Is Honey A Good Idea?


Recently I accidentally ripped off a lower branch on my lil' girl, I put honey on the bad spot. is honey a good idea? Anyone try Aloe vera? Anything organic.


Well-Known Member
LMAO try doing nothing next time and im sure it will heal much faster then putting stuff on it ...honey is food...


I was worried about the hole that was left and wanted to cover it. the rain washed the honey off last night so it is no longer there. was on it for over 4 hours...

Has anyone tried using Aloe Vera for anything? Like a Band-aid of some Sort?


Well-Known Member
I think I just recently read something about someone rooting in aloe but don't remember the details.
Personally when I have a break I'll put a little rooting gel on it and tie it up.


Rooting... Nice. Ima try to germize a seed in some Aloe Starting Tonight. I have tons of aloe vera plants. They grow anywhere. all over my yard and in the woods near by.


Well-Known Member
Rooting... Nice. Ima try to germize a seed in some Aloe Starting Tonight. I have tons of aloe vera plants. They grow anywhere. all over my yard and in the woods near by.
i have a friend that uses that stuff for a bunch of different things ill ask him what it is good for and how to do such and such for you


Well-Known Member
this is all i got out of him
Just cloneing get all the gell out and por sum in the cloneing cube and dip clone in it and i herd u can spray ur plants with it to
i think he means you collect the juice by squeezing it then you dip your cuttings in it or soak your medium with it.... and i guess you can floral feed with the juice also


I will try my next clone witl Aloe Vera soon and make a new Thread. also gonna blend some up and thin with water and spray on one of my clones to see the effects. I need a better cam, Using MY Cell ATM