January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
What i got from yesterday’s coverage, every network switched to the hearing. Abc cbs nbc fox msnbc cnn, all want to eliminate Donald because he threatens the 1st Amendment with his Fake News vitriol. Commentators may support him but the networks want him gone, Fox included.
So does Mitch and he is about ready to blow Garland to get Trump indicted and out of his way! Once indicted Donald will be muzzled by a judge as a condition of release or bail. If he is indicted before the election it will silence him and his 2022 revenge tour inside the GOP will end. By November it will be, Donald who?


Well-Known Member
  • Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama
  • Rep. Brian Babin of Texas
  • Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida
  • Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas
  • Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona
  • Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland
  • Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia
  • Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio
  • Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
  • Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Glad only one from Florida. And Matt's stupidity is so big, it's been nationalized.
I imagine Matt should have no problem with his primary and might even win the election while on trial for child molesting. What a district! How fucking far have these people gone round the bend in reality? He's actually running for a primary election on August 23, with a pending child molesting indictment and the stink of treason from J6 all over himself, amazing. His primary competition must be something to see themselves. His voters are at civil war with America and he is their champion and clown all rolled into one, just like Trump.


Well-Known Member

Garland May Not Want To Indict A Former President — But He Might Not Have A Choice
7,404 views Jul 13, 2022 Former acting U.S. Solicitor General Neal Katyal joins Morning Joe to discuss the evidence presented by the January 6 committee Tuesday, and how effective it was to "draw a link" between extremist groups and White House officials. "I don't think Merrick Garland has a choice," Katyal says. "I'm sure he doesn't want to do this, be the first Attorney General in the history of the United States to indict a former president, but the evidence is what the evidence is."
No law and order or democracy otherwise. It's ludicrous to put people above the law, especially when those very same people are itching to use that power against their enemies and those enemies are anyone standing in the way of their power, anyone. Nobody would be safe.


Well-Known Member
No law and order or democracy otherwise. It's ludicrous to put people above the law, especially when those very same people are itching to use that power against their enemies and those enemies are anyone standing in the way of their power, anyone. Nobody would be safe.
That is the consensus opinion of all the legal eagles and talking heads on TV, you are not alone, but in good company! Donald will go down, it's just a question of timing, not timidity on Garland's part, the fix is in. As soon as an investigation is started they will find crimes Donald can be indicted for immediately, even while building cases for other crimes. Once the more or less independent prosecutors begin the process, he would need to intervene to slow it down or stop it. Once Donald is indicted he will be muzzled by a judge who will own his ass until trial and he will go silent or to jail. His revenge 2022 tour inside the GOP promoting shitty candidates who suck his ass in primaries will come to an end, so will the rallies and the boogeyman the democrats need to drive people to the polls will be gone, America's problems are solved, I can vote for a republican now! Donald running around lose like Chuckie with a knife is useful, it will be a struggle just for the democrats to keep the house. Most of white America has gone fascist and are determined to reward the republicans for their appalling behavior and treason to the constitution. They are clearly at civil war and have gone tribal, most should have a bone in their nose and be carrying a spear, not a gun.


Well-Known Member

'He is getting crazier and crazier': Conway reacts to Trump's social media posts
67,295 views Jul 13, 2022 George Conway and John Dean discuss former President Donald Trump's likelihood of running for president in 2024 in the aftermath of the January 6 hearings, and what kind of campaign he would run.


Well-Known Member
So does Mitch and he is about ready to blow Garland to get Trump indicted and out of his way! Once indicted Donald will be muzzled by a judge as a condition of release or bail. If he is indicted before the election it will silence him and his 2022 revenge tour inside the GOP will end. By November it will be, Donald who?
Totally different, McConnell, Cheney etc eschew his attempt to devoid a free election, the very foundation of the two-party system not to mention his demeanor leaving office, everything but shat on a pillow in the Lincoln bedroom.


Well-Known Member
Totally different, McConnell, Cheney etc eschew his attempt to devoid a free election, the very foundation of the two-party system not to mention his demeanor leaving office, everything but shat on a pillow in the Lincoln bedroom.
Mitch wants Donald out of the way, if he were to croak tomorrow Mitch would dance with glee. Donald is a threat to Mitch's majority, but his appointments to the SCOTUS might have caused him to fuck himself, with their zeal to overturn Row, with 4 months before the election, plenty of time to organize and get out the vote with a big ground game.


Well-Known Member
Stevo is squirming and Donald is paying for the lawyers, he won't have any luck and still has a date in court on Monday. The justice system has seen it all when it comes to trying to delay criminal trials and have plenty of experience.

Bannon Asks Judge To Delay Contempt Of Congress Trial
19,408 views Jul 13, 2022 Steve Bannon has asked a judge to delay his contempt of Congress trial after being denied a delay earlier this week due to the release of a documentary about him and being mention in the January 6 committee's hearings.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I stand corrected........the DOJ is part of the executive branch.
However the president can't pressure the AG and use the DOJ to do his personal bidding to go after his enemies.........that's what trump did.........and Nixon tried to do.
there's a difference between Nixon trying to weaponize the DOJ to wipe out targets on his shit list, and Biden encouraging his AG to pursue an obvious seditious, traitorous, larcenous bag of orange fat...it's not about getting trump, it's about getting the first president in the history of the country that plotted the overthrow of the legitimate government...that CANNOT be allowed, or it will signal open season to the republicans to steal the entire fucking country, one state legislature at a time.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Most of white America has gone fascist and are determined to reward the republicans for their appalling behavior and treason to the constitution.
where the fuck do you get this stuff? 40% of Americans identify as "right", 45% identify as "left", and the other 15% are "undecided".
of the 40% that identify as "right", about 30%, or 13% of the total, are who you are talking about. most of those people ARE white, but that doesn't make that "most white people in America"...it makes it less than 30%...






Well-Known Member
Dunking Rowe may be the undoing of all their plans.

It smacks of desperation - a hail-Mary to the base, to get out and support the overthrow party; but the decision itself, along with the ‘provocative’ comments coming from justices since then on their intentions going forward, *PLUS* the ongoing overthrow expose’. They really are going for it all & praying there’s enough mystery meat in the sausage grinder to recapture the house & keep the senate.

OTOH, their autocratic antics have probably done *more* to suppress their *own* vote & secure a Dem landslide than anything since Hoover lost to FDR in ‘32.



Well-Known Member
Stevo is squirming and Donald is paying for the lawyers, he won't have any luck and still has a date in court on Monday. The justice system has seen it all when it comes to trying to delay criminal trials and have plenty of experience.

Bannon Asks Judge To Delay Contempt Of Congress Trial
19,408 views Jul 13, 2022 Steve Bannon has asked a judge to delay his contempt of Congress trial after being denied a delay earlier this week due to the release of a documentary about him and being mention in the January 6 committee's hearings.
Judge turned him down flat…also threw out several bogus ‘lines of defense’…to which Bannon’s lawyer asked ‘why even have a trial if we can’t offer a defense?’.

like that was even the judge’s problem


Well-Known Member
where the fuck do you get this stuff? 40% of Americans identify as "right", 45% identify as "left", and the other 15% are "undecided".
of the 40% that identify as "right", about 30%, or 13% of the total, are who you are talking about. most of those people ARE white, but that doesn't make that "most white people in America"...it makes it less than 30%...




Who votes for republicans these days Roger? Blacks, Asians, some Hispanics who consider themselves European. Where does the 4 point spread between Biden and Trump come from? I know what the polls say, I posted enough of them and I've seen the demographic of Trump's rallies. Who do the dog whistles speak to? Whites make up a significant majority of the American population. I know it is a dynamic situation and attitudes change over time and generations, especially today, but there is a big short term danger over the next couple of election cycles and a permeant danger unless the republican party either dies or reforms itself. The only way I can see that happening is open primaries, to get rid of extremists, but some places will still elect them. Extreme Gerrymandering also concentrates lunatics and brought you the freedom caucus that not even the republicans could control. Biden only won the election by a few thousand votes, a razor thin margin in the electoral college, sure he won the popular vote, but that doesn't make you president. After 4 years of Trump explain the fanatical loyalty of half the country to the worst POS Christ ever created? I've proposed several theories for why people's chains are being jerked so hard their heads pop off. I'm afraid Cheeto Jesus did separate the sheep from the goats and there is a reason they are sheep.