Iran kick off looking iminant?


Well-Known Member
what we should of done years ago was not Invade Iraq

Then Iran would be sitting with Hussein (a enemy) to the west
USA in Afghanistan to the east
Turkey to the North
Now they sit smack dab in the middle of destabilized countries and they are just waiting for the USA to leave
LOL Iran has never attacked anyone for hundreds of years, you say it like it will be an empathetical fact that they are the aggressors. Facts show that the USA is the aggressor.


Active Member
And in stark contrast, the unenviable tally of countries America has bombed, Since WW2, 35 in total, does this tell us anything?

China 1945-46
Korea 1950-53
China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-60
Guatemala 1960
Belgian Congo 1964
Guatemala 1964
Dominican Republic 1965-66
Peru 1965
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Lebanon 1982-84
Grenada 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1981-92
Nicaragua 1981-90
Libya 1986
Iran 1987-88
Libya 1989
Panama 1989-90
Iraq 1991-
Kuwait 1991
Somalia 1992-94
Croatia 1994 (of Serbs at Krajina)
Bosnia 1995
Iran 1998 (airliner)
Sudan 1998
Afghanistan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Afghanistan 2001-
Libya 2011-

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
He can't run for re-election, nor some of his administration members. Allegations of witchcraft and other nonsense. Anyway, he will be gone in a little more than a year.

He was never really the problem, I still contend that it's the ayatollah that's the real problem with Iran. That guy is worse than the Shah ever was.


Well-Known Member
He can't run for re-election, nor some of his administration members. Allegations of witchcraft and other nonsense. Anyway, he will be gone in a little more than a year.

He was never really the problem, I still contend that it's the ayatollah that's the real problem with Iran. That guy is worse than the Shah ever was.
He's the guy we allways hear about, but I hear he really doesn't controll things he's just a figuer head- but he's the one everyone seems to blame- I heard he was on his way out.
Maybe we just want to fight Iran because were so much alike?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
We hear about him because the Ayatollah can use him as a scapegoat too, like he has done with previous Iranian presidents. The Ayatollah is a fucking maniac, and he and his close associates rule much so that every elected official has to have the "blessing" of the Ayatollah to take office.

And I will say it again, there is no initiative towards a war with Iran.


Well-Known Member
We hear about him because the Ayatollah can use him as a scapegoat too, like he has done with previous Iranian presidents. The Ayatollah is a fucking maniac, and he and his close associates rule much so that every elected official has to have the "blessing" of the Ayatollah to take office.

And I will say it again, there is no initiative towards a war with Iran.
I think if were not looking to really do it- Go in and get them all- Then everyone needs to shut the fuck up and stop threatening them.
If they are building weapons could you blame them? Weve been threatening them and talking about how there a threat to us for so long. Everytime one of our leaders or someone in our media starts talking about attacking Iran they are jeprodising our safety- I meen what the fuck, you tearn on the TV and their talking about missile strikes on Iran? How would you feel if you were an Iranian and saw this?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I think if were not looking to really do it- Go in and get them all- Then everyone needs to shut the fuck up and stop threatening them.
If they are building weapons could you blame them? Weve been threatening them and talking about how there a threat to us for so long. Everytime one of our leaders or someone in our media starts talking about attacking Iran they are jeprodising our safety- I meen what the fuck, you tearn on the TV and their talking about missile strikes on Iran? How would you feel if you were an Iranian and saw this?
Well, discrediting them is an important tactic. The "them" I refer to is their leadership...not the Iranian people themselves. Sadly, the majority of Iranian people don't get a voice because they are not complete fundamental Islamists (the Ayatollah) and their not 100% extremists (like the MeK). They are somewhere in the middle, with little outside representation.

Personally, I don't find Iran a threat to my safety here in the States. They may be able to drive oil prices, create some degree of international uncertainty, but at the end of the day they have been effectively marginalized - that's what the Iranian leadership is trying to break out from under (but is going about it in all the wrong ways) and that's why the Iranian people suffer. The Ayatollah knows that his practices are unpopular with the Iranian people themselves, but he can't give an inch because he knows that could be his downfall.

The best outcome I could ever hope to see for Iran is the ousting of the Ayatollahs, and the installation of an actual democratic government where people don't have to vote for people that have already been hand-selected by a tyrant.


Active Member
It has little to do with the actions of the US, Iran leadership needs to change, or change its ways.
I disagree, it has everything to do with the US. We are the millitary arm of the Debt slave empire. Heres a fun coinicidence. Every country named in the "axis of evil" had no IMF controled Central Bank. We invaded and installed central banks on behalf of the Rothschilds in Iraq, Afgahnistan and Libya. Libya contained the first "revolution" in the history of mankind that opened a central bank in order to distribute bank cartel funds to the "rebels" (mercinaries) befor a single shot was fired. Google it, lots of press on that.

Iran has no central bank and lots of oil. If you look at history any country with no central bank and oil or some other valuable resource has been sacked. War with Iran is simply the next step in spreading the IMF empire.

Iran needs nukes for it's own protection. North Korea also has no central bank but they do have nukes and no one is talking about invading them. Nukes are the only defence against the Zionists. ( I do not use the term "zionist" as a derogatory term against Jews. Zionists are not Jewish)

Remeber, Usury is a sin in both the Bible and the Koran. Most Islamic states forbid it, which puts them in direct conflict with the debt cartels.

Iran knows exactly what is going on. They know the Zionist empire is coming for them. They don't hate the American people, they know we are just sheep that have been completly led astray. They hate our supreme masters (most of witch are not Americans) that wish to sack their country, steal their wealth and resources and make them usury slaves, just like us.


Active Member
There I fixed it for you

It is common Internet etiquite to, at the very least, read the post that you are replying to.

Zionists are not Jews. There are millions of Jews that are aware of whats going on and are against zionism. Here is just one link of thousands;

And I have attached a picture of Jews hugging the President of Iran. You can read about this here:



I have a friend who works for Reuters. He is Iranian and lives in Iran. Go Iranian hashish! He is a very liberal guy on the inside but outside he knows how to play the game, what the government expects. He told me once that he is no coward but he wants to keep his balls attached to the rest of himself. The Iranian people are restless. The young people are well educated, well connected, and also very worried. Remember what happened last time? The Greens protested obvious election fraud and the government responded with a swift and very heavy hand. My friend tells me that Iran will be no Arab Spring but (another) revolution is imminent. Is war ever the right choice? No, but war is always the choice. As a disabled combat veteran (Iraq) I tend to agree. By the way I agree completely with DukeAnthony. Iraq was strategically and politically a very bad mistake. If we had stayed out of Iraq, and rightly so, we could have poured all our resources into Afghanistan and maybe have bled over into Pakistan as well. It's called a takeover in some circles and dynamic occupation in others. Sigh. I predict dark days ahead. Sorry for the downer.


New Member
I have a friend who works for Reuters. He is Iranian and lives in Iran. Go Iranian hashish! He is a very liberal guy on the inside but outside he knows how to play the game, what the government expects. He told me once that he is no coward but he wants to keep his balls attached to the rest of himself. The Iranian people are restless. The young people are well educated, well connected, and also very worried. Remember what happened last time? The Greens protested obvious election fraud and the government responded with a swift and very heavy hand. My friend tells me that Iran will be no Arab Spring but (another) revolution is imminent. Is war ever the right choice? No, but war is always the choice. As a disabled combat veteran (Iraq) I tend to agree. By the way I agree completely with DukeAnthony. Iraq was strategically and politically a very bad mistake. If we had stayed out of Iraq, and rightly so, we could have poured all our resources into Afghanistan and maybe have bled over into Pakistan as well. It's called a takeover in some circles and dynamic occupation in others. Sigh. I predict dark days ahead. Sorry for the downer.
I predict Israeli intervention Followed by Unrest and rebellion
I went to school with a Persian. Iranians are Intelligent, restless, unemployed
Iran used to be even better than Turkey in regards to economy
Now they are a bunch of people Bordering on intractable poverty and starvation. Allah aint gonna fix that

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I disagree, it has everything to do with the US. We are the millitary arm of the Debt slave empire. Heres a fun coinicidence. Every country named in the "axis of evil" had no IMF controled Central Bank. We invaded and installed central banks on behalf of the Rothschilds in Iraq, Afgahnistan and Libya. Libya contained the first "revolution" in the history of mankind that opened a central bank in order to distribute bank cartel funds to the "rebels" (mercinaries) befor a single shot was fired. Google it, lots of press on that.

Iran has no central bank and lots of oil. If you look at history any country with no central bank and oil or some other valuable resource has been sacked. War with Iran is simply the next step in spreading the IMF empire.

Iran needs nukes for it's own protection. North Korea also has no central bank but they do have nukes and no one is talking about invading them. Nukes are the only defence against the Zionists. ( I do not use the term "zionist" as a derogatory term against Jews. Zionists are not Jewish)

Remeber, Usury is a sin in both the Bible and the Koran. Most Islamic states forbid it, which puts them in direct conflict with the debt cartels.

Iran knows exactly what is going on. They know the Zionist empire is coming for them. They don't hate the American people, they know we are just sheep that have been completly led astray. They hate our supreme masters (most of witch are not Americans) that wish to sack their country, steal their wealth and resources and make them usury slaves, just like us.
How much David Icke do you read?


New Member
Much of Iran is actually well educated people and they are not religious extremist, Iran is technically a democracy also for whoever said its not, there is some terrorist groups, and some form of sharia law or something I hear about but its only been in rumors. As someone who has watched a lot of film from inside iran thats not from the American Main Stream media I can tell you they are a bunch of educated people who love the west and democracy. ..

Then you listen to Fox news corps radio, blog, or television its severe sharia law and they are a bunch of scruffy looking muslim peaseants or something with strict enforcements on civil rights...its like wtf? I'm sorry I think I can trust what I have seen from Iranian amateur film better then I trust the media.