble? They already checked him out. What am I missing here, somebody help me.
Now if he has never been there and he wasn't a member, then that is understandable. From what I understand this isn't the case at all though. Did the center change management or policy or anything? Then the state would have to slow down more and then we will all become illegal after a year.
Ok to answer your questions. It is called a " compassion club" so they can stay open. I had payed the 10 or 15 $ member fee in november of 2010 when i became legal and went there to check it out. Was the only place i knew of at the time. I have kept my membership card all this time even though I never go there. So they had my paperwork on file they make copies when you go originally. Nothing had changed regarding my paperwork. I also had another valid set with me, my caregiver stuff. Used to be you just needed your I.d. and your jc3 card. which I had with me you see. his official reason was that my money orders were no good because they were western union. I say can you go ahead and call the number there and see if it was cashed. he says no. i tell him LEO says my paperworks fine. he says i didn't say it wasn't fine, just not good enough for us. Does that make more sense?
I am completely confused on this thread.
The OP said that he had a membership with a compassion club or a dispensary? Which is it?
If you go to a place and they check out your ID's and cards, then charge you a membership you should be good. I am a member and customer at many places and if my renewal takes six months to get, but I have all my paperwork and I NEVER LAPSE IN STAYING LEGAL!!!!!!! If I am then denied I will be mad as seventy-five m.f.ers. Isn't that the whole idea of membership. How could the center be in trouble? They already checked him out. What am I missing here, somebody help me.
Now if he has never been there and he wasn't a member, then that is understandable. From what I understand this isn't the case at all though. Did the center change management or policy or anything? Then the state would have to slow down more and then we will all become illegal after a year.

I would be willing to bet that the compassion club adopted a zero tolerance policy on this at some point very recently. Bill Schutte has had a raging hard-on over closing down dispensaries after the court ruling stating patient-to-patient transfers were illegal, and they have watched their competition get raided by LEO using fake registry cards. They are now understandably a little paranoid.

I don't blame them one bit for what they're doing. I'd do the same if I were in that line of work.

It sucks for the op, and all of us would be a little salty after having wasted so much time, but I still don't blame the compassion club.
and i didn't have a hard card when they gave me the membership...and i probably spent 500$ in there when i first got my card. i'm not dumb, i understand that the doorkeeper was using his discretion because LEO have tried to use fake cards. thats all fine and dandy, but what I am saying is that if anything I am more "legal" now than I was last time. they have my last years paperwork on file. they scanned my drivers license ( which i really don't like) only to tell me that my money orders are not acceptable. i am not sure where discretion or being careful comes in to play here.
sounds to me like your paperwork was all OK, but he just didn't like the money orders. Did you ask if you could pay in cash? and the membership is only for a year not a lifetime. I am a member of JC3 and other clubs in the southern MI area. Maybe you should just go back and maybe find someone else at the front counter. Good luck to ya!
I think with the money they make and the prices they charge they should stick their heads out a bit more for us. I mean really, we're paying memberships to you jerks on top of our doctor fees on top of the states fee on top of your inflated prices-if you're not taking risks for us you're just stealing from us. I thought the high prices were for the extra risk they take so TAKE THE RISK! not that it's a risk with all the OP brought with him. That's JAckson though- spent the best 10 years of my life away in kalamazoo now I'm back and it's still Jackson. Small town pigs messing with small town teenagers driving up and down the ave or sitting there sleeping waiting for an easy speeding ticket.
I'm a member of jc3... they gave me alittle trouble at first because the renewal doc. I used was working somewhere that was raided.
But it's a cool place. Just strict about that stuff.
If you want to go somewhere in jackson and not get hassled go to sweet leaf or smokin. No membership fees and they don't act like they are in some special click because they work at the clinic.
If you want to go somewhere in jackson and not get hassled go to sweet leaf or smokin. No membership fees and they don't act like they are in some special click because they work at the clinic.

I don't mind the higher prices at sweet leaf for that reason, they take a tiny miniscule amount of risk in accepting your legal docs as they are allowed to do. Like I say high preices but I'm a gram'er just tasting strains I might grow myself so it's all good for the one gram at a time.
the few times I have been to sweet leaf they hooked it up, i was about 20 bucks short of having enough for an oz and he gave me the full and another time i paid for a qrtr of acupulco gold and they gave me 8 grams. smokin has great bud sometimes, and if you don't like whats up there he always has something in his drawer that isn't on the table.
I visit all the above.... lol...I noticed no one mentioned jackson hydroworld. There prices have dropped, the selection is smaller but they've had some quality smoke since the raid. They now have a nice variety of medables and tincs,hash,glass pieces....and no fee.
And all the meds are one price except pick-n-mix or maybe shakr.
....I fucking sound like a salesman ...lol...sorry, it's just they've done good since the bad times... IMO:bigjoint:
This thread is all the more reason for me to stick to one place for my meds when I'm out. I go there all the time, have a great relationship with the owner, and his bud tenders, and hot ass secrataries (sp?). There is at least 20 dispensaries in Ann Arbor and Ypsi, but I've heard bad stuff about most of them.....so I only go to the one. Best meds period.....Herbal Solutions in Ypsi. Don't waste your time going anywhere else. They are non-profit and licensed to do business in town.
when I've been in Jackson I have always gotten good meds from Hydroworld too! I haven't been there since the raid, but they were decent to you. Hard to find someone that is decent to an older gent! lol
Rodger is good people. He is very active and working hard for patients. Staff has changed over time, along with the clubs procedures. Your "paperwork" no longer exists, for your own sake, and information is now stored with an out of state server. TGA and the Cali Connection both work with Rodger for good reason. Had you asked to speak with a manager? The owner?

If you cant get on a plane cause a TSA agent says you don't have the proper paper work, might it resolve the issue by creating a threat to tell people to stop flying Delta?

The fella is fighting the same battle as you my friend. Though he is on the front lines and you are throwing rocks at him... Shame on you pal.

if your in the Jackson area. go to the Jackson Farmers Market. its open Sat and Sun every week, from 12 noon to 4pm. All meds are directly from caregivers. meds priced from 7 to 10.00 on the top end per gram. Ive seen zips go from 160 up to 250 a peace. 250 would be very topshelf meds, where you ll have to spend nearly double in a Dispensary.

I cant stress enough the major benefits of a farmers market over a dispensary where the Patient is concerned.

I dont fault anyone for not allowing paperwork. as far as the door guy, he was doing his job and keeping out potential issues. if you had a previous membership, your old card should of been good.

I know the folks at the farmers market will allow you in with paperwork, but you will need to have your DL with you to prove name match on paperwork, and they may like to see a 2nd piece, perhaps a library card, credit card, voters registration card ect. something with your name on it, that isnt so easy to get. LEO wont likely have a face Library card, or a fake CC to use with matching name as the DL or paperwork.