Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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One of the oldest proofs of the Earth's shape, however, can be seen from the ground and occurs during every lunar eclipse. The geometry of a lunar eclipse has been known since ancient Greece. When a full Moon occurs in the plane of Earth's orbit, the Moon slowly moves through Earth's shadow. Every time that shadow is seen, its edge is round. Once again, the only solid that always projects a round shadow is a sphere.
i agree the earth is round but i disagree lots on what were being actually told from governments and NASA ,, or media in general
If you think about a psace station on the moon is 1000 times better yet our spae station is not in space no different then all space shuttle missions THEY never ever left earths orbit and really went into space they only went so high and were free falling back to earth .
Seriously everyone uses well we went to the moon and nothing is there
and back in 69 that is utter bs have we drilled there whats under ground Cheese ??? you think a few fucking rocks they claim they brought back YET Does anyone know where any rock is ,,
But again NASA deletes one of the most important things k so called known to man but everyone still believes yup we been there
And all the power to you to believe what you like ,, As for me If USA now needs Russian rockets and that is to get to outer earths orbit to plant a satellite,, THen you go right ahead and think USA went to the moon and Came back cause its im fuckking possible specially in that tin can
Was just another fucking lie in grand scale usa did with the cold war on russia Do what ever needed to win the so called race they did not want to look bad to the world
All BS Cold war tactic lie at all and make it real at what ever cost
Regarless of the BS threads nature. This has been a great intellectual thread here on RIU. I have learned a lot.

I never doubted the world wasn't round.

I hope y'all know that.

But at the same time, I ask for you all, to have a open mind and to question your goverment.

I still believe we live in multiple dimensional universe that we can not "as humans comprehend of the current state of humanity".
i agree the earth is round but i disagree lots on what were being actually told from governments and NASA ,, or media in general
If you think about a psace station on the moon is 1000 times better yet our spae station is not in space no different then all space shuttle missions THEY never ever left earths orbit and really went into space they only went so high and were free falling back to earth .
Seriously everyone uses well we went to the moon and nothing is there
and back in 69 that is utter bs have we drilled there whats under ground Cheese ??? you think a few fucking rocks they claim they brought back YET Does anyone know where any rock is ,,
But again NASA deletes one of the most important things k so called known to man but everyone still believes yup we been there
And all the power to you to believe what you like ,, As for me If USA now needs Russian rockets and that is to get to outer earths orbit to plant a satellite,, THen you go right ahead and think USA went to the moon and Came back cause its im fuckking possible specially in that tin can
Was just another fucking lie in grand scale usa did with the cold war on russia Do what ever needed to win the so called race they did not want to look bad to the world
All BS Cold war tactic lie at all and make it real at what ever cost
I don't believe humans have been to the moon. And unfortunately china is proving us wrong
Everyone is always to eager to agree rather then think ok i agree looking at the moon its round of course were round

but like our governents out right lie to us Could NASA do such a thing don't kid your self when its to boost a possible way to make money or what ever lets show some photochopped planets etc

Here is a good read
Why bother when they can convince the average person ISIS is coming for us and we all get scared like bitches and throw our money at the government. I have not forgotten them support our troops ribbons on like 80% of vehicles. Much better ways to get money from us dumb fucks and NASA don't get shit for money.:bigjoint:
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