I think no one is justified in going nuclear- including us, nuclear power is something that affects everyone not just those with a say or a vote-it is against the laws of humanity- Nuclear and biological and chemical weapons should not be developed or funded or allowed to exist and knowladge on how to make them should be eradicated-
All that being said, yes I can totally understand why Iran wants nukes and if they attacked Israel or the US I wouldn't be supprised after all the threats being thrown back and forth. As far as preventing them from making one? I'm not sure, yes preventing more Nukes is a good cause, but not if it's just we can continue to threaten them with ours- who are we to decide who can and can not have nukes? I would support it if we were going to prevent Iran from getting nukes while going after North Korea and their nukes and Packistan and their nukes and Israel and their nukes and Russia and so on- If we are ready to go get all the worlds nukes and destroy them and those who make them, then I am all for it- If we just want to make sure Iran is defenceless when we invade and set up a centeral bank and put them in debt to the IMF then no I am totally against it
Radiation in your drinking water? Do you live in Europe by any chance?Why are we hearing so much about Iran and nukes but nothing about the radiation thats being added to our drinking water? I'm more concerned about radiation in my water than radiation in the middle east
Iran is now talking about reconsidering their cowoperation with the IAE...
I think its actually going the other way - Thay have been allowing the IAE inspections and cowoperating- now they are considering not allowing them into the countryThat can only be a good thing, although Israel should then follow suit for this to work out fair to Iran. I have just googled for information on the point of Iran complying, but i cant find anything on it, it does usually take a while to the internet though i think, so I’ll be looking for it over the next couple of days.
We allready attacking and invading Packistan on a regular basis- I think the head fake is for Syria- Were probably going to attack them around christmas or after the electionsIf I wanted to attack or invade Pakistan I would head-fake towards Iran
Because the same people that control us, also control ISreal. We are all one EMPIRE. Iran has an economy, oil, and a millitary all sitting there. The people that control our millitary just have to go in and take it. Its not just the oil they want, its the labour of the people as well. They see a nation of people without usury and that is un-acceptable.I agree with you totally, so WHY is Israel pushing for an attack?
What would they gain from it?
I think its actually going the other way - Thay have been allowing the IAE inspections and cowoperating- now they are considering not allowing them into the country
Because the same people that control us, also control ISreal. We are all one EMPIRE. Iran has an economy, oil, and a millitary all sitting there. The people that control our millitary just have to go in and take it. Its not just the oil they want, its the labour of the people as well. They see a nation of people without usury and that is un-acceptable.
We and Isreal and all our other allies ahve been commanded to spend hundreds of trillions of dollars on the millitray industrial complex. That huge machine can't just sit around forever doing nothing. These people invested in that machine and expect some return on their investment. And don't forget, all down the line people make money and therefore are pushing for war. Oil companies, private security firms, mercenaries, defence contractors, rebuilding contractors, support contractors etc etc etc.
What excuse do you think they will use this time? It cant possibly be WOMD again.......or can it? Unless they are organising a rebel force for democracy again, it worked a treat for them in Libya.We allready attacking and invading Packistan on a regular basis- I think the head fake is for Syria- Were probably going to attack them around christmas or after the elections
Because the same people that control us, also control ISreal. We are all one EMPIRE. Iran has an economy, oil, and a millitary all sitting there. The people that control our millitary just have to go in and take it. Its not just the oil they want, its the labour of the people as well. They see a nation of people without usury and that is un-acceptable.
We and Isreal and all our other allies ahve been commanded to spend hundreds of trillions of dollars on the millitray industrial complex. That huge machine can't just sit around forever doing nothing. These people invested in that machine and expect some return on their investment. And don't forget, all down the line people make money and therefore are pushing for war. Oil companies, private security firms, mercenaries, defence contractors, rebuilding contractors, support contractors etc etc etc.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privatization_in_IranCritics believe that this law has simply created the context for legitimizing
usury or riba. In reality all banks are charging their borrowers a fixed pre-set amount at a rate of interest that is approved by the Central Bank at least once a year. No goods or services are exchanged as part of these contracts and banks rarely assume any Commercial Risk. High value collateral items such as real estate commmercial paper bank guarantees and machinery eliminate any risk of loss. In case of defaults or bankruptcies, the principle amount, the expected interest and the late fees are collected through possession and or sale of secured collaterals.[22]
Another fantastically interesting, highly informative and decisively relevant contribution from our great forum leader.OMG The Jews are Running the Banks in Iran
Elect Ron Paul
Moghaddam was said to be responsible for 'industrial research aimed at ensuring self-sufficiency of the Revolutionary Guards' armaments'.
Commentators on Iran believe this is a coded way of saying he was responsible for its missile inventory. Richard Silverstein, who regularly reveals information censored inside Israel, said on his blog that a source confirmed Mossad had worked with exile group the People's Mojaheddin of Iran (MEK) on the blast.
He said: 'It is widely known within intelligence circles that the Israelis use the MEK for varied acts of espionage and terror.'
It is the latest 'disaster' to hit Iran's nuclear programme in the last two years. In 2010, 18 people were killed after an explosion at a base which housed Shahab-3 long-range missiles. It was also put down to a fire in an ammunition depot.
In the same year, a senior nuclear scientist was killed and another injured when their cars were attacked with 'sticky bombs' by men on motorbikes.
And a highly sophisticated computer worm which caused centrifuges used for enriching uranium to spin out of control was also blamed on the Israelis.
Mossad, which never claims responsibility for attacks, has been suspected of being involved in all of the incidents.