No problem.
If you start in small containers again don't worry if roots pop out the bottom. It happens. I usually wait until I got quite a few roots popping out like a solo cup.
Its all good though.
I would just let it be. I know it is hard to do sometimes.
Okay, I am letting it the fuck be, but I can't help but worry!!!
Again I come home to a
slouching plant!!! I watered it as much as I told you yesterday (~200 mL with almost 100 mL run-off, which
imo is too much), then this morning I check on it and "HEY, everything's yankee doodle dandy" (before its sleep), then I come home (again, around 5 pm, ca. 2 hours after it has "awoken", and it's lying down again!!!!!).
really want to leave her
be, but it ain't cool when I leave her alone and come back to a problematic plant every time....... Makes me wonder how other people in my city make it work
Before a few minutes ago, the distance between leaves and bulb was ~100-110 cm (39-43"), and after seeing it
SLOUCH, I've decided to raise the light even further up (~ 120-130 cm, 47"-51") -- 250W MH, btw.
I washed my hands before sticking a knucle in there, and the soil
is not super damp.
It's fairly dry for the top knuckle/half-knuckle, but beneath that it starts to get pretty moist/humid.
It STOOD UP yesterday after I gave it a good watering, and it maintained that upright rigidity all throughout its day!!! Then it sleeps, wakes up and.........................

I am trying to let it just
be a plant and follow its natural course, but I always end up giving it
too much attention.
Had I not looked at it, I wouldn't be
as worried, but only because I would not have looked at it - and, to me, the whole "not looking at it" doesn't make the problem disappear! If anything, I want to catch the problem in its early stages, not when my fuck-ups have taken their definitive toll!
I haven't done anything to her besides check on her and stuck my clean knuckle knuckle-deep into the outer edge of the soil...
Temperature in Fahrenheit is 86.5 during the day...
Thanks for the help.