Is it possible that NASA faked the moon landing?

would solid fuel rockets work in a vacuum? according to newtons 3 rd law for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, when the hypothesis that they do not work in a vacuum was "disproved" on mythbusters they vacuumed out a chamber put a small solid fuel rocket motor on a toy car and the thing took off after a brief delay, my contention is that was only a vacuum briefly before it was a gaseous enviro from the burnt rocket gases allowing the ejected gas to react with the newly created environmental gas, in the vacuum of space there would be no resistance to the expelled gas therefore is it possible for rocket motors to produce thrust in a true continuous vacuum such as space?

^thats always confused me, there is nothing to create resistance for the rocket to propell...I would think as shit is being shot out the rocket it would just keep going and the rocket not move, unless you need a certain amount of power to creat a little area behind the rocket for it to be able to have enough resistance to move...that prolly dosent make sense I'm having trouble putting what I'm thinking into words
^thats always confused me, there is nothing to create resistance for the rocket to propell...I would think as shit is being shot out the rocket it would just keep going and the rocket not move, unless you need a certain amount of power to creat a little area behind the rocket for it to be able to have enough resistance to move...that prolly dosent make sense I'm having trouble putting what I'm thinking into words
They use solid-fuel rockets in hard vacuum all the time. (Think GTO buses.)* They work precisely as the truth-swallowing conspiracy says they do. Funny that.

*Not this kind.

most millennials will say it was fake. the biggest reason being: why have we not been back? were is our moon base? the answer is in deep political/economic tangle.

the real question is, why does it matter now if we really went to the moon who cares little Nixon swam to the deep end of the pool and touched the side and came back. fake or not, not matters little now.
most millennials will say it was fake. the biggest reason being: why have we not been back? were is our moon base? the answer is in deep political/economic tangle.

the real question is, why does it matter now if we really went to the moon who cares little Nixon swam to the deep end of the pool and touched the side and came back. fake or not, not matters little now.
If they didn't go then they stole a shit ton of money. I guess if you're not from the usa it wouldn't matter as much.
At the risk of being redundant:

". . . Dr. Grimes figured that the moon landing hoax and the climate change conspiracy would have required roughly 400,000 secret-keepers each, while the vaccination conspiracy would require 22,000 people to keep it a secret, and the cure for cancer conspiracy would have to involve upwards of 710,000 people. The more people involved in a given conspiracy, posts Dr. Grimes, the more difficult it becomes to keep said secret from the public.. . "

" . . . Dr. Grimes calculated that moon landing hoax would have been exposed in roughly three years and eight months . . ."

In other words, it is mathematically impossible for such a conspiracy.
nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take ---- Makes sense, right? Sure. They "take up" actornauts, er, astronauts. Fine. Original Word: נָשָׂא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasa or nasah Phonetic Spelling: (naw-saw') Short Definition: lifted NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Let's look at an alternative definition now. nasha: to beguile, deceive ---- Original Word: נָשָׁא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasha Phonetic Spelling: (naw-shaw') Short Definition: deceive NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Definition: come deceitfully (1), deceive (8), deceived (3), deluded (1), utterly deceived (1).
nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take ---- Makes sense, right? Sure. They "take up" actornauts, er, astronauts. Fine. Original Word: נָשָׂא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasa or nasah Phonetic Spelling: (naw-saw') Short Definition: lifted NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Let's look at an alternative definition now. nasha: to beguile, deceive ---- Original Word: נָשָׁא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasha Phonetic Spelling: (naw-shaw') Short Definition: deceive NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Definition: come deceitfully (1), deceive (8), deceived (3), deluded (1), utterly deceived (1).
God damn, give me a fuckin' break with this bullshit. You fall for shit like that, no wonder you wouldn't think we landed on the Moon..
If they didn't go then they stole a shit ton of money. I guess if you're not from the usa it wouldn't matter as much.

even if they stole the money, it does not matter. its funny that you even say that: cause there was a second part of my post I cut.

we don't care about going back to moon or doing anything for mankind, we just want OUR shinny's. the idol that is money is a worthless minutia, brings short term satisfaction. like a rat getting the cheese every time he pulls the lever.

the science is far more important then the money, the truth and facts and ingenuity is priceless.

I play the money game cause I have too. if people get a wish, they first one they make ( after being greedy and asking for more wishes) is for money. mine would be for it to vanish. think STNG they want for nothing, only to learn and improve themselves and mankind.

that money is a pittance compared to the waste of time, it has been if we in fact where there, and have not gone back.

maybe I should fake an oil survey on the moon....
nasa or nasah: to lift, carry, take ---- Makes sense, right? Sure. They "take up" actornauts, er, astronauts. Fine. Original Word: נָשָׂא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasa or nasah Phonetic Spelling: (naw-saw') Short Definition: lifted NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Let's look at an alternative definition now. nasha: to beguile, deceive ---- Original Word: נָשָׁא Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: nasha Phonetic Spelling: (naw-shaw') Short Definition: deceive NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. root Definition: come deceitfully (1), deceive (8), deceived (3), deluded (1), utterly deceived (1).
Oh goody, a fun word game! My turn
Cialis=> CIA= Central Intelligence Agency + LIS=Laboratory Information System

So obviously thru lab data the CIA invented Cialis to cause priapism in America's enemies