Indictment Countdown...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
want to make a bet on that?

i'll bet $5000 and my membership on this site. i doubt you have that much money since you exist on loans and have a failing non-business, so i will accept you leaving this site.

How bout this deal:

We watch and wait for the election and have discussions about said election here.

Dont like it?



Well-Known Member
Not worse than jaywalking?

Where does jay walking affect national security?
What she did affected national security to about the same degree as jaywalking. Can you show me something in writing from a mainstream media source (e.g. not Fox or Brietbart but the NY Times or even the Dallas newspaper) that says otherwise?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I don't want to make consensual exchanges of cannabis illegal.
I said
The fastest way to legalization is to propose legal to possess and grow illegal to sell, And I am right.
Never said anything about rolling back the law where it is legal already.

Sex between an adult and a child is not consensual, never will be. A child cannot consent to having sex with an adult.
Something you wish to be legal.

Why do you want adults to be able to fuck children legally?
You said cannabis should be legal to grow, and illegal to sell. That means you said consensual exchanges should be illegal.

You had hoped by fellating the government and agreeing to make trade in cannabis illegal, they would grant you the revocable privilege of having a couple scraggly plants in your closet. Go ahead and beg master some more, slave, it's your calling.

The longest appendage on you, is your Pinocchio nose, Prohibitionist.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
What she did affected national security to about the same degree as jaywalking. Can you show me something in writing from a mainstream media source (e.g. not Fox or Brietbart but the NY Times or even the Dallas newspaper) that says otherwise?
Benghazi is a ridiculous canard. If you want to know how deep the rabbit hole actually is, read this: She's a serious financial criminal, just for starters. This book was published in 1995 when a few of you were still shitting your diapers, I'm betting. Not saying there's anything wrong with being young, just that there's a whole lot of modern history hiding in the shadows that you may not have read.



Seems like there isn't one of you who actually knows what the fuck is up with the Clintons, on either side of this discussion. I respect a number of you, but the truth is much darker than you imagine, and it proves Republicans and Democrats are on the same team. And that team doesn't give a fuck about you.

Y'all should do some fucking research instead of arguing on the internet like you know what the fuck is going on. You don't. I love you all, but you don't know the real story (inasmuch as it can be known); Stop pretending you do and go read your balls and/or titties off for a few years and get back to me. If you would like a list of reading suggestions I would be glad to provide one. The thing is, you have to read the books of your 'enemies', too, not just the people you agree with.
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
What she did affected national security to about the same degree as jaywalking. Can you show me something in writing from a mainstream media source (e.g. not Fox or Brietbart but the NY Times or even the Dallas newspaper) that says otherwise?
Look it up. She was handling ALL her state business from a server at her home and the state department did not approve of her doing that.

She handles sensitive security information. That was her job. The government has special encrypted servers to keep the information safe. It is also mandatory that the government have all documents on that server so that they can keep track of communications.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Seriously? For whatever reason he might be institutionalized that makes so much sense. He's literally insane, that much is clear. I'm not going to click "Show ignored content" again - total waste of effort, but I had to let my real feelings shine this morning.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, Rob Roy aint representative of anybody but himself. He's not just a Liartarian, he's a nacissist who really does think he's the center of all wisdom. I've been around and around it with the fool and it's pretty clear that he simply doesn't understand how humans cooperate with each other and how human cooperation is probably the most powerful force on the planet. Because his idea of each man (and it is man,not woman) is its own individual center.

Under his ethos, one sniper can take out the manly man protecting his own and then have all rights and ownership of everything that man managed to gather and protect on his own including sexual rights to that man's wife and children. Until the next sniper comes along. Other than some sort of weird idea of natural rights to property, which are not natural and are a legal construct, the sociopath doesn't believe there can be such a thing as other people with rights that must be observed without mano a mano confrontation. He also rejects the idea of civil rights. I could go on, but really the fucker is boring and I put him on ignore a long time ago.

You brought up a good point, blind squirrel.

None of us can represent anybody but ourselves, unless we've given explicit individual consent to be represented. That pretty much refutes the legitimacy of a coercion based government. Good job.

The rest of your post shows your poor grasp of a Voluntaryist philosophy and is motivated by ignorance of the possible outcomes. You are regurgitating indoctrinated platitudes rather than proceeding logically and consistently.
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Well-Known Member
Look it up. She was handling ALL her state business from a server at her home and the state department did not approve of her doing that.

She handles sensitive security information. That was her job. The government has special encrypted servers to keep the information safe. It is also mandatory that the government have all documents on that server so that they can keep track of communications.

View attachment 3694335
It's not mandatory. Maybe now. But it wasn't until John Kerry took the reins at the state department

And no matter what happens
I'm still voting democrat in November and so are millions of others
But don't worry. You will still get your welfare

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
It's not mandatory. Maybe now. But it wasn't until John Kerry took the reins at the state department

And no matter what happens
I'm still voting democrat in November and so are millions of others
But don't worry. You will still get your welfare
Skillfully avoiding anything I said, as usual. Even my real life friends ignore me, most of the shit I post is too real, and it bums people out, so they just pretend it isn't so. Acknowledge she's the lesser of two extreme evils, at the very least, or I will consider you a coward. You are one of the people I indicated I respect, but ignoring the giant elephant I posted in this particular room is sort of chicken-shit. Maybe you're working on a response now, I don't know. I remain interested to hear your thoughts on what I wrote. I guess I should qualify my statement; If you aren't aware of the allegations in the book I posted recently then you probably don't have enough context to comment on how much of that book is true. There's a framework of awareness necessary to comprehend the big picture and, in my experience, there are startlingly few people willing to do the original research necessary to obtain a rudimentary understanding of the state of our planet's history and geo-politics at the present time. Most arguments I see, regardless of ideology, are skimming the surface of a very deep ocean of information with virtually no regard to historical context.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Nice bait. I give it an 8 on a 1-10 scale.

Except I'm not advocating for crony capitalism. I'm advocating for freedom of the individual to control themself and his / her justly acquired property and the abolition of systems based in an involuntarily imposed hierarchy.

You are afraid to discuss what property is or isn't, which is why we can't have a real discussion. That's too bad, we might both learn something.

Also, when I quote some people, like Rothbard etc. I'm not endorsing everything that person ever said or did.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It's not mandatory. Maybe now. But it wasn't until John Kerry took the reins at the state department

And no matter what happens
I'm still voting democrat in November and so are millions of others
But don't worry. You will still get your welfare
It was mandatory and she signed a document TELLING her it was mandatory AND showed the laws she would be violating if she had an unauthorized server that handled state business.


Well-Known Member
Nice bait. I give it an 8 on a 1-10 scale.

Except I'm not advocating for crony capitalism. I'm advocating for freedom of the individual to control themself and his / her justly acquired property and the abolition of systems based in an involuntarily imposed hierarchy.

You are afraid to discuss what property is or isn't, which is why we can't have a real discussion. That's too bad, we might both learn something.

Also, when I quote some people, like Rothbard etc. I'm not endorsing everything that person ever said or did.

youre far too nuanced and magnaminous for many people of the ilk here represented to appreciate.....or understand....