January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Who votes for republicans these days Roger? Blacks, Asians, some Hispanics who consider themselves European. Where does the 4 point spread between Biden and Trump come from? I know what the polls say, I posted enough of them and I've seen the demographic of Trump's rallies. Who do the dog whistles speak to? Whites make up a significant majority of the American population. I know it is a dynamic situation and attitudes change over time and generations, especially today, but there is a big short term danger over the next couple of election cycles and a permeant danger unless the republican party either dies or reforms itself. The only way I can see that happening is open primaries, to get rid of extremists, but some places will still elect them. Extreme Gerrymandering also concentrates lunatics and brought you the freedom caucus that not even the republicans could control. Biden only won the election by a few thousand votes, a razor thin margin in the electoral college, sure he won the popular vote, but that doesn't make you president. After 4 years of Trump explain the fanatical loyalty of half the country to the worst POS Christ ever created? I've proposed several theories for why people's chains are being jerked so hard their heads pop off. I'm afraid Cheeto Jesus did separate the sheep from the goats and there is a reason they are sheep.
it is mostly white people who vote trumpist, but not most white people...it's about 30%...no more than one third...that isn't most...it's a three way tie for third...
but 30% is still a very significant portion of the white population, especially considering that the other 70% isn't unified against them, at least 15% are unaffiliated at all, and could easily vote for third party or independent candidates, and of the other 55%, at least 20% isn't going to vote at all...that makes every vote important.


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Well-Known Member
it is mostly white people who vote trumpist, but not most white people...it's about 30%...no more than one third...that isn't most...it's a three way tie for third...
but 30% is still a very significant portion of the white population, especially considering that the other 70% isn't unified against them, at least 15% are unaffiliated at all, and could easily vote for third party or independent candidates, and of the other 55%, at least 20% isn't going to vote at all...that makes every vote important.
I'm just referring to the voting population and in 2016, 7 out of ten white men voted for him as I recall and a lower number of white women. The attitudes vary with age, this is a process, not a fixed thing, they change with time, but they don't change much in reaction to facts! The fact of the matter is, Trump was a horrible candidate and 2020 was his election to lose, he even caught covid in the last few weeks FFS and gave it to a bunch of people, ended up in the hospital and his famous covida speech from the balcony, the debate was a disaster for him and he fucked up every way imaginable. I believe if it wasn't for covid and killing so many citizens with malicious incompetence, he would still be president and fun will be in full swing by now. Covid saved America from itself.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....


Well-Known Member
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
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i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....
It would look perfectly natural if Batman and Robin busted Roger in his sartorial finest! :lol:


Well-Known Member

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
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i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....
Only two Presidents left office in shame and somehow Rodger the Dodger is up to his eyes in both


Well-Known Member
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
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i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
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i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....
I don't understand why MIB hasn't dealt with this one!


Well-Known Member
Ole Glenn is starting to get downright radical! If Trump isn't busted soon I figure Glenn will go off the deep end! I can't disagree with him, but there are good reasons for delay, if you want to keep the house in November. Witness tampering takes it to another level however. Glenn knows how the legal system is suppose to work and he sees it's not working on Trump. Once they start on Donald it won't take long to nail him on the low hanging fruit.

The evil of Team Trump's witness tampering, and the danger of DOJ's failure to promptly investigate
15,974 views Jul 13, 2022 Given Donald Trump's track record, it's no surprise that he and some of his criminal associates - like Mark Meadows - appear to be involved in witness tampering. But what is surprising is the apparent lack of aggressive investigation by the Department of Justice to deal with the witness tampering in real time. Here's how law enforcement should respond to the revelations by the January 6 committee that Trump and Meadows appear to be tampering with witnesses.


Well-Known Member
This is like a who dunit, when we know who dunit, but apparently there is yet more sleazery to be unveiled. The DOJ is apparently up on it's hind legs with it's ears twitching while watching the hearings. EVERBODY IN THE FUCKING BUILDING WAS GLUED TO THE TUBE, including Garland, they didn't even take a piss break during the hearings.

Revelations About Trump’s Conduct Bring New Questions For DOJ
102,655 views Jul 13, 2022 New York Times Justice Department reporter Katie Benner, former U.S. attorney Barbara McQuade, and Washington Post national investigative reporter Carol Leonnig discuss how January 6th hearing testimony may add new lines of questioning to the DOJ’s probe into the Capitol insurrection.
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‘Enraging’: How The Willful Blindness Of ‘Team Normal’ Enabled Trump’s Coup
116,900 views Jul 13, 2022 Chris Hayes: Trump was not shy about the fact that he would never accept an election loss. And just because some people, like Pat Cipollone, lied to themselves and collaborated with this monstrous sociopath who almost ended American democracy, that does not mean that it was a hard thing to see.


Well-Known Member

Raskin: We May Hear From People Who Tried To Blow The Whistle Over Jan. 6
60,852 views Jul 13, 2022 Rep. Jamie Raskin: "We have somewhat depreciated the meaning of heroism when we call someone a hero just by not participating in a violent insurrection ... We should be asking these people to blow the whistle publicly—we may be hearing some more about people who actually tried to.”


Well-Known Member
I think Stevo might be in bigger trouble than contempt of congress, but it will give him a taste of things to come. Pure fascism and anybody who still supports trump is a fascist and unfit to call themselves an American. They have failed their country and constitution, that was designed specifically to avoid tyrants like Trump and crew with division of powers, checks and balances. Patriotic citizens are also required to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, well meet one of the domestic enemies.

Stevo had to work for his pardon and put his ass on the line and over it for Donald, who only gave him a pardon in the last days of his administration and only for crimes that had no connection to him. Donald knew about pardons and the loss of 5th amendment protections, which is why he never gave any out to people who could testify against him. Donald just ensnared them in his crimes and bought their silence with money, legal help and fear, after getting them involved and putting themselves in legal jeopardy. It even worked on lawyers too, anybody with the right common character flaws was his prey and money, position and power were the bait.

Loose-Lipped Steve Bannon Suggests Another Facet Of Trump's Central Role In Capitol attack
329,742 views Jul 14, 2022 Evidence presented in Tuesday's January 6th hearing appears to fit a pattern of Steve Bannon talking on his podcast about Donald Trump's plans immediately after Bannon talks with Trump - and another possible indication of Trump's direct role in the attack on the Capitol.


Well-Known Member
Steven King writes about "low men" who wear human masks that are actually living parasites, to move unnoticed among men...these low men wear clashing clothing that fits poorly, because they're not really human...
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i really expect to see him and desantis both peel the masks of, revealing the diseased rat like features of their true forms....
He has a giant fucking portrait of Nixon tattooed on his back and dresses like a comic book villain.

We mortals do not deserve such greatness.


Well-Known Member
That is the consensus opinion of all the legal eagles and talking heads on TV, you are not alone, but in good company! Donald will go down, it's just a question of timing, not timidity on Garland's part, the fix is in. As soon as an investigation is started they will find crimes Donald can be indicted for immediately, even while building cases for other crimes. Once the more or less independent prosecutors begin the process, he would need to intervene to slow it down or stop it. Once Donald is indicted he will be muzzled by a judge who will own his ass until trial and he will go silent or to jail. His revenge 2022 tour inside the GOP promoting shitty candidates who suck his ass in primaries will come to an end, so will the rallies and the boogeyman the democrats need to drive people to the polls will be gone, America's problems are solved, I can vote for a republican now! Donald running around lose like Chuckie with a knife is useful, it will be a struggle just for the democrats to keep the house. Most of white America has gone fascist and are determined to reward the republicans for their appalling behavior and treason to the constitution. They are clearly at civil war and have gone tribal, most should have a bone in their nose and be carrying a spear, not a gun.
You are right. A huge number of voters will again vote for fascism simply because TFG has been taken out of the equation, some for spite.


Well-Known Member

Raskin: We May Hear From People Who Tried To Blow The Whistle Over Jan. 6
60,852 views Jul 13, 2022 Rep. Jamie Raskin: "We have somewhat depreciated the meaning of heroism when we call someone a hero just by not participating in a violent insurrection ... We should be asking these people to blow the whistle publicly—we may be hearing some more about people who actually tried to.”
Gotta love Raskin.