January 21st, 2021

Oh, shit. He's back. Uh, tldr., correct? I'm late to the twitter/text game. In fact, I'm absent.
Under oath! Yep that convinces me. We need to re-do the election and this time make sure only valid voters participate

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"I signed a rit en affidavid"

"Did you sign one? I bet you didn't."
"Tee martoonies, beertender, okay?"
. . . . . . . . The Progressive movements purpose of putting Darwins book in classes was not because it was science, because Darwin himself said it should be rejected if we never find al of the transition species (we're still missing about 99% of the ones that would be there to show natural selection). The reason Darwins book was brought into schools is because it taught and reinforced racism, the full title was: "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." . . . . . . .
Science is the study of. It will be forever changing as we learn more. You never know everything about anything. You just know what we know at this time.

Race is a scientific term. From wiki wiki: In biological taxonomy, race is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies. It has been used as a higher rank than strain, with several strains making up one race.[1][2] Various definitions exist. Races may be genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species,[3] or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically.[4] Genetic isolation between races is not complete, but genetic differences may have accumulated that are not (yet) sufficient to separate species.[5] The term is recognized by some, but not governed by any of the formal codes of biological nomenclature.

It does not mean different groups of people, as there is only one race of people on earth at this time. The Human Race.

. . . . . . . .The Democrats are literally calling for rounding up and arresting Christian Conservatives for their beliefs... . . . . . .
I think it is the actions that those beliefs manifest. Like storming the Capital and killing folks. That sort of thing.
Science is the study of. It will be forever changing as we learn more. You never know everything about anything. You just know what we know at this time.

Race is a scientific term. From wiki wiki: In biological taxonomy, race is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies. It has been used as a higher rank than strain, with several strains making up one race.[1][2] Various definitions exist. Races may be genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species,[3] or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically.[4] Genetic isolation between races is not complete, but genetic differences may have accumulated that are not (yet) sufficient to separate species.[5] The term is recognized by some, but not governed by any of the formal codes of biological nomenclature.

It does not mean different groups of people, as there is only one race of people on earth at this time. The Human Race.

We’re all hybrids.
Ya know what I find striking/funny/sad is that Trump's parting song's played when he left DC were Macho Man by the Village People & I did it my way by Frank Sinatra
What the fuck?
Oh well, I guess it made sense to him
These are 2 tunes that I think would have been more appropriate :)

Ya know what I find striking/funny/sad is that Trump's parting song's played when he left DC were Macho Man by the Village People & I did it my way by Frank Sinatra
What the fuck?
Oh well, I guess it made sense to him
These are 2 tunes that I think would have been more appropriate :)

Or what a fool believes but he’s not good enough for the doobie brothers.
Hilariously it turned out to be a non super-spreader event as more than 30 people are required for such a thing.

How was your celebratory dinner last night? Did you go with the roast lame duck?
Goodbye Donald, fuck you.

Oh yeah the celebration dinner,

The ducks. Before the Jan 6 insurrection and riot, I was planning on dead duck for dinner on the 6th and cooked goose on the 20th. But there was no appetite for celebration on the 6th, so it was burgers and beer (for me), milkshakes and smoothies for the boys. They have their own recipes and so they had at it while I dealt with the trauma as best I could. The duck was cooked the 7th and it was so good I decided to repeat on the 20th.

Vietnamese duck noodle soup. Here's a link to the recipe I based it on:


Teenage boys are a bottomless pit, they each had a half of a duck to themselves. The leg-thigh portion was prepared as instructed (less the red dates and goji berries, which I don't have). The breasts were boned out, marinated as per the recipe and seared on a skillet to 125 F, then sliced into roughly 1/2" medallions. Everything was laid out in large bowls as shown in the picture. Broth, noodles, vegetable and duck potions in a single bowl. With wine and ice cream for dessert.

It's a very simple recipe, satisfying and memorable as is, but the sky is the limit for how much better one can make it. I also used home made chicken broth instead of water, which gave the broth added depth. The only change I'd make is use less star anise than called for.

The carcasses were roasted to render the fat and then frozen for making broth at a later date. I saved about 8 oz of rendered fat. The duck fat is used for frying potatoes. It's hard to say which I like better, the duck meat or the potatoes fried with duck fat. The only part I threw out was the wrapper.

The boys were happy with the amount. They will eat anything and only complain when there isn't enough so their opinion hardly matters.

But really what I savored most yesterday was the incessant ravings of a conman were no longer in the air.

Did I say fuck you Trump? I think I'll say it again

Fuck you Trump.
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