Well-Known Member
i edited that. thanks!30,000
Try to keep up.
i edited that. thanks!30,000
Try to keep up.
I call bullshit on your thorough evaluation of AP source material if this is what you concluded. But talk is cheap and you obviously love to fill up a page with pseudo intellectual nonsense.Primary sources are the gold standard for information, with secondary and tertiary sources like AP news and Reuters having at least some artistic interpretation, implicit bias, etc. I'll admit AP news and Reuters were the best we have for news sources that try to be fair and give both sides of the story, but too often I have noticed they use less than credible sources from the left, often frame things in favor of the Democratic position, and are less willing to dig as deep into the Conservative point of view as the liberal point of view, leaving the reader with the impression that the author believes the Democrats. This is simply a sign that journalistic standards have declined to a very low point--objective journalism means the reader should not know which side the journalist is siding with...
1. I notice you say this is an example, but did not include a link to a AP story that is false or slanted.Here's an example where you can really grasp the extreme bias happening. In Kirstjen Nielsen hearing on separating immigrant children from their parents, she swore under oath that of the hundreds of children not reunited with their parents, there were less than 10 (and I think it was only 1 or 2) parents that wanted to be reunited with their children and that all of the parents were provided lawyers and translators to help decide whether to take their children back with them, and the current laws could not force the parents to take their children back with them. Hundreds of parents made it perfectly clear they don't want their children back, many children were sent alone with coyotes (the cartel members who sneak people across the border, not the animal). Because of her blonde hair and blue eyes, the highest professionals in the Democratic party called Kirstjen Nielsen a Nazi, racist, bigot, uncaring, and faced relentless insinuations and accusations of her being a liar. Now, almost 3 years later, her testimony stands flawless and without a blemish, while groups like the ACLU and others have offered bounties to lawyers who can reunite families and debunk her testimony
Again you push propaganda about the Democratic party. And even went to the length of posting that link that said nothing close to what you say he 'basically said'.But what Democrats just can't seem to comprehend is that while the LGBTQ movement has declared war on faith-based orphanages and adoption agencies and have systematically forced Christian orphanages to shut down, the US government has volunteered to be a fully-funded, world class adoption agency for the entirety of Central and South America. Here is one story from the liberal perspective, that tells a story of a lawyer who is either completely brainwashed by the ceaseless propaganda, or simply realizes the way to launch a law career in 2020 is by chasing immigrants instead of ambulances, in hopes of national recognition as a hero, and a sizeable bounty from the ACLU. This lady stalked a father all the way to Guatamalo, asking all over towns to find him. When she finally found him, he basically said, "go to hell, my kid's staying in America." Even the video at the top has been chopped up and edited so bad that the only thing I got from it was that she was promised she could come to America with an ankle bracelet and was guilt tripped into coming back for her kid by showing her a video of a bunch of kids crying for their mamas. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/3896940001
Nice try troll.It really is sad that so many parents abandon their kids here, but facts are facts. Go watch Nielsen's testimony if you're unsure of the original claims. And then Google "AP News immigrant family separations" and read a few headlines and articles and tell me that AP News doesn't currently suffer from extreme liberal bias...
if he's getting paid by the word, he's probably in the top 10% of troll incomeNice try troll
ted nugent is available. and rush limbaughWhite House Struggling To Assemble Crowd For Trump Send-Off
Rachel Maddow reports on the desperation by White House officials to find people to show up on Wednesday morning to fulfill Trump's wish for a send-off crowd as he leaves the White House for the last time.
They do love those english speakers.if he's getting paid by the word, he's probably in the top 10% of troll income
His last act will be another super-spreader event. One last kick in the ass as he departs.White House Struggling To Assemble Crowd For Trump Send-Off
Rachel Maddow reports on the desperation by White House officials to find people to show up on Wednesday morning to fulfill Trump's wish for a send-off crowd as he leaves the White House for the last time.
i hope his 21 gun salute goes horribly wrong. (for him, not us)His last act will be another super-spreader event. One last kick in the ass as he departs.
I hope the event runs past his time in office and he is denied use of AF1. It would be wonderful seeing Donald, Melania and the secret service at the freeway onramp hitchhiking to Florida.
Under oath! Yep that convinces me. We need to re-do the election and this time make sure only valid voters participate
View attachment 4801170
"I signed a rit en affidavid"
"Did you sign one? I bet you didn't."
i hope his 21 gun salute goes horribly wrong. (for him, not us)
Kraken getting sued for 1.5 BILLION by Dominion. lolIf a person didn't know any better they would think that was a skit from Saturday Night Live. This is trumps evidence of voter fraud.
It's surprising that trumps top notch legal team failed so miserably contesting the election.
Trump's Dream Team. Too funny...
i still think he's headed for a foreign country tomorrow.I hope it goes off without a hitch and he's touching down in Florida before Biden's swearing in ceremony. We don't need anything delaying Biden being sworn in.
His last act will be another super-spreader event. One last kick in the ass as he departs.
I hope the event runs past his time in office and he is denied use of AF1. It would be wonderful seeing Donald, Melania and the secret service at the freeway onramp hitchhiking to Florida.
i still think he's headed for a foreign country tomorrow.
something that has been in the back of my mind: Pelosi always says "all roads lead to russia with trump". I think they have kept his involvement with them a secret that is about to come to light very soon. at least i hope so. but even the MAGA crowd will say i'd rather russia than a democrat .If only. There's only a couple countries where he's welcome and I don't think trump is willing to give up sunny Florida for Moscow.
"Countries with extradition treaties with the United States but are known for refusing extradition requests are Ecuador, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Iceland, Switzerland, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. On the other hand, some countries without an extradition treaty, such as Yemen in the Middle East, are known for returning fugitives."If only. There's only a couple countries where he's welcome and I don't think trump is willing to give up sunny Florida for Moscow.
He owes the Russians a half a billion already and will cost them a lot more if the give him asylum. They spent decades laundering money into the west and all of it might be at risk as it is now, Joe just might take it one day and not just in the USA either. Donald is out of options and will sweat it out at Mar Logo, he shouldn't have long to wait if the SDNY is firing on all cylinders, there should be sealed indictments as individual #1 ready for him on the 20th. I don't believe they need Washington's permission to charge a private citizen for a case that is already in the pipeline.If only. There's only a couple countries where he's welcome and I don't think trump is willing to give up sunny Florida for Moscow.