It's All The Fault Of Fox News

Yeah I get that a lot. My really fine half jap gf strokes my nuts fortunatley.
I am nuts about 2cycle combustion engines though.
Specifically attached to two wheels.
Do you ride?

ohhhh!! two stroke engines...

that makes more sense.

i figured you just had a "Hair Trigger" and was owning it. caliing them....ah..what was the term....dammm, having a senior moment here....
...oh I remember.....full stops
Fuckin pervs lol

Fortunately my girl and I both are satisfied quite quickly.
Muddy waters style.
Ain't that a main?

All you little girls,
Sittin'out at that line
I can make love to you woman,
In five minutes time
Ain't that a man


I have several 2 stroke engines that run on Methanol and Nitrous and hit about 18,000 RPM. Little monsters when they hit the torque band.
All you little girls,
Sittin'out at that line
I can make love to you woman,
In five minutes time
Ain't that a man

I have several 2 stroke engines that run on Methanol and Nitrous and hit about 18,000 RPM. Little monsters when they hit the torque band.

AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chile................Iiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Banshees? Ceramic berings?
I actually have an H2 and a GT550.....always wanted a nice water buffalo though......sigh, one day.

buy american!

RD's are sick, is it true they share many many parts with the yama banshee's? I know they had an RZ that got imported in like 84-85, it was a kenny roberts model iirc.

Could you ever buy an American two-stroke keynes?


American Buffalo?
There's a reason that Faux News was denied a license to broadcast in Canada. Because they have a law against broadcasting lies.

Yeah no shit right .

People . The television you watch is one thing and one thing only . FOR ENTERTAINMENT . Alll those cool graphics , hot chicks , and all the other BS they throw into the mix is to grab your attention and get ratings . Its how it works . Look at the fine print after a broadcast . Those little words LEGALLY mean a lot more than people think .

IF IT AINT INDEPENDENT MEDIA , then its being censored . CMON people . You dont think your being bullshitted ? Maybe you should take another look into TWA-800 . Remember everyone who saw what they REALLY saw are just crazy . BS . Were all just a bunch of crazy people . Because uncle sam says so . There are so many censored , padded things they put out there , and we just eat em up .

Heres another example of what government does to help you and me . DO you know that your beef is irradiated ? Wanna know why ? Because there arent enough inspectors , less than 1% of what you eat is inspected . The only reason they irradiate it with GAMMA , is because they arent cleaning it properly and it kills the E.coli . Supposedly . So maybe instead they should label it on the shelf , as , "Irradiated because your beef has shit in it "

I love going on rants cause im a little pissed off .