Iran Update...


Well-Known Member
This is the comment that broke the camels back. I wont waste any more of 'our' time as your 'mines bigger than yours attitude' is both juvenile and unfortunately typical.
Typical, you get proven wrong over and over and now even your faith in your correctness is vanishing so you are left with one last survival tool. Cut and run.


Well-Known Member
Typical, you get proven wrong over and over and now even your faith in your correctness is vanishing so you are left with one last survival tool. Cut and run.
What statement have I made that has been proven wrong, I believe I based a statement around the top 10 ranked universities in the world which showed that a far smaller poorer country had a 40% share of that list which shows more relative success.


New Member
The far more relevant statistic would be college students by per capita. here is the top ten. Guess who didn't make it?

2South Korea5,609
4United States5,339
5New Zealand4,508


It's about college opportunity to the population. That is why they come. Of course the US leads the pack by a wide margin in the top 100 universities globally as well.

out. :blsmoke:
I'll repost it since it must have gotten by you or was too uncomfortable for you to respond to..:lol:

This is the skinny truth. Students globally are attracted to opportunities...

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
England has never recovered from WW2 actually. It crushed their empire, infrastructure, and mindset. Chamberlain and passivity was to blame.

We just don't wish to make the same HORRIFIC mistake.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
England has never recovered from WW2 actually. It crushed their empire, infrastructure, and mindset. Chamberlain and passivity was to blame.

We just don't wish to make the same HORRIFIC mistake.

out. :blsmoke:
They'll be saying the same thing about us and our Iraq/Afghanistan blunders. Gone is the great white hope, or radical conservatism.


New Member
No, they'll be saying the same thing after the CURRENT administration ruins us.

22 months and counting!!

out. :blsmoke:
Now you know how I felt while Bush was president. I'd say it's more like 93 months and counting,~LOL~. When Obama pulls this fucked economy that Bush fucked out of the gutter, he will guarantee his full 8 year term, so sorry, but get used to it, 93 more months and counting, then you'll get Billary,~LOL~. If your party is stupid enough to run Palin, the dems are 100% guaranteed to win, no matter what Obama does.


Well-Known Member
Now you know how I felt while Bush was president. I'd say it's more like 93 months and counting,~LOL~. When Obama pulls this fucked economy that Bush fucked out of the gutter, he will guarantee his full 8 year term, so sorry, but get used to it, 93 more months and counting, then you'll get Billary,~LOL~. If your party is stupid enough to run Palin, the dems are 100% guaranteed to win, no matter what Obama does.
Yeah Palin is worse for the republican party than a cross burning party.


Well-Known Member
so u wana go to war with iran eh im not on either side cuz i think war is pretty fuking WACK! but which city do the americans wana lose?? newyrk san fran la cuz atleast one will be destryed see if everyone jus smoked weeed there wub be none of this shit


Well-Known Member watch this video this is what i was talking about !!!!!!!!! war is wack!!!! there was honor in war wen it was done with swords and shields! but now al these nukes and guns and missiles r bitch moves!! fuk war smoke weed lol im gona get that on a shirt "FUCK WAR, SMOKE WEED!"


New Member
Let's get this straight. Smoking weed has nothing to do with war or no war. The Afghans smoke weed/hash on a regular basis. They are a waring culture, have been for centuries, so are the turks, the armenians, the Iraqis, in fact most of the middle east has or still is a hash smoking society, and they are most assuredly a waring populace. I think even a few of them are junkies, maybe more than a few. The worst drug is still alcohol though, people get crazy behind that shit.


Well-Known Member
It's no use cracker... woo is living in a small isolated little world.
I actually, unlike you, have lived in different countries and travelled the world for reasons other than killing people. I know what diversity is and understand differing perspectives. I live in a country that is extremely rich in some ways, and poor in others.If I fall ill I will be looked after without being asked for insurance. I, as you are, am proud of my nationality but never look to belittle or ridicule others nationalities based on their military power or past conquests and empires. You (CJ & DRGreenz) are the worrying side of Nationalism though, spewing out the love for all things American one minute while in another breath hating 'liberals' as you so misguidedly call any opposition to your beliefs. Compartmentalising is a uneducated and narrow minded trait.

Back to original subject: If you are bullied for long enough you will want revenge, if Iran is looking to gain nuclear arms they are doing it to gain security. Security from who? Hmm lets think....The puppetmaster USA, and the puppet Israel. What are you going to do about the Russians arming Iran with a missile defence system? Sweet fa.


I find it hilarious and somewhat telling where CJ and his cheerleaders have taken this argument. (not to mention the fact that these idiots are trying to defend how great our education system is while spelling shit wrong on a site that has an auto spell check.... that takes another level of stupidity...)

Weren't you the ones talking complete shit about our (USA) universities like 5 pages back?? How they're nothing but "liberal" institutions that do nothing but brainwash our youth?! Then as soon as a foreigner (Woo) even MENTIONS the fact that 'hey, Britain has some pretty good institutions too ya know...' You AUTOMATICALLY take the OPPOSITE position and DEFEND the very same institutions you were talking shit about before!


PWNED! :hump:

The USA is not the best there is in every single aspect of life. Get the fuck over that. There's nothing wrong with it either. If you think you're the best at everything, what the hell do you have to strive for as a nation?