• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Iran kick off looking iminant?


Active Member
It is common Internet etiquite to, at the very least, read the post that you are replying to.

Zionists are not Jews. There are millions of Jews that are aware of whats going on and are against zionism. Here is just one link of thousands; http://www.freewebs.com/jewsagainstzionism/

And I have attached a picture of Jews hugging the President of Iran. You can read about this here: http://www.davidicke.com/articles/political-manipulation-mainmenu-72/42734-they-dare-not-speak-its-name-rothschild-zionism

:clap: Well done coals, i admire your principles, don't mock the afflicted, educate them. Educating the ignorant mass's is a thankless task and you will get no thanks for it either. They are most ungrateful blighter's most of them :lol:


Active Member
I have a friend who works for Reuters. He is Iranian and lives in Iran. Go Iranian hashish! He is a very liberal guy on the inside but outside he knows how to play the game, what the government expects. He told me once that he is no coward but he wants to keep his balls attached to the rest of himself. The Iranian people are restless. The young people are well educated, well connected, and also very worried. Remember what happened last time? The Greens protested obvious election fraud and the government responded with a swift and very heavy hand. My friend tells me that Iran will be no Arab Spring but (another) revolution is imminent. Is war ever the right choice? No, but war is always the choice. As a disabled combat veteran (Iraq) I tend to agree. By the way I agree completely with DukeAnthony. Iraq was strategically and politically a very bad mistake. If we had stayed out of Iraq, and rightly so, we could have poured all our resources into Afghanistan and maybe have bled over into Pakistan as well. It's called a takeover in some circles and dynamic occupation in others. Sigh. I predict dark days ahead. Sorry for the downer.
How do you know it was rigged? Did they do the same as Bush did?


Active Member
I predict Israeli intervention Followed by Unrest and rebellion
I went to school with a Persian. Iranians are Intelligent, restless, unemployed
Iran used to be even better than Turkey in regards to economy
Now they are a bunch of people Bordering on intractable poverty and starvation. Allah aint gonna fix that

I went to school with Richard Perle, he say they are going to blast Iran....pretty damn soon.


Active Member
No they couldn't , they are a joke, thats the main reason this whole thing is so ridiculous. This whole thing is backed by religious extremism on both sides. Iran is no threat and we should simply negotiate with them. If Iran gets nukes then we should welcome them to the club and start trading to them the resources that they desperately need.
If i was an American, you'd get my vote for president.....and i'de stand you a pint or two, why don't you become a politician?


Active Member
Anyone here actually follow Iranian news and not news about Iran?

Just wondering...

Good point, but does anyone here understand Farsi, i will to hell i could, you cant beat getting it straight from the horse's mouth, i wonder if they do an broadcast in English?


Active Member
He can't run for re-election, nor some of his administration members. Allegations of witchcraft and other nonsense. Anyway, he will be gone in a little more than a year.

He was never really the problem, I still contend that it's the ayatollah that's the real problem with Iran. That guy is worse than the Shah ever was.
That being the case, Iran is as Democratic as America and Britain.....or even more Democratic, if it comes to that.


Well-Known Member
Yes but the point is, since Israel holds over 150 illegal nukes, don't you think that Iran is entitled to have the same?
I totally see why they want them, if some known murderer who had guns kept threatening to shoot you and he came by and shot your neighbor and then threatened you some more- you might want to get a gun to try and defend yourself, the real scary part for us is - you might even go on the attact thinking that confrontation is inevidable


Active Member
How much David Icke do you read?
Enough to know what you are getting at.

You don't have to beleive everything someone thinks. Every single theory about the state of the universe includes 1 thing in common, and that is the the state of the domestic and international monetary systems. The rest is people trying to come up with answers to bigger questions.

I like to think of it as sciene non-fiction.

Wether it's Alex jones, David Ike, Foster Gamble etc they all agree, as do many economists, that the money system is broken in the same way.

And they are correct.


Active Member
I totally see why they want them, if some known murderer who had guns kept threatening to shoot you and he came by and shot your neighbor and then threatened you some more- you might want to get a gun to try and defend yourself, the real scary part for us is - you might even go on the attact thinking that confrontation is inevitable
So your saying that Iran would be justified in going nuclear, is that correct?


New Member
They definitely are justified, many countries have nuclear weapons.....They are also a country..now we should all just be friends..at the gop debate tonite they were talking about going to war with pakistan, Iran, China, Seria, Russia, WTF????? then consequently that would involve Israel, India, and probably Russia + North Korea....its crazy talk..that will be nukes galore .

Why would you go to war with a nation who has weapons of mass destruction? thats pretty fucking stupid if you ask me. They would have 1 nuke maybe and they are withing range of hundred of thousands of nukes lol

Haven't we heard this story somewhere before?




Active Member
I saw this- soposedly Iran is saying it was an accident, and their has been no military response that i know of

After reading your post, i googled it and as you say, it looks as though it was just an accident, lets just hope Israel does not launch an attack and this situation is resolved peacefully. It would appear though according to a report i read this morning that Netanyahu has refused to assure Obama that they will not launch an attack with out informing him first.

I was well pleased to hear that the explosion was not an attack, but it still does look as though an attack is perhaps just a few days away, Israel has refused to assure Obama that they will not attack Iran, i guess its just a case of fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I honestly don't know why Israel fears Iran getting the nuke, a balance of power is what stopped America and Russia going at it for decades, Mutually Assured Destruction is a proven deterrent. With a couple of hundred nukes in their back pocket, how can Israel possibly fear Iran with just one or two?


New Member
With a couple of hundred nukes in their back pocket, how can Israel possibly fear Iran with just one or two?
To be fair 1 modern nuclear would destroy Israel completely pretty much - not that iran would get away with such a thing without being completely leveled, so it would be suicide. I don't think they would nuke the holy land....thats kind of far out....

THAT IS WHY ITS A FUCKING LIE! Religious extremist are going to nuke their own holy land?!??! give me a fucking break.


Active Member
Iran is in the top 70 developed counries in the world... Until about 5 months ago ALL of Irans nuclear faclities were built by General Electric (badly by all accounts, like fukushima). As far as I am aware, nothing has changed since then.
Do they think we are idiots? We know Israel is in the pocket of the US, we also know that they have been trying to provoke or justify a war with iran for years, Iran paid the US over $300m in 2009 for depleated uranium, the US took the money and did not supply the uranium, putting Irans energy supply at considerable risk and countless allegations were made a couple of months ago about a supposed Iranian assassination of a Saudi.
They have an alterior motive and they will use all sorts of illicit tactics to cripple Irans economy. Iran scores higher then the US on the gini coefficient (there is more income equality in the US) and lets face it, you dont even need to look to know it has less national debt.


Active Member
Did they or didn't they? Are things perhaps not quite as they first appeared? Although i can not see what Iran would gain from covering up an attack by Israel. Still you never know.

A massive explosion at a missile base near the Iranian capital of Tehran on Saturday that killed 17 Revolutionary Guards was speculated by some to have been the work of Israel.
The base is said to be a storage center for some of Iran's advanced Shahab 3 ballistic missiles, which can hit Israel. Among those killed in the blast was one of the heads of the Revolutionary Guards.

Iranian media said the explosion was the result of a work accident that occurred when certain munitions were being moved around.
But it was impossible to ignore the fact that the incident came just days after Israel had so publicly debated whether or not to launch a preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear and long-range missile

Adding to suspicions was an Iranian journalist who told the local Mehr news agency that despite the large number of casualties, only six hand-picked paramedics had been permitted to enter the facility.

On Sunday a Palestinian businessman who had recently returned from Iran told Voice of Israel that Iranians with dual citizenship are fleeing the country.
The Palestinian man said most Iranians believe Israel will soon launch a devastating attack against their country that will lead to an even more devastating regional war, and they are looking to get out while they can.
Last week the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published a report that confirmed Iran was designing nuclear weapons, and could field as many as four warheads in the very near future. The report sparked heated debate in Israel over whether or not to launch a preemptive strike, as Israel did against Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981 and a Syrian nuclear facility in 2007.

A poll commissioned by the Anti-Defamation League last week found that 57 percent of Americans support an Israeli strike on Iran.

The French website Le Canarad Enchaine cited French intelligence sources last week as saying that the US had recently provided Israel with an additional 55 bunker buster bombs, presumably for use against Iran. (via Israel Matzav)


Well-Known Member
So your saying that Iran would be justified in going nuclear, is that correct?
I think no one is justified in going nuclear- including us, nuclear power is something that affects everyone not just those with a say or a vote-it is against the laws of humanity- Nuclear and biological and chemical weapons should not be developed or funded or allowed to exist and knowladge on how to make them should be eradicated-
All that being said, yes I can totally understand why Iran wants nukes and if they attacked Israel or the US I wouldn't be supprised after all the threats being thrown back and forth. As far as preventing them from making one? I'm not sure, yes preventing more Nukes is a good cause, but not if it's just we can continue to threaten them with ours- who are we to decide who can and can not have nukes? I would support it if we were going to prevent Iran from getting nukes while going after North Korea and their nukes and Packistan and their nukes and Israel and their nukes and Russia and so on- If we are ready to go get all the worlds nukes and destroy them and those who make them, then I am all for it- If we just want to make sure Iran is defenceless when we invade and set up a centeral bank and put them in debt to the IMF then no I am totally against it


Active Member
To be fair 1 modern nuclear would destroy Israel completely pretty much- not that iran would get away with such a thing without being completely leveled, so it would be suicide. I don't think they would nuke the holy land....tha's kind of far out....

THAT IS WHY ITS A FUCKING LIE! Religious extremist are going to nuke their own holy land?!??! give me a fucking break.
I agree with you totally, so WHY is Israel pushing for an attack?

What would they gain from it?

We have seen how America, Britain and the allies have attacked Israel’s enemies ie Iraq and Afghanistan, Israel knows for a fact, that if Israel were genuinely threatened in any way at all, America Britain and the rest if the worlds cabal would defend Israel to the hilt, Israel is under the protection of the big boys and they know it, so what does it matter so much if Iran does get a nuke?

This whole situation has me totally flummoxed.