Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

In grade school we were always taken to the TV room to watch the Project Mercury launches...later in middle school, the Gemini launches...and everybody watched the Apollo lanches. Saw 3 or 4 space shuttle launches also.

Apollo happened a year before I was born, most things related to that were off of my radar until I got a bit older. I can only imagine what it was like before the information dump, lucky people with tv's huddled around. Good for the imagination.
Apollo happened a year before I was born, most things related to that were off of my radar until I got a bit older. I can only imagine what it was like before the information dump, lucky people with tv's huddled around. Good for the imagination.

They were really cool events for school kids back then. Everybody stared at the carrying on at all which we usually did as kids. We were interested in space flight.
Who here has seen a launch from Cape Canaveral?

While working for our uncle I was stationed twice in Cape Canaveral in the 80's & one of our task's was to hold waterborne security (exclusion zones) during STS launches. Talk about having a front row seat to THE most awesome expressions of raw Horsepower I've ever witnessed.
Not a roar but a continuous very deep thunderous cracking/crackling sound that just enveloped you.

This really does not do it justice, but here's a launch.

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image.jpeg image.jpeg image.png if we have been to the moon I don't understand is why:

-the first astronauts didn't take an absurd amount of pictures ?

- why aren't they're more movies about the moon landing? What we went there and that was that? With Hollywood around they beat every horse to death so why aren't they're so many movies about the moon landing ?

- how the hell did that little vessel have enough fuel to launch its self off the moon and travel all the way back to earth

- if the earth were really spinning at very high speeds, it would require perfect flying capabilities and a perfect landing. Ya to good to be true

-why was the second man on the moon a 32 degree free mason?

Oh wait why is all of nasa filled with free masonry

I also believe that countries aren't operating independently as we are lead to believe. All the counties presidents are just puppets to the masses. I'm sure all the worlds elite and 1% are working together to keep all of humanity in the dark.

So with that in mind it would be a lot easier for the 1% to have the USA and Russian "competing" eachother in the great space race. But in reality be working for the same leader.

(Sounds crazy and it's ok I know I'm a conspiracy nut).

I hardly think the Nazis (operation parerclip) that set up nasa would have given it a Hebrew name deliberately, I am pretty sick of reading all this hatred towards Jewish people and blaming them for this and that, rock stupid and ignorant imo, I don't think bush Clinton bin laden castro, cauecescu sadam etc were Jewish
I hardly think the Nazis (operation parerclip) that set up nasa would have given it a Hebrew name deliberately, I am pretty sick of reading all this hatred towards Jewish people and blaming them for this and that, rock stupid and ignorant imo, I don't think bush Clinton bin laden castro, cauecescu sadam etc were Jewish
No but the powers in place using those people as pawns are. Look at the wealthiest 1% and the old blood Money families. You be surprised
While working for our uncle I was stationed twice in Cape Canaveral in the 80's & one of our task's was to hold waterborne security (exclusion zones) during STS launches. Talk about having a front row seat to THE most awesome expressions of raw Horsepower I've ever witnessed.
Not a roar but a continuous very deep thunderous cracking/crackling sound that just enveloped you.

This really does not do it justice, but here's a launch.

We caught the STS you guys threw up there. It made a sound like nothing I have ever heard/felt before or after.

Odd coincidence although they removed the mate/demate and we no longer, officially, have a shuttle on rare occasions I still hear that unique sound signature, except louder, the twin sonic booms are wider apart, you don't see it and you get a reverse thruster signature at the very end, LOL.
No but the powers in place using those people as pawns are. Look at the wealthiest 1% and the old blood Money families. You be surprised
you have exactly proved my point, wealthiest 1%....old "blood" Money families...whats that got to do with the jewish population?
This doesn't prove anything imo, but it is interesting...
Interesting but what if he put like 5 balloons instead of one it probably would still move if there is more air being pushed out then the vacum can pull in, wouldn't this be the same in space ? As long as your pushing out more then the vacum is pulling you'll get movement?
you have exactly proved my point, wealthiest 1%....old "blood" Money families...whats that got to do with the jewish population?
Alright my bad did not know you meant the the Jewish population as in the normal folks ... I don't mind the average joe like you and I..... It's the 1% fucking us entirely
View attachment 3697104 View attachment 3697107 View attachment 3697109 if we have been to the moon I don't understand is why:

-the first astronauts didn't take an absurd amount of pictures ?

- why aren't they're more movies about the moon landing? What we went there and that was that? With Hollywood around they beat every horse to death so why aren't they're so many movies about the moon landing ?

- how the hell did that little vessel have enough fuel to launch its self off the moon and travel all the way back to earth

- if the earth were really spinning at very high speeds, it would require perfect flying capabilities and a perfect landing. Ya to good to be true

-why was the second man on the moon a 32 degree free mason?

Oh wait why is all of nasa filled with free masonry

I also believe that countries aren't operating independently as we are lead to believe. All the counties presidents are just puppets to the masses. I'm sure all the worlds elite and 1% are working together to keep all of humanity in the dark.

So with that in mind it would be a lot easier for the 1% to have the USA and Russian "competing" eachother in the great space race. But in reality be working for the same leader.

(Sounds crazy and it's ok I know I'm a conspiracy nut).

so much no.
When I was eleven I saw the Cape. I got to touch the Apollo 8 Command Module, and I saw the Apollo 16 stack on the pad two weeks prior to the mission.

I never saw a big launch in person though. Best i saw were a coupla Minutemen ( and a suspected dual Titan launch to a polar orbit; not entirely sure what I saw through the 20Xs but it sure looked like stage-II burnout a hundred miles up and a thousand out, heading 190) climbing out of Vandenberg from ~200 miles away. The Minutemen were extra cool; the first one left a brilliant emerald green exhaust plume that held sunlight an hour after dark. Hmmm I wonder if Minuteman stage 3 solid contains some barium.
When I was eleven I saw the Cape. I got to touch the Apollo 8 Command Module, and I saw the Apollo 16 stack on the pad two weeks prior to the mission.

I never saw a big launch in person though. Best i saw were a coupla Minutemen ( and a suspected dual Titan launch to a polar orbit; not entirely sure what I saw through the 20Xs but it sure looked like stage-II burnout a hundred miles up and a thousand out, heading 190) climbing out of Vandenberg from ~200 miles away. The Minutemen were extra cool; the first one left a brilliant emerald green exhaust plume that held sunlight an hour after dark. Hmmm I wonder if Minuteman stage 3 solid contains some barium.

After my Dad returned from Vietnam, he went to work for NASA in Houston. Where I was born. Apparently he's very good at keeping secrets.