Seedling yellowing leaves and some are dying off. What do you guys think? (with imeages)

Wouldn't it be best to replace the solution with a lower EC solution?
amneziaHaze told me to not waste my nute solution. Just take out some nute solution and replace it with fresh water...

i forgot how much you have but if you top of the same amount you will stay at that level for a long time. take a glass or 2 and replace it with fresh water
That's what I do. I let them drink for 24 hours and then take a little bit out and replace with fresh water to lower the EC.
amneziaHaze told me to not waste my nute solution. Just take out some nute solution and replace it with fresh water...

That's what I do. I let them drink for 24 hours and then take a little bit out and replace with fresh water to lower the EC.

By only adding water you should be able to estimate how much time until the ideal EC is reached.
The last days I was lowering the EC but it still keeps raising... I'm at 25% of manufacturer recommendations but it still keeps raising...

I also think the fast growth is slower now...

I think not my base nutrients are raising the EC... Maybe the Cal/Mag is raising my EC...

What would you do to test that? I can't send my water to a laboratory to test it so what would you do?

I'm thinking about just adding the base nutrient to my water to find the right EC for the base nutrients and foliar feed Cal/Mag until I've found the right base nutrient EC...

I don't know what to do... soon I can't get lower with base nutrients because I'm almost at zero...

Current nutrient solution:
EC 0.78 (0.394 Cal/Mag and 0.386 base nutrients)

But it still keeps raising! I've lowered the Cal/Mag by 0.05 now to see if it still raises and it does...

As I said I think the growth is slower now compared to some days ago... Do you think 0.386 base nutrients is not enough?

Another strange thing... on the Cal/Mag bottle it says to add 0.3-0.5 ml per litre to reach a EC of 0.45 but I need more to reach that EC... I need about 0.8-1.0 ml per litre which seems not right...

Would be easier if I could test my water to see what is actually in there...
Hello I have the following problem.

One of my seedling started to develop these yellow spots. I didn't worry because I wasn't feeding enough based on the nutrient schedule of my fertilizer bottle. I was feeding the "first Root"-strength but already had some true leaves on them so I checked the bottle again and changed the resevoir and fed my plants the amount stated on the fertilizer bottle for plants with first true leaves.

The other seedlings who did not develop the yellow spots were fine with the new nutrient solution and higher EC. But the one with the yellow leaves was stunt and the nutrient EC of her reservoir kept raising a lot (about +0.6EC) so I lowered it again and the next day it has risen again (about +0.3EC) but it has stopped there so I thought everything was ok... some days later still not a lot of growth compared to the other seedlings but as far as I could tell it was not getting worse at least so I thought the problem was gone and she needes some time to recover.

But yesterday the second seedling started to get some of the same yellowing like the first seedling but it was not a lot so I didn't notice it right away. Today the yellowing of the second seedling kept going on and the EC has risen for both again A LOT! the EC was 2.3 again!

Now my first seedling who developed these deficiencies first is very slow growing compared to the other seedlings and is getting worse and worse. And now the second seedling starts to develop the same problems too... And the others keep getting worse too...

I don't really know what the problem is since the EC is raising it looks like they are leeching nutrients in the solution instead of taking them up... I don't really know what was going wrong... Do you know whats happening?

I grow with LED so I use extra Cal/Mag. I use reverse osmosis water. The nutrients I use are general hydroponics TriPart.

The Cal/Mag bottle says to use 0.45EC CalMag. And the GHE TriPart says to add about 0.8-1.2EC for plants with first true leaves.

So I made a nutrient solution with 0.45EC Cal/Mag and 1.2EC GHE TriPart and got about EC1.6

The plants were growing good and fast (but not the first yellow leaves seedling) so I thought I was doing everything right... The EC raised the first day but after that it didn't kept rising and they started to take off. So I just let them stay that way the following days and they kept growing good (not the first yellowing seedling) but yesterday the EC has risen again and today again and now more plants show the same symptoms. Yellowing leaves and the lower leaves start to die on the leave tips... What is going on??

I think they maybe have nutrient lockout so I am flushing the system right now! After that I want to reintroduce the nutrient strength for first true leaves... Maybe the first yellowing seedling had nutrient lockout and since I didn't flush it she was still damaged... What do you think?

Should I have changed the res everytime the EC has risen so much? Maybe some of the nutrients were already used up but the EC was high because of some other nutrient leeching from the first seedling? I don't really know...

I'm reading the nutrient deficiency guide over and over again but I don't know whats going on here and I dont want to make things worse! Maybe they are too big by now and already need the vegetation feeding schedule instead of the first true leaves schedule... Maybe it's a Cal/Mag deficiency... Maybe Nitrogen... Maybe they have nutrient lockout... I don't know it's too much information for me right now.

Infos of the system:

Growlight LED
Hydro DWC
Feeding like the bottle says EC1.6 (1.2 nutrients GHE TriPart and 0.45 Cal/Mag)
PH 5.5-6.5

Here are some pictures (look how small seedling1 is compared to seedling2 who developed the deficiencies just yesterday until then it was groing good!):

Very slow growing Seedling1 from the top (developed the deficiencies 1 week or more ago):
View attachment 5240607

Very slow growing Seedling1 yellowing deficiencie:
View attachment 5240608

Very slow growing Seedling1 dying lower leaves:
View attachment 5240609

Seedling2 from the top:
View attachment 5240606

Seedling2 yellowing leaves:
View attachment 5240610

Seedling2 dying lower leaves:
View attachment 5240611
If you look closley at your leaf edges you have in some places what almost look like ditches or dents. Those can sometimes be caused by broad or hemp mite. They can be hard to spot. The dropping and dying lower leaves, plants having deficiency systems that no mater what wont fix are all systems. Might be a idea to check for those just to be safe, an be very strict with rolling up your sleaves and washing your hands thoroughly before handling any other plants you might have outside that area, atleast untill you checked to see mites are not the issue. You'll have to check with a minimum of a 30x scope, they dont move much and can be hard to identify so do some googling so you know what to check for.
If you look closley at your leaf edges you have in some places what almost look like ditches or dents. Those can sometimes be caused by broad or hemp mite. They can be hard to spot. The dropping and dying lower leaves, plants having deficiency systems that no mater what wont fix are all systems. Might be a idea to check for those just to be safe, an be very strict with rolling up your sleaves and washing your hands thoroughly before handling any other plants you might have outside that area, atleast untill you checked to see mites are not the issue. You'll have to check with a minimum of a 30x scope, they dont move much and can be hard to identify so do some googling so you know what to check for.
Thank you will check for that soon but I don't think mites is the problem (I hope it's not).
I think your ec pen is crap. Causing you to add too much cal mag for such a little plant. Ditch the pen and just go by the bottle. Only use the pen to check the drop or raise of the res
I've already solved it thank you! Already have another pen. But that didn't resolve my problems... a too low overall EC and too much light was the problem. Now with higher EC I don't even have to add supplements.

By the way post is some month old.
How did you determine too much light?
Idk maybe I'm wrong. The light was too close. When I turned down the power consumption and moved the light further away from canopy they got better... But maybe the problem was not enough nutrients for the bright light so dimming down helped not because of too much light but because of not enough nutrients for the bright light... So yeah right now I think it was just not enough nutrients.