Well-Known Member
We haven't been on the moon not then, not now
The hebrews are jews.Your defensiveness speaks volumes. Your first paragraph contains a Red Herring and the second a Loaded Question, both Logical Fallacies to dodge answering the actual question.
We smoke a lot of fairly good pot and most of us have said some pretty tasteless stuff in jest. Therefore I asked you directly. You initially plead ignorance and now you are accusing me of attacking you. I have copied your post in question below since you seem not to remember it.
When I was eleven I saw the Cape. I got to touch the Apollo 8 Command Module, and I saw the Apollo 16 stack on the pad two weeks prior to the mission.
I never saw a big launch in person though. Best i saw were a coupla Minutemen ( and a suspected dual Titan launch to a polar orbit; not entirely sure what I saw through the 20Xs but it sure looked like stage-II burnout a hundred miles up and a thousand out, heading 190) climbing out of Vandenberg from ~200 miles away. The Minutemen were extra cool; the first one left a brilliant emerald green exhaust plume that held sunlight an hour after dark. Hmmm I wonder if Minuteman stage 3 solid contains some barium.
Ignoratio elenchiThe hebrews are jews.
- a member of an ancient people living in what is now Israel and Palestine and, according to biblical tradition, descended from the patriarch Jacob, grandson of Abraham. After the Exodus ( circa1300 BC) they established the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and their scriptures and traditions form the basis of the Jewish religion.
- 2.
the Semitic language of the Hebrews, in its ancient or modern form.
- 1.
of the Hebrews or the Jews.- 2.
of or in Hebrew. Nothing I said in that post is a racial slur or any form of bigotry. I think your mad because I said the earth was a spheroid and not perfectly round and quoted isaac newton. You don't have an argument here.
Just to get everyone on the same page
Who do I blissfully approve of? Go back and read the thread. I never said the earth was flat, I never said the holocaust wasn't real and what double standard did I use? I'm not calling anyone names and here you are calling me a racist.Your 'holier than thou, don't call names' attitude grows weary...
No, I'm not mistaken nor am I the only one who detected a degree of antisemetism. And you are enabling racist hate mongers over there by having the double standard of telling some people not to call names...but blissfully approve of others who spew hate?
And I don't give a flying rat's fucking ass how many likes you take back...what the fuck is this now, 7th grade?
And NASA in Hebrew equals deception?
Go chase girls for tit pics some more... stick to what you're good at Pecker.
Who do I blissfully approve of? Go back and read the thread. I never said the earth was flat, I never said the holocaust wasn't real and what double standard did I use? I'm not calling anyone names and here you are calling me a racist.
I know what it is you're trying to call me ignorant.Ignoratio elenchi
Concentrate on the 'fallacy in logic' part
So you admit I didn't say anything antisemitic and I said don't call people names and somehow you take offence to that. Makes total sense.Where? I said you were an enabler...of that flat world thread over there...that has nonstop antisemetic garbage posted ever since you made you 'don't call names' plea over there.
And that I wasn't impressed with your 'NASA in Hebrew means deceipt' post...
And you were enabling that fucking conspiracy garbage...
and I'm still not impressed 'Nasa in Hebrew'
You go back and read the thread.
@tangerinegreen555 @curious2garden I can play this game with you. Nasa hired nazie's to build the rockets that took us to the moon. Thats a fact! You support nasa so that means you hate the jews. Not really the same thing because I never said I supported flat earth but I think you see where I'm going with it. Is that a fair assesment?
Just an example of the logic they're trying to use against me.I think that argument may have worked better if NASA was still working with nazis. Since they no longer have an affiliation, it doesn't seem as effective...
Just an example of the logic they're trying to use against me.
A funny comment I made about the hebrew word for nasa being to deceive. that combined with my posting in a thread that turned into a jew hate thread later on even though I had nothing to do with it. Watch out you posted in this thread so now they'll assume you think we didn't go to the moon.I read the first page and the last page of this thread. My responses are based on those factors. I have no clue how this thread got to the jews.
Unfortunately I never owned a nice suit. Playstation yes, Oh shit I'm a Nazi supporter by proxy because I bought a playstation.Close, but their argument was based on what is currently happening. Italy and Japan allied with the Nazis too, but I bet you've owned a playstation, or a nice Armani suit![]()