January 21st, 2021

EXACTLY!!!!!! It's just as bad to hate someone for being a Christian, as it is for being a Muslim or Jew. But that's not what is happening in our country anymore... The Neo-Marxist worldview teaches its okay, and even a good thing to hate the groups with power (i.e. white, male, cis-gendered, Christian, etc.) All hatred and bigotry is bad! It is not okay to hate people just because they have different beliefs. But anyone who says things such as this is called a racist neo-nazi by the political left that says we should hate Christian Conservatives.

See my point? The Democrats are literally calling for rounding up and arresting Christian Conservatives for their beliefs... All hatred and bigotry is bad! Not just the hatred and bigotry of the political right.
My point is that there is a lot more to history than what the teachers unions have authorized to be printed in a textbook. And there are way too many people out there like my girlfriend's dad who have psychotic issues and think they can use intuition to make up historical facts. Some of the people who are disagreeing simply because they've never read a whole history book, and are responding more on an instinctual urge to fight with an outside thought or idea than actually processing what I said.
Should we read it should we not make up your lie.
First, let me say the reason so many think America is so great is because we are a civilized country that uses debate and talking about the issues to create a better society for everyone, or at least we used to be... this new regime of having speech codes in Congress and banning the use of "he," "she," "mother," "father," etc. is just way too extreme. Pelossi is either trolling everyone who has had a family member give their life fighting for our freedoms, who setting a precedent for further restrictions on speech in the near future.

They are saying its fake that Kamala Harris said that, which seems to be the primary person attributed to the statement. But they are trying to get payback on Trump supporters, and making lists of careers to end and people to go after: https://amp.thepostmillennial.com/n...aoc-being-compiled/?__twitter_impression=true

There are people at Harvard pushing for the degrees of Trumps allies to be revoked. Senator Cruz was one of the people, but there were several others who are being threatened with having their degrees revoked.

Jack Dorsey just announced that Trump was just the beginning of deplatforming Conservatives. Parler, the only major platform that didn't already throttle/censor/shadow-ban Conservative posts, has now been banned from all servers large enough to host the platform.

I could have sworn they played a clip on Fox News yesterday of an elected Democrat actually calling for rounding up Trump supporters, but I can't find it, and I may have misunderstood exactly what was being said, but I'll definitely keep looking for it.

The fact the Pelossi's first major play of the new year was to ban the use of the words "male" and "female" from the House of Congress should give you a good idea of the ridiculous crap she's trying to push...
The fact the Pelossi's first major play of the new year was to ban the use of the words "male" and "female" from the House of Congress should give you a good idea of the ridiculous crap she's trying to push...
So just let her do it and get it over with.

As far as censoring, revoking degrees and the like (I disagree on degrees people worked for but honorary degrees I think are fair game), I think the whole point is to make people lying to Americans the way some Republicans are there should be some penalty to that. Because they are dividing the US. They should be held accountable otherwise they have no reason to stop lying. How about an inquisition, where they have to prove their statements of face some real consequence.
Not sure what ellipses (geometry) has to do with sentence structure, but when you learn college level grammar and sentence structures, you can produce some very long complex sentences that are not run-ons. I'm sure I may have had some grammar issues, but the people that grade essays for the GMAT put me at the top 5% of grad school applicants for my essay. So I think I've got my sentence structure under control.
This is what ellipsis are ...

OMG thank you for the laugh though.

PS: Arts majors aren't real majors :).
Grade: F

Detached from historical facts, based upon phony economics and otherwise racist as all hell.
What facts are you disputing? The sources at the bottom should back up every single claim i made? And what did I even say about economics? And what part of it was even racist? I'll readily admit I may have over-simplified some facts, but I didn't fudge or mistate anything other than Comintern didn't conquer Eastern Europe through force, but through "ideological subversion," a very effective technique, commonly called brainwashing in America, that uses exposure to media, education, and culture to reshape the consciousness of a society. The fact that you claim it's "based on phony economics" shows you didn't read it, or maybe didn't comprehend it, or maybe don't know what the words you are using mean. And the fact that you mention "phony economics" has led me to assume your one of those people who think supply and demand analysis is just made up nonsense and think that Marxist economics, which rejects everything we call economics today, is something that could actually work without causing massive starvation. Don't get me wrong, I definitely believe we should desire a better and more fair economy and strive toward that, but I have enough sense to wait until someone proposes a system that could possibly work and actually takes the time to write it down in a book so people can read it and buy into the idea if it makes sense. But Marx's take on the "negation of the negation," that if we simply destroy capitalism the nature of the universe guarantees it will be replaced by something better, that's insane to believe. Marx was a megalomaniac who was full of envy and rage, and blamed the borgeoise for the death of his many children (i think it was 3 died from neglect and 2 suicide), and his writings were his final f-you to this world, an opus to cause as much pain, suffering, starvation, and warfare across the whole world as possible. If the truth be told, Engels wrote the majority of Das Kapital because after supporting and paying Marx for about 10 years to write it, Marx died before getting around to writing more than a couple chapters (Marx was known by most his peers as being a swindler and con-man who never paid his debts and ran all around Europe fleeing his creditors and bar owners and inn keepers he cheated). But in this forum of all places there should be some serious ridicule of every Marxist movement and how they killed off the landowners who were the only ones who had read almanacs, and then tens of millions of people starved to death when the peasants knew all the motions of farming, but didn't have anyone who had mastered farming to tell them when, where, what, and how. Marxists have always been some of the most educated people, but they have a long history of starving their populations because it takes the college guys working with the peasants several years to even reach comparable yields to what was produced by fathers's raising their son's to take over the land. Most traditions became traditions because they serve a valuable function in society, but the political left disagrees and says traditions are the result of the patriarchy, oppression, whiteness, cultural hegemony, and/or power structures.

About the only thing i'm having trouble finding a source for is Mussolini working with Comintern, which may not be precisely correct. He began his career at the newspaper as a socialist and writing pieces promoting socialism. After the numerous Eastern European revolutions that resulted in almost all of Eastern Europe being assimilated by the Communist International, Mussolini broke turned against Marxist socialism, and became focussed on uniting the country against foreign socialism, which is the very basis of fascism. Fascism is undoubtedly a form of socialism in which the government controls the economy, it allows for much more economic freedom than socialism. But it is a well known fact that Mussolini was a Socialist, and Hitler a part of the socialist German Worker's Party until they created their own fascist parties. I'm still amazed by the fact that so many college students buy into the lie that National Socialism is the extreme polar opposite of Socialism without looking just a little deeper and trying to find an actual book (instead of a government sanctioned textbook)

The fact that you have doubts about what I'm saying shows you don't know much about European history, so here are some sources for a good read:
What facts are you disputing? The sources at the bottom should back up every single claim i made? And what did I even say about economics? And what part of it was even racist? I'll readily admit I may have over-simplified some facts, but I didn't fudge or mistate anything other than Comintern didn't conquer Eastern Europe through force, but through "ideological subversion," a very effective technique, commonly called brainwashing in America, that uses exposure to media, education, and culture to reshape the consciousness of a society. The fact that you claim it's "based on phony economics" shows you didn't read it, or maybe didn't comprehend it, or maybe don't know what the words you are using mean. And the fact that you mention "phony economics" has led me to assume your one of those people who think supply and demand analysis is just made up nonsense and think that Marxist economics, which rejects everything we call economics today, is something that could actually work without causing massive starvation. Don't get me wrong, I definitely believe we should desire a better and more fair economy and strive toward that, but I have enough sense to wait until someone proposes a system that could possibly work and actually takes the time to write it down in a book so people can read it and buy into the idea if it makes sense. But Marx's take on the "negation of the negation," that if we simply destroy capitalism the nature of the universe guarantees it will be replaced by something better, that's insane to believe. Marx was a megalomaniac who was full of envy and rage, and blamed the borgeoise for the death of his many children (i think it was 3 died from neglect and 2 suicide), and his writings were his final f-you to this world, an opus to cause as much pain, suffering, starvation, and warfare across the whole world as possible. If the truth be told, Engels wrote the majority of Das Kapital because after supporting and paying Marx for about 10 years to write it, Marx died before getting around to writing more than a couple chapters (Marx was known by most his peers as being a swindler and con-man who never paid his debts and ran all around Europe fleeing his creditors and bar owners and inn keepers he cheated). But in this forum of all places there should be some serious ridicule of every Marxist movement and how they killed off the landowners who were the only ones who had read almanacs, and then tens of millions of people starved to death when the peasants knew all the motions of farming, but didn't have anyone who had mastered farming to tell them when, where, what, and how. Marxists have always been some of the most educated people, but they have a long history of starving their populations because it takes the college guys working with the peasants several years to even reach comparable yields to what was produced by fathers's raising their son's to take over the land. Most traditions became traditions because they serve a valuable function in society, but the political left disagrees and says traditions are the result of the patriarchy, oppression, whiteness, cultural hegemony, and/or power structures.

About the only thing i'm having trouble finding a source for is Mussolini working with Comintern, which may not be precisely correct. He began his career at the newspaper as a socialist and writing pieces promoting socialism. After the numerous Eastern European revolutions that resulted in almost all of Eastern Europe being assimilated by the Communist International, Mussolini broke turned against Marxist socialism, and became focussed on uniting the country against foreign socialism, which is the very basis of fascism. Fascism is undoubtedly a form of socialism in which the government controls the economy, it allows for much more economic freedom than socialism. But it is a well known fact that Mussolini was a Socialist, and Hitler a part of the socialist German Worker's Party until they created their own fascist parties. I'm still amazed by the fact that so many college students buy into the lie that National Socialism is the extreme polar opposite of Socialism without looking just a little deeper and trying to find an actual book (instead of a government sanctioned textbook)

The fact that you have doubts about what I'm saying shows you don't know much about European history, so here are some sources for a good read:
That's nice.

What's your point?
First, let me say the reason so many think America is so great is because we are a civilized country that uses debate and talking about the issues to create a better society for everyone, or at least we used to be... this new regime of having speech codes in Congress and banning the use of "he," "she," "mother," "father," etc. is just way too extreme. Pelossi is either trolling everyone who has had a family member give their life fighting for our freedoms, who setting a precedent for further restrictions on speech in the near future.

They are saying its fake that Kamala Harris said that, which seems to be the primary person attributed to the statement. But they are trying to get payback on Trump supporters, and making lists of careers to end and people to go after: https://amp.thepostmillennial.com/n...aoc-being-compiled/?__twitter_impression=true

There are people at Harvard pushing for the degrees of Trumps allies to be revoked. Senator Cruz was one of the people, but there were several others who are being threatened with having their degrees revoked.

Jack Dorsey just announced that Trump was just the beginning of deplatforming Conservatives. Parler, the only major platform that didn't already throttle/censor/shadow-ban Conservative posts, has now been banned from all servers large enough to host the platform.

I could have sworn they played a clip on Fox News yesterday of an elected Democrat actually calling for rounding up Trump supporters, but I can't find it, and I may have misunderstood exactly what was being said, but I'll definitely keep looking for it.

The fact the Pelossi's first major play of the new year was to ban the use of the words "male" and "female" from the House of Congress should give you a good idea of the ridiculous crap she's trying to push...
Do you actually believe all this nonsense?

If so I would suggest checking anything you actually care about on a reputable well sources fact based news site like the AP news or Reuters.
I think the whole point is to make people lying to Americans the way some Republicans are there should be some penalty to that. Because they are dividing the US. They should be held accountable otherwise they have no reason to stop lying.

I agree that the people who are lying to the American people should be held accountable. You may find this hard to believe since you obviously don't follow any Conservative news sources, but very few Trump supporters think Trump is a racist, and a lot of the anger on our end is because of the non-stop propaganda pieces that take words out of context, or has the media instigate feuds (like the Muslim father of an American war hero who condemned Trump as a racist was simply bait to portray Trump as a racist for countering the attack) and blaming Trump for things that are not his fault such as so many police shooting black people in Democrat districts, and even outright lies such as Trump refusing to condemn hate groups. We've seen 4.5 years of nothing but censorship from the mainstream liberal-biased media with a Republican in office, so there is a reason every conservative news source talks about censorship every single day. If there is anyone to blame for the division, take a look at who actually benefits by portraying Trump as divisive and racist--media sells more papers and has higher ratings, Southern Poverty Law, Anti Defamation League and ACLU gain record level funding, the BLM movement becomes an international movement and gains billions in donations, and Democrats have a record turn out for a twice failed Presidential candidate against the most popular President in recent history (new media outlets like OAN and Newsmax have risen to become mainstream by simply giving the otherside of the story, but big tech tried to counter this by creating a new term with a dual meaning--"alt right" which means an new conservative media outlet or it can also mean a racist, both are very different things, but it gives the left the power of making the masses believe someone is racist by simply saying they a Conservative journalist). And all this happens right after Obama left office and Hillary lost, when the most significant thing they had in common was they considered their mentor to be Saul Alinsky, the author of "Rules for Radicals," a book dedicated to Lucifer. In Alinsky's book, he teaches his followers that they should accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of--it is well documented that Alinsky had his followers dress up in KKK robes and go to a Bush Sr. speech and cheer wildly every time everytime he spoke so the media would report that the KKK supports Bush Sr. (this was long before Bush even ran for President). While Alinsky's book of lie, con, steal, defame and defraud has become the underlying ideology of the left, Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," that teaches to clean your room, take on responsibilities, pursue meaning, do not lie, has become the defining ideology of the right. When Peterson went on a book tour, he faced protests at every college he went to and was called a fascist neo-nazi, and had people trying to shout him off stage for pushing a book that teaches values. His ideology is built around the fact that suffering is built into life and unavoidable, but can be transcended by living right and having meaning in your life. In a world where suffering is inevitable, and we all must die sometime, some people are so desperate for meaning in their life that they will blindly follow the most expedient way of finding meaning without knowing the full picture and hearing from both sides of the situation--thus the riots and looting of the "peaceful protests" organized by BLM in the name of social justice. So for most Comservatives, after 4.5 years of Trump saying one thing, and the fake news taking a sound bite out of context and saying he said the opposite, this is a good versus evil thing--but most the people on the evil side aren't bad, but deceived. But the truly bad ones are the ones knowingly reporting lies such as one CNN reporter who after Trump said something like, "I condemn the KKK, I've always condemned the KKK. They are detestable people. We have no place for hatred and bigotry in this country," the reporter responded along the lines of, "why won't you explain why you're refusing to condemn hate groups?" I've seen too many live press briefings to believe a word on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or any of the others pushing propaganda.

In 2016 I had been a Democrat as long as I was told what each party stood for (which was actually a biased representation of the truth). I first watched a Trump rally because I thought it'd be funny as hell, and also because I could not believe so many Americans would support a racist bigot. But he actually had good ideas and didn't come off as racist or bigotted at all, not in the slightest. As soon as I finish watching the rally, I flip on CNN, and the headline was "Trump doubles down on racist rhetoric, says all Mexicans are "rapists and murders." I turned to MSNBC, and the same headline, by the next day it was on every channel. So I went back and rewatched it because I had to have missed something. In the full context of the whole speech (he did get off topic for about 30 minutes), Trump was talking specifically about sex traffickers, who kidnap over 15,000 Americans every single year, right here in our country, and drug traffickers flooding our streets with fentanyl-laced heroin which also kills just over 15,000 people every year (at least back in 2016). Trump was also very clear that "we want more people coming to this country. You just have to do it legally... lee-gal-ly..." The plan he proposed was ensuring background checks for every one who comes here to stop actual rapists and murderers from entering our country. But this was the real beginning of me recognizing "fake news" and "liberal bias." When I say liberal bias, in large part I mean, when you think the Republican Party is simply the party of the rich, then you would be doing a good thing by spreading and promoting negative news about them, and being less concerned about the truth behind negative things you say--but liberal bias goes far deeper than just this. But my point is that all these false allegations of racism are what have divided our country. Trump condemned racism, bigotry, hate groups, and the KKK at least 19 times that I know of (and sources claim it was at least 31 times, but YouTube doesn't like keeping videos saying or proving this in the top 100 search results very long), but the media keeps denying this ever happened. In deep blue cities, with Democrat mayors, Democrat police chiefs, and Democrat DAs a lot of black men and women were shot by police in 2020. I'm not aware of a single time BLM marched in a city where any Republican held a single major office in the past 6 years... But after George Floyd died in a district that was not only a local Democratic stronghold, but with Ilhan "the Taliban are the good guys" Omar as their Congress rep and they had a democrat governor too, at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle and Barack Obama said the problem is "a racist in the White House," and every person of color should "fear for their lives," because Democrats keep shooting black people. What does Trump have to do with Democrats shooting black people???? This police shooting thing is a problem that only affects Democratic strongholds, but the media refuses to cover the fact that all the 2020 shootings they spent so much time talking about only happened in deeply democrat districts. Then lets not forget groups like the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law, and the Anti-Defamation League that constantly throw fuel on the fire publishing propaganda pieces because they would literally go out of business without racial division, and they get rich, draw in resources and donations solely through racial division (don't get me wrong, I believe these groups served noble causes in the past, and probably would still be good if they didn't have so many lawyers on payroll with plans of getting rich and famous, but they have become corrupt to the core as America is moving past its racist past). Just think of a fundraiser to cure purple-headed Martian leprosy... nobody would donate to cure something that isn't really a problem. But if enough celebrities, and even media outlets started talking about purple-headed Martian leprosy and how horrible it is, and the media published propaganda pieces about it, not only would it bring in donations, but hundreds to thousands of hypochondriacs would go rushing to the ER thinking they had it. This is the precise nature of the division in our country! It is the "fake news" liberal media constantly saying Trump is a racist. They got so desperate/greedy they twisted an urban legend called a boogaloo into a white supremacy movement. (The term comes from an urban legend that a 4 or 5 star general said the armed forces are loyal to the Constitution more than the President, so if a President ever ordered the military to seize all of the firearms of the citizenry, then it'd be a real boogaloo. The conversation supposedly continued that there are thousands of retired soldiers who would come out of retirement to make sure that no President ever did such a thing) and now, just like purple-headed Martian leprosy, there are actual kids in their twenties dressing up in Hawaiian shirts (I guess like a retired officer at the beach to enjoy his retirement) and claiming to be Boogaloo Boys.
I agree that the people who are lying to the American people should be held accountable. You may find this hard to believe since you obviously don't follow any Conservative news sources, but very few Trump supporters think Trump is a racist, and a lot of the anger on our end is because of the non-stop propaganda pieces that take words out of context, or has the media instigate feuds (like the Muslim father of an American war hero who condemned Trump as a racist was simply bait to portray Trump as a racist for countering the attack) and blaming Trump for things that are not his fault such as so many police shooting black people in Democrat districts, and even outright lies such as Trump refusing to condemn hate groups. We've seen 4.5 years of nothing but censorship from the mainstream liberal-biased media with a Republican in office, so there is a reason every conservative news source talks about censorship every single day. If there is anyone to blame for the division, take a look at who actually benefits by portraying Trump as divisive and racist--media sells more papers and has higher ratings, Southern Poverty Law, Anti Defamation League and ACLU gain record level funding, the BLM movement becomes an international movement and gains billions in donations, and Democrats have a record turn out for a twice failed Presidential candidate against the most popular President in recent history (new media outlets like OAN and Newsmax have risen to become mainstream by simply giving the otherside of the story, but big tech tried to counter this by creating a new term with a dual meaning--"alt right" which means an new conservative media outlet or it can also mean a racist, both are very different things, but it gives the left the power of making the masses believe someone is racist by simply saying they a Conservative journalist). And all this happens right after Obama left office and Hillary lost, when the most significant thing they had in common was they considered their mentor to be Saul Alinsky, the author of "Rules for Radicals," a book dedicated to Lucifer. In Alinsky's book, he teaches his followers that they should accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of--it is well documented that Alinsky had his followers dress up in KKK robes and go to a Bush Sr. speech and cheer wildly every time everytime he spoke so the media would report that the KKK supports Bush Sr. (this was long before Bush even ran for President). While Alinsky's book of lie, con, steal, defame and defraud has become the underlying ideology of the left, Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," that teaches to clean your room, take on responsibilities, pursue meaning, do not lie, has become the defining ideology of the right. When Peterson went on a book tour, he faced protests at every college he went to and was called a fascist neo-nazi, and had people trying to shout him off stage for pushing a book that teaches values. His ideology is built around the fact that suffering is built into life and unavoidable, but can be transcended by living right and having meaning in your life. In a world where suffering is inevitable, and we all must die sometime, some people are so desperate for meaning in their life that they will blindly follow the most expedient way of finding meaning without knowing the full picture and hearing from both sides of the situation--thus the riots and looting of the "peaceful protests" organized by BLM in the name of social justice. So for most Comservatives, after 4.5 years of Trump saying one thing, and the fake news taking a sound bite out of context and saying he said the opposite, this is a good versus evil thing--but most the people on the evil side aren't bad, but deceived. But the truly bad ones are the ones knowingly reporting lies such as one CNN reporter who after Trump said something like, "I condemn the KKK, I've always condemned the KKK. They are detestable people. We have no place for hatred and bigotry in this country," the reporter responded along the lines of, "why won't you explain why you're refusing to condemn hate groups?" I've seen too many live press briefings to believe a word on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or any of the others pushing propaganda.

In 2016 I had been a Democrat as long as I was told what each party stood for (which was actually a biased representation of the truth). I first watched a Trump rally because I thought it'd be funny as hell, and also because I could not believe so many Americans would support a racist bigot. But he actually had good ideas and didn't come off as racist or bigotted at all, not in the slightest. As soon as I finish watching the rally, I flip on CNN, and the headline was "Trump doubles down on racist rhetoric, says all Mexicans are "rapists and murders." I turned to MSNBC, and the same headline, by the next day it was on every channel. So I went back and rewatched it because I had to have missed something. In the full context of the whole speech (he did get off topic for about 30 minutes), Trump was talking specifically about sex traffickers, who kidnap over 15,000 Americans every single year, right here in our country, and drug traffickers flooding our streets with fentanyl-laced heroin which also kills just over 15,000 people every year (at least back in 2016). Trump was also very clear that "we want more people coming to this country. You just have to do it legally... lee-gal-ly..." The plan he proposed was ensuring background checks for every one who comes here to stop actual rapists and murderers from entering our country. But this was the real beginning of me recognizing "fake news" and "liberal bias." When I say liberal bias, in large part I mean, when you think the Republican Party is simply the party of the rich, then you would be doing a good thing by spreading and promoting negative news about them, and being less concerned about the truth behind negative things you say--but liberal bias goes far deeper than just this. But my point is that all these false allegations of racism are what have divided our country. Trump condemned racism, bigotry, hate groups, and the KKK at least 19 times that I know of (and sources claim it was at least 31 times, but YouTube doesn't like keeping videos saying or proving this in the top 100 search results very long), but the media keeps denying this ever happened. In deep blue cities, with Democrat mayors, Democrat police chiefs, and Democrat DAs a lot of black men and women were shot by police in 2020. I'm not aware of a single time BLM marched in a city where any Republican held a single major office in the past 6 years... But after George Floyd died in a district that was not only a local Democratic stronghold, but with Ilhan "the Taliban are the good guys" Omar as their Congress rep and they had a democrat governor too, at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle and Barack Obama said the problem is "a racist in the White House," and every person of color should "fear for their lives," because Democrats keep shooting black people. What does Trump have to do with Democrats shooting black people???? This police shooting thing is a problem that only affects Democratic strongholds, but the media refuses to cover the fact that all the 2020 shootings they spent so much time talking about only happened in deeply democrat districts. Then lets not forget groups like the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law, and the Anti-Defamation League that constantly throw fuel on the fire publishing propaganda pieces because they would literally go out of business without racial division, and they get rich, draw in resources and donations solely through racial division (don't get me wrong, I believe these groups served noble causes in the past, and probably would still be good if they didn't have so many lawyers on payroll with plans of getting rich and famous, but they have become corrupt to the core as America is moving past its racist past). Just think of a fundraiser to cure purple-headed Martian leprosy... nobody would donate to cure something that isn't really a problem. But if enough celebrities, and even media outlets started talking about purple-headed Martian leprosy and how horrible it is, and the media published propaganda pieces about it, not only would it bring in donations, but hundreds to thousands of hypochondriacs would go rushing to the ER thinking they had it. This is the precise nature of the division in our country! It is the "fake news" liberal media constantly saying Trump is a racist. They got so desperate/greedy they twisted an urban legend called a boogaloo into a white supremacy movement. (The term comes from an urban legend that a 4 or 5 star general said the armed forces are loyal to the Constitution more than the President, so if a President ever ordered the military to seize all of the firearms of the citizenry, then it'd be a real boogaloo. The conversation supposedly continued that there are thousands of retired soldiers who would come out of retirement to make sure that no President ever did such a thing) and now, just like purple-headed Martian leprosy, there are actual kids in their twenties dressing up in Hawaiian shirts (I guess like a retired officer at the beach to enjoy his retirement) and claiming to be Boogaloo Boys.
You have a lot of time on your hands to troll since Parlor and Facebook got sick of the propaganda spam huh?

Brute force trolling bot.
I agree that the people who are lying to the American people should be held accountable. You may find this hard to believe since you obviously don't follow any Conservative news sources, but very few Trump supporters think Trump is a racist, and a lot of the anger on our end is because of the non-stop propaganda pieces that take words out of context, or has the media instigate feuds (like the Muslim father of an American war hero who condemned Trump as a racist was simply bait to portray Trump as a racist for countering the attack) and blaming Trump for things that are not his fault such as so many police shooting black people in Democrat districts, and even outright lies such as Trump refusing to condemn hate groups. We've seen 4.5 years of nothing but censorship from the mainstream liberal-biased media with a Republican in office, so there is a reason every conservative news source talks about censorship every single day. If there is anyone to blame for the division, take a look at who actually benefits by portraying Trump as divisive and racist--media sells more papers and has higher ratings, Southern Poverty Law, Anti Defamation League and ACLU gain record level funding, the BLM movement becomes an international movement and gains billions in donations, and Democrats have a record turn out for a twice failed Presidential candidate against the most popular President in recent history (new media outlets like OAN and Newsmax have risen to become mainstream by simply giving the otherside of the story, but big tech tried to counter this by creating a new term with a dual meaning--"alt right" which means an new conservative media outlet or it can also mean a racist, both are very different things, but it gives the left the power of making the masses believe someone is racist by simply saying they a Conservative journalist). And all this happens right after Obama left office and Hillary lost, when the most significant thing they had in common was they considered their mentor to be Saul Alinsky, the author of "Rules for Radicals," a book dedicated to Lucifer. In Alinsky's book, he teaches his followers that they should accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of--it is well documented that Alinsky had his followers dress up in KKK robes and go to a Bush Sr. speech and cheer wildly every time everytime he spoke so the media would report that the KKK supports Bush Sr. (this was long before Bush even ran for President). While Alinsky's book of lie, con, steal, defame and defraud has become the underlying ideology of the left, Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," that teaches to clean your room, take on responsibilities, pursue meaning, do not lie, has become the defining ideology of the right. When Peterson went on a book tour, he faced protests at every college he went to and was called a fascist neo-nazi, and had people trying to shout him off stage for pushing a book that teaches values. His ideology is built around the fact that suffering is built into life and unavoidable, but can be transcended by living right and having meaning in your life. In a world where suffering is inevitable, and we all must die sometime, some people are so desperate for meaning in their life that they will blindly follow the most expedient way of finding meaning without knowing the full picture and hearing from both sides of the situation--thus the riots and looting of the "peaceful protests" organized by BLM in the name of social justice. So for most Comservatives, after 4.5 years of Trump saying one thing, and the fake news taking a sound bite out of context and saying he said the opposite, this is a good versus evil thing--but most the people on the evil side aren't bad, but deceived. But the truly bad ones are the ones knowingly reporting lies such as one CNN reporter who after Trump said something like, "I condemn the KKK, I've always condemned the KKK. They are detestable people. We have no place for hatred and bigotry in this country," the reporter responded along the lines of, "why won't you explain why you're refusing to condemn hate groups?" I've seen too many live press briefings to believe a word on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or any of the others pushing propaganda.

In 2016 I had been a Democrat as long as I was told what each party stood for (which was actually a biased representation of the truth). I first watched a Trump rally because I thought it'd be funny as hell, and also because I could not believe so many Americans would support a racist bigot. But he actually had good ideas and didn't come off as racist or bigotted at all, not in the slightest. As soon as I finish watching the rally, I flip on CNN, and the headline was "Trump doubles down on racist rhetoric, says all Mexicans are "rapists and murders." I turned to MSNBC, and the same headline, by the next day it was on every channel. So I went back and rewatched it because I had to have missed something. In the full context of the whole speech (he did get off topic for about 30 minutes), Trump was talking specifically about sex traffickers, who kidnap over 15,000 Americans every single year, right here in our country, and drug traffickers flooding our streets with fentanyl-laced heroin which also kills just over 15,000 people every year (at least back in 2016). Trump was also very clear that "we want more people coming to this country. You just have to do it legally... lee-gal-ly..." The plan he proposed was ensuring background checks for every one who comes here to stop actual rapists and murderers from entering our country. But this was the real beginning of me recognizing "fake news" and "liberal bias." When I say liberal bias, in large part I mean, when you think the Republican Party is simply the party of the rich, then you would be doing a good thing by spreading and promoting negative news about them, and being less concerned about the truth behind negative things you say--but liberal bias goes far deeper than just this. But my point is that all these false allegations of racism are what have divided our country. Trump condemned racism, bigotry, hate groups, and the KKK at least 19 times that I know of (and sources claim it was at least 31 times, but YouTube doesn't like keeping videos saying or proving this in the top 100 search results very long), but the media keeps denying this ever happened. In deep blue cities, with Democrat mayors, Democrat police chiefs, and Democrat DAs a lot of black men and women were shot by police in 2020. I'm not aware of a single time BLM marched in a city where any Republican held a single major office in the past 6 years... But after George Floyd died in a district that was not only a local Democratic stronghold, but with Ilhan "the Taliban are the good guys" Omar as their Congress rep and they had a democrat governor too, at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle and Barack Obama said the problem is "a racist in the White House," and every person of color should "fear for their lives," because Democrats keep shooting black people. What does Trump have to do with Democrats shooting black people???? This police shooting thing is a problem that only affects Democratic strongholds, but the media refuses to cover the fact that all the 2020 shootings they spent so much time talking about only happened in deeply democrat districts. Then lets not forget groups like the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law, and the Anti-Defamation League that constantly throw fuel on the fire publishing propaganda pieces because they would literally go out of business without racial division, and they get rich, draw in resources and donations solely through racial division (don't get me wrong, I believe these groups served noble causes in the past, and probably would still be good if they didn't have so many lawyers on payroll with plans of getting rich and famous, but they have become corrupt to the core as America is moving past its racist past). Just think of a fundraiser to cure purple-headed Martian leprosy... nobody would donate to cure something that isn't really a problem. But if enough celebrities, and even media outlets started talking about purple-headed Martian leprosy and how horrible it is, and the media published propaganda pieces about it, not only would it bring in donations, but hundreds to thousands of hypochondriacs would go rushing to the ER thinking they had it. This is the precise nature of the division in our country! It is the "fake news" liberal media constantly saying Trump is a racist. They got so desperate/greedy they twisted an urban legend called a boogaloo into a white supremacy movement. (The term comes from an urban legend that a 4 or 5 star general said the armed forces are loyal to the Constitution more than the President, so if a President ever ordered the military to seize all of the firearms of the citizenry, then it'd be a real boogaloo. The conversation supposedly continued that there are thousands of retired soldiers who would come out of retirement to make sure that no President ever did such a thing) and now, just like purple-headed Martian leprosy, there are actual kids in their twenties dressing up in Hawaiian shirts (I guess like a retired officer at the beach to enjoy his retirement) and claiming to be Boogaloo Boys.
I agree that the people who are lying to the American people should be held accountable. You may find this hard to believe since you obviously don't follow any Conservative news sources, but very few Trump supporters think Trump is a racist, and a lot of the anger on our end is because of the non-stop propaganda pieces that take words out of context, or has the media instigate feuds (like the Muslim father of an American war hero who condemned Trump as a racist was simply bait to portray Trump as a racist for countering the attack) and blaming Trump for things that are not his fault such as so many police shooting black people in Democrat districts, and even outright lies such as Trump refusing to condemn hate groups. We've seen 4.5 years of nothing but censorship from the mainstream liberal-biased media with a Republican in office, so there is a reason every conservative news source talks about censorship every single day. If there is anyone to blame for the division, take a look at who actually benefits by portraying Trump as divisive and racist--media sells more papers and has higher ratings, Southern Poverty Law, Anti Defamation League and ACLU gain record level funding, the BLM movement becomes an international movement and gains billions in donations, and Democrats have a record turn out for a twice failed Presidential candidate against the most popular President in recent history (new media outlets like OAN and Newsmax have risen to become mainstream by simply giving the otherside of the story, but big tech tried to counter this by creating a new term with a dual meaning--"alt right" which means an new conservative media outlet or it can also mean a racist, both are very different things, but it gives the left the power of making the masses believe someone is racist by simply saying they a Conservative journalist). And all this happens right after Obama left office and Hillary lost, when the most significant thing they had in common was they considered their mentor to be Saul Alinsky, the author of "Rules for Radicals," a book dedicated to Lucifer. In Alinsky's book, he teaches his followers that they should accuse their opponents of what they themselves are guilty of--it is well documented that Alinsky had his followers dress up in KKK robes and go to a Bush Sr. speech and cheer wildly every time everytime he spoke so the media would report that the KKK supports Bush Sr. (this was long before Bush even ran for President). While Alinsky's book of lie, con, steal, defame and defraud has become the underlying ideology of the left, Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," that teaches to clean your room, take on responsibilities, pursue meaning, do not lie, has become the defining ideology of the right. When Peterson went on a book tour, he faced protests at every college he went to and was called a fascist neo-nazi, and had people trying to shout him off stage for pushing a book that teaches values. His ideology is built around the fact that suffering is built into life and unavoidable, but can be transcended by living right and having meaning in your life. In a world where suffering is inevitable, and we all must die sometime, some people are so desperate for meaning in their life that they will blindly follow the most expedient way of finding meaning without knowing the full picture and hearing from both sides of the situation--thus the riots and looting of the "peaceful protests" organized by BLM in the name of social justice. So for most Comservatives, after 4.5 years of Trump saying one thing, and the fake news taking a sound bite out of context and saying he said the opposite, this is a good versus evil thing--but most the people on the evil side aren't bad, but deceived. But the truly bad ones are the ones knowingly reporting lies such as one CNN reporter who after Trump said something like, "I condemn the KKK, I've always condemned the KKK. They are detestable people. We have no place for hatred and bigotry in this country," the reporter responded along the lines of, "why won't you explain why you're refusing to condemn hate groups?" I've seen too many live press briefings to believe a word on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or any of the others pushing propaganda.

In 2016 I had been a Democrat as long as I was told what each party stood for (which was actually a biased representation of the truth). I first watched a Trump rally because I thought it'd be funny as hell, and also because I could not believe so many Americans would support a racist bigot. But he actually had good ideas and didn't come off as racist or bigotted at all, not in the slightest. As soon as I finish watching the rally, I flip on CNN, and the headline was "Trump doubles down on racist rhetoric, says all Mexicans are "rapists and murders." I turned to MSNBC, and the same headline, by the next day it was on every channel. So I went back and rewatched it because I had to have missed something. In the full context of the whole speech (he did get off topic for about 30 minutes), Trump was talking specifically about sex traffickers, who kidnap over 15,000 Americans every single year, right here in our country, and drug traffickers flooding our streets with fentanyl-laced heroin which also kills just over 15,000 people every year (at least back in 2016). Trump was also very clear that "we want more people coming to this country. You just have to do it legally... lee-gal-ly..." The plan he proposed was ensuring background checks for every one who comes here to stop actual rapists and murderers from entering our country. But this was the real beginning of me recognizing "fake news" and "liberal bias." When I say liberal bias, in large part I mean, when you think the Republican Party is simply the party of the rich, then you would be doing a good thing by spreading and promoting negative news about them, and being less concerned about the truth behind negative things you say--but liberal bias goes far deeper than just this. But my point is that all these false allegations of racism are what have divided our country. Trump condemned racism, bigotry, hate groups, and the KKK at least 19 times that I know of (and sources claim it was at least 31 times, but YouTube doesn't like keeping videos saying or proving this in the top 100 search results very long), but the media keeps denying this ever happened. In deep blue cities, with Democrat mayors, Democrat police chiefs, and Democrat DAs a lot of black men and women were shot by police in 2020. I'm not aware of a single time BLM marched in a city where any Republican held a single major office in the past 6 years... But after George Floyd died in a district that was not only a local Democratic stronghold, but with Ilhan "the Taliban are the good guys" Omar as their Congress rep and they had a democrat governor too, at the Democratic National Convention, Michelle and Barack Obama said the problem is "a racist in the White House," and every person of color should "fear for their lives," because Democrats keep shooting black people. What does Trump have to do with Democrats shooting black people???? This police shooting thing is a problem that only affects Democratic strongholds, but the media refuses to cover the fact that all the 2020 shootings they spent so much time talking about only happened in deeply democrat districts. Then lets not forget groups like the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law, and the Anti-Defamation League that constantly throw fuel on the fire publishing propaganda pieces because they would literally go out of business without racial division, and they get rich, draw in resources and donations solely through racial division (don't get me wrong, I believe these groups served noble causes in the past, and probably would still be good if they didn't have so many lawyers on payroll with plans of getting rich and famous, but they have become corrupt to the core as America is moving past its racist past). Just think of a fundraiser to cure purple-headed Martian leprosy... nobody would donate to cure something that isn't really a problem. But if enough celebrities, and even media outlets started talking about purple-headed Martian leprosy and how horrible it is, and the media published propaganda pieces about it, not only would it bring in donations, but hundreds to thousands of hypochondriacs would go rushing to the ER thinking they had it. This is the precise nature of the division in our country! It is the "fake news" liberal media constantly saying Trump is a racist. They got so desperate/greedy they twisted an urban legend called a boogaloo into a white supremacy movement. (The term comes from an urban legend that a 4 or 5 star general said the armed forces are loyal to the Constitution more than the President, so if a President ever ordered the military to seize all of the firearms of the citizenry, then it'd be a real boogaloo. The conversation supposedly continued that there are thousands of retired soldiers who would come out of retirement to make sure that no President ever did such a thing) and now, just like purple-headed Martian leprosy, there are actual kids in their twenties dressing up in Hawaiian shirts (I guess like a retired officer at the beach to enjoy his retirement) and claiming to be Boogaloo Boys.
Blah blah blah Russian troll tl;dnr
What time is the sacking of trump on Wednesday ? is it on pay per view ?

You know in Indian and places like that when someone does something wrong they execute them in public with a slow hanging or a bullet to the back, the viewing public will watch it free.

so is this free to watch or do i need to go on the darkweb to watch the assassination ha ha ha

only in merica :/
Took just one half blind communist antifa to set the Reichstag on fire.... the “excuse“ used was “the communists are coming”, the same fear mongering nazi propaganda the republicans have been pushing for decades and you‘re still swallowing like the uberdumbfuck you are.

Source? :rolleyes:
I guess what really intrigued me about about the "nazi propaganda" that the communists are coming is that everywhere I turn, it says it was Nazi propaganda, but if you dig through encyclopedia's and old books, the Communists said they were coming very loud and clear in the Communist International and it's namesake publication. Marxist-Leninism had no plans on stopping until they had spread communism throughout the world, and many publicly declared this. And the Bolsheviks and other Marxists had used propaganda, newspapers, and their positions as professors throughout Europe to start communist revolutions throughout Eastern Europe during the early 1920s. The Communist International published material on how they would start a revolution in Germany, and even attempted one... Max Horkheimer of the Frankfurt School even stated that the revolution would happen as they infiltrated their schools and government institutitions, slowly transforming them into Marxist entities. But it was "propaganda" that "the communists are coming?"

Classical Marxism is about using the media, education system, and cultural institutions to cause "an awakening of consciousness," that would cause violent revolutions across the industrialized world. This precise concept of an awakening of consciousness has been rebranded as "wokeness" and is now the de facto ideology of the Democratic Party. Given the fact that the Communist International said the key to overthrowing capitalism in America was to start a race war, it really speaks to the times.

If I found more sources that described this part of history, or had it been covered in Western Civ 1 or 2, Political Science International Relations or Comparative Governments, I wouldn't be that concerned. But when almost every source I find says that Hitler made up the threat of communism, when even the Communists of the time said they were coming--that's what worries me.