Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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I don't believe humans have been to the moon. And unfortunately china is proving us wrong

If we never went, it would have been publicly revealed. There are no secrets of that scope. That wasn't a one time secret mission We went back again and again with fucking cars eventually.

Sorry, no hoax
I can understand how a number like 7,8, 11,21, 27, 33 might become lore in a primitive environment.

Same as any other number, but I can see how a bunch of isolated people with a charismatic person would develop some "magic" around a number or item. People are very very easily led astray. This thread is a great example.
I'm older than 33, so that's not just an odd coincidence... wow.

Gives me chills. Actually, I'm older than all those numbers... what might this mean??
Numbers and symbols mean little to me all matrix related bs imo, all these moron public whores aka celebs ( unless they're customers lol) throwing shapes triangles pyramids etc lmfao twats
Another view....from Henry Makow today;
Flat Earthers impersonate conspiracy researchers
much the same way FBI and crisis actors
impersonated patriot militia in Oregon. More disturbing,
a few legitimate researchers like Anthony Migchels &
Edward Hendrie seem to have succumbed.

See Below - 9-11 Truther and critic of the NWO, Edward Hendrie, has caught the Flat Earth virus with a daunting 500-page book The Greatest Lie on Earth: Proof that Our World is Not a Moving Globe.

by L.C. Vincent
"The Flat Earth Conspiracy Theory"
is the latest rage in the conspiracy research community-- the ultimate insult to our intelligence and the ultimate Illuminati psy-op.
Flat Earth Theory serves to marginalize and denigrate legitimate conspiracy research by injecting this most pernicious and preposterous meme. The end result is that the average person rejects the entire field when they learn that some members of this community also embrace the primitive stupidity of The Flat Earth "theory."
1.) Flat Earthers claim that Earth is really a flat plane, a round disc, on which we all live, not a globe or sphere and the ends of the Earth's disc are surrounded by a wall of ice.
2.) There really is no such thing as outer space, as the planets, moons and stars are illusions or flat spinning discs created by aliens. The Earth really has no curvature; gravity does not exist, and our sky is covered by a glass dome. NASA was founded by Nazi scientists as a public relations cover for evil deeds; rockets can't reach space, and all NASA missions were public relations spectacles designed to further the conspiracy "they" started thousands of years ago to keep "us" in the dark about where we really live.

How do Flat Earther's explain our days and nights? According to them, the Sun (only a few thousand miles away, not 93 million) simply circles above a different area of the Earth's disc. But even this "simplistic" explanation fails to explain the obvious fallacy in their cartoon cosmology -- that even a star which circled a Flat Earth would still be visible from all parts of the disc.
How do Flat Earther's explain such predictable phenomena as lunar and solar eclipses? Simple.... Something they call "The Shadow Object" moves in front of the Earth or Moon, temporarily blocking out the sunlight! So if their own explanation unravels, based upon their own false assumptions, then they just make something up to cover the vacuity of their lunacy.
According to Flat Earther's, gravity does not exist either. What causes objects to fall down to the ground is what they call "Upward Acceleration", a result of the continuous thrust of our Flat Earth into an upward trajectory (by forces unknown.)
Based on this unique perspective, it follows that NASA and all space exploration is a complete fraud, since space does not truly exist (which makes one wonder where our Flat Earth is headed as it continues to accelerate from all that Upward Thrust!).
The flat earth YouTube, "Learning Curve" , reveals an Illuminati mind game of epic proportions.
Mixed in with the Flat Earth theory, "Learning Curve" sprinkles the following words, thoughts and phrases as part of their proof that the earth is flat: "mind control, brainwashing, core beliefs, programming, textbook, Tavistock Institute, Masons, Freemasons, NASA, Nazis, powerful Jews, the Federal Reserve, the mainstream media," etc., etc.
They also transform the word "globalist" from a mild pejorative (someone who seeks control thru world government) into an epithet. It now refers to someone who perceives the world as a globe rather than a flat disc!


(left, "fakery")
The true agenda of the Illuminati is revealed after the narrator hypocritically expresses his dismay in being unable to disprove the "Flat Earth" theory. He bemoans that proving the theory is taking his time away from his "true" pre-occupation, his "normal" life of exposing chemtrails and secret societies!
By resurrecting the Flat Earth Theory as the truly penultimate example of ignorance and illusion, the Illuminati have crafted a meme which has the ability to persuade the average person that conspiracy theorists and researchers are part of a lunatic fringe.
This meme and this video reveals the hand of The Illuminati at their most twisted: to keep mankind in ignorance of their continued machinations while discrediting those who seek to make the world aware of their plans for war, pestilence, famine and enslavement. Can there be a better definition of Evil?
That would be your straw man concern from many pages ago. Can't argue that. That presumes that some organization is rolling out troll puppets to obfuscate.

Same theory that says the US govt put particularly screwy screwballs on TV talking about UFO's. That tends to make any UFO interested person a screwball by association.

I'm thinking this thread shows us that we don't need troll puppets... there's enough people that truly believe. Not sure if that's more or less comforting than the idea of a central group influencing things.
i agree the earth is round but i disagree lots on what were being actually told from governments and NASA ,, or media in general
If you think about a psace station on the moon is 1000 times better yet our spae station is not in space no different then all space shuttle missions THEY never ever left earths orbit and really went into space they only went so high and were free falling back to earth .
Seriously everyone uses well we went to the moon and nothing is there
and back in 69 that is utter bs have we drilled there whats under ground Cheese ??? you think a few fucking rocks they claim they brought back YET Does anyone know where any rock is ,,
But again NASA deletes one of the most important things k so called known to man but everyone still believes yup we been there
And all the power to you to believe what you like ,, As for me If USA now needs Russian rockets and that is to get to outer earths orbit to plant a satellite,, THen you go right ahead and think USA went to the moon and Came back cause its im fuckking possible specially in that tin can
Was just another fucking lie in grand scale usa did with the cold war on russia Do what ever needed to win the so called race they did not want to look bad to the world
All BS Cold war tactic lie at all and make it real at what ever cost
i love you man...

Who posted the incredible odds against these theories back a few pages? That was a beaut.
I get a kick out of the irony of the post, Zedd. One group of illuminati conspiracy theorists making fun of flat earthers. Who is crazier? The guy that thinks he's a dog or the guy that thinks he's a cat?
lol too funny for sure
I'll repost it 1 more time for @ODanksta .

The moon landing hoax is mathematically impossible. It would've taken around 400,000 people to keep the secret. And been exposed after about 3 years and 8 months.
This assumes a total hoax, there were saturn 5 rockets, America did go to the moon, but i contend they didnt get there in those rockets and come back in the LM, they developed electrogravitic vehicles developed by T.T Brown, an unsung American genius
I'm in the fairy dust camp. Possibly Dorothy's ruby red slippers. One of those technologies helped, pretty sure.
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