Indictment Countdown...


Well-Known Member
"Don't tell me it doesn't work -- torture works. Okay, folks? Torture -- you know, half these guys [say]: 'Torture doesn't work.' Believe me, it works. Okay?"

donald trump, reflecting on what he learned as an active participant in the mafia, something for which he will be indicted and a countdown to indictment is needed.
Yep, two or three indictments in there. I believe it therefore it is so.


Well-Known Member
I am already considering FogDog's options after charges are brought against Clinton???????

I'm guessing his head will explode.


Well-Known Member
I am already considering FogDog's options after charges are brought against Clinton???????

I'm guessing his head will explode.
Hey, you too? So, do tell, what charges are listed in the inspector general's report?

To repeat myself (as if I haven't way too much already), I'm no fan of Hillary and would like very much to see her taken down. But so far nothing has been said to indicate she has done anything worse than the equivalent of jaywalking. She's been attacked for 25 years and still, nothing.

The FBI report is forthcoming, it is the last best hope for you guys to see her indicted. It's my bet that nothing will come of it because she's not guilty of a chargeable offense. In this I hope I'm wrong.

I find this right wing made up shit and sense of outrage over the right wing's own dialogue without facts pretty much disgusting and to tell you the truth, boring.

So, it won't be my head exploding one way or the other. Nor yours, because when no charges are made, you'll claim a miscarriage of justice. Its so predictable and stupid.


Well-Known Member
I am already considering FogDog's options after charges are brought against Clinton???????

I'm guessing his head will explode.
Trump is guilty of harassment and intimidating tenants in 1981. He should be indicted and go to jail!!!!!!

The scoop: In 1981, Trump scooped up a building on Central Park South, reasoning that the existing structure was a dump, but the land it was on would be a great place for luxury condos. Trump’s problem was that the existing tenants were—understandably and predictably—unwilling to let go of their rent-controlled apartments on Central Park. Trump used every trick in the book to get them out. He tried to reverse exceptions the previous landlord had given to knock down walls, threatening eviction. Tenants said he cut off heat and hot water. Building management refused to make repairs; two tenants swore in court that mushrooms grew on their carpet from a leak. Perhaps Trump’s most outlandish move was to place newspaper ads offering to house homeless New Yorkers in empty units—since, as Trump wrote in The Art of the Deal, he didn’t intend to fill units with permanent residents anyway. City officials turned him down, saying the idea did not seem appropriate. Typically, Trump also sued tenants for $150 million when they complained.

The nerve, a countdown to indictment should be started!!!!!!!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Why do you want adults to have the legal right to molest children?

I don't think anybody should molest anyone, I think human interactions should be voluntary and consensual.

Why do you want to make consensual exchanges of cannabis illegal, Prohibitionist?


Well-Known Member
I don't think anybody should molest anyone, I think human interactions should be voluntary and consensual.

Why do you want to make consensual exchanges of cannabis illegal, Prohibitionist?
you never told me what happens in panarchy-land when you have sex with someone's 10 year old kid who you claim consented, but that kid's father wants to kill you for being a pedophile and raping their kid.

how would such a dispute be arbitrated?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you never told me what happens in panarchy-land when you have sex with someone's 10 year old kid who you claim consented, but that kid's father wants to kill you for being a pedophile and raping their kid.

how would such a dispute be arbitrated?

They all go to Wendy's and have a burger to work it out, everything is cool, until somebody needs to use the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Another countdown must be started!!!!!!!!

Trump hired illegal aliens to do work for him. Terrrrrriblle working conditions too.

The dirt: In order to construct his signature Trump Tower, the builder first had to demolish the Bonwit Teller store, an architecturally beloved Art Deco edifice. The work had to be done fast, and so managers hired 200 undocumented Polish workers to tear it down, paying them substandard wages for backbreaking work—$5 per hour, when they were paid at all. The workers didn’t wear hard hats and often slept at the site. When the workers complained about their back pay, they were allegedly threatened with deportation. Trump said he was unaware that illegal immigrants were working at the site.

The upshot: In 1991, a federal judge found Trump and other defendants guiltyof conspiring to avoid paying union pension and welfare contributions for the workers. The decision was appealed, with partial victories for both sides, and ultimately settled privately in 1999. In a February GOP debate, Marco Rubio brought up the story to accuse Trump of hypocrisy in his stance on illegal immigration.

A miscarriage of justice!!!!!!

Trump is a criminal and must be put in jail forthwith!!!!!!

edit: I am having too much fun with this. Any right wingers offended by my continuous slandering of Trump, please let me know. I care so deeply about your feelings that I'll stop this assault on the fine character of your leader immediately.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wait a minute, Rob Roy aint representative of anybody but himself. He's not just a Liartarian, he's a nacissist who really does think he's the center of all wisdom. I've been around and around it with the fool and it's pretty clear that he simply doesn't understand how humans cooperate with each other and how human cooperation is probably the most powerful force on the planet. Because his idea of each man (and it is man,not woman) is its own individual center.

Under his ethos, one sniper can take out the manly man protecting his own and then have all rights and ownership of everything that man managed to gather and protect on his own including sexual rights to that man's wife and children. Until the next sniper comes along. Other than some sort of weird idea of natural rights to property, which are not natural and are a legal construct, the sociopath doesn't believe there can be such a thing as other people with rights that must be observed without mano a mano confrontation. He also rejects the idea of civil rights. I could go on, but really the fucker is boring and I put him on ignore a long time ago.

Except when you say "cooperate" you really mean capitulate. In order for real cooperation to take place, a voluntary interaction has to be the norm.

You champion an institution which arises from the idea that some people have the right to insist on initiating involuntary interactions with people who prefer not to engage.

You put me on ignore because I pointed out that Bernie is a thug who says one thing and does another. You couldn't refute what I said,so you ran away and cried.


Well-Known Member
Except when you say "cooperate" you really mean capitulate. In order for real cooperation to take place, a voluntary interaction has to be the norm.

You champion an institution which arises from the idea that some people have the right to insist on initiating involuntary interactions with people who prefer not to engage.

You put me on ignore because I pointed out that Bernie is a thug who says one thing and does another. You couldn't refute what I said,so you ran away and cried.
but you never answered me about whether a slave has to pay taxes or not.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anybody should molest anyone, I think human interactions should be voluntary and consensual.

Why do you want to make consensual exchanges of cannabis illegal, Prohibitionist?
I don't want to make consensual exchanges of cannabis illegal.
I said
The fastest way to legalization is to propose legal to possess and grow illegal to sell, And I am right.
Never said anything about rolling back the law where it is legal already.

Sex between an adult and a child is not consensual, never will be. A child cannot consent to having sex with an adult.
Something you wish to be legal.

Why do you want adults to be able to fuck children legally?


Well-Known Member
Honest to Bob;
I am a bit crippled, usually a peace-lover, but if we ever meet, @Rob Roy, I'll punch you in the nose just to see what you're really made of.

You're an insufferable asshole with a big mouth and a small mind.

inb4 "we got a badass over here" and/or "internet tough guy."

I know what a cliché it is to say something like that, and I don't do it lightly. I have nothing left to say except "Fuck you."
I think he is in an institution. Probably for being a sex offender


Well-Known Member
Seriously? For whatever reason he might be institutionalized that makes so much sense. He's literally insane, that much is clear. I'm not going to click "Show ignored content" again - total waste of effort, but I had to let my real feelings shine this morning.
Ignore only works when you are logged on.