In 2020. America will not get BERNED again

Wow. What a put down. You are powerful. Powerful as Queen Cersei. You have to be or they wouldn't let you use the avatar. Damn, all you enemies quake in their boots when facing off against your powerful wit and intellect.


I had better be nice to you or you will post Supertramp.

as you wish..

like a king without a castle..still living on the in-laws couch?

as you wish..

like a king without a castle..still living on the in-laws couch?

Uh, sure. You still living in your 900 SQ foot $30,000 retirement community condo? I admire your restraint and frugality considering your six figure income (which, I assume included decimals). Amazing that you had to go on food stamps after a few weeks when you got fired.

Lol, remember that time you posted online reviews of your job and then begged them to be taken down? Remember that other time when you posted your full name? Or what about the three times in a month you posted your address?
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Uh, sure. You still living in your 900 SQ foot $30,000 retirement community condo? I admire your restraint and frugality considering your six figure income (which, I assume included decimals). Amazing that you had to go on food stamps after a few weeks when you got fired.

Lol, remember that time you psoted online reviews of your job and then begged them to be taken down? Remember that other time when you posted your full name? Or what about the three times in a month you posted you address?

how come you never dox my large home(s) in gated communities- why so selective? jelly?
how come you never dox my large home(s) in gated communities- why so selective? jelly?


The only one of you three currently living in a "gated community" is Tty.

I mean, wtf? You literally have two people here that will associate with you and they both know who you are; an aged crone who fantasizes about living the good life and having a six figure income while living in multiple home(s) some of which are in gated communities. I guarantee that if you did you wouldn't be either a Progressive or shuttling random people around in your car as a Lyft driver chattering non-stop about Bernie and occasionally attacking people with silly string as your "outreach". You would still be complaining about immigrants and people of color but from behind gated walls.

Why not go all the way? Say you live in a beautiful castle that is the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, located in the crownlands on the east coast of Westeros. It is situated along the kingsroad at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush and overlooks Blackwater Bay. Literally nobody believes you anyway. You may as well fully immerse yourself into your bourgeois dreams.
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Uh, sure. You still living in your 900 SQ foot $30,000 retirement community condo? I admire your restraint and frugality considering your six figure income (which, I assume included decimals). Amazing that you had to go on food stamps after a few weeks when you got fired.

Lol, remember that time you psoted online reviews of your job and then begged them to be taken down? Remember that other time when you posted your full name? Or what about the three times in a month you posted you address?
Of course silly
6000.00 yearly as a Lyft driver, but wait until she starts doing Uber as well. Double the money

Authoritarian as fuck, man!

Ya done, dummy?
Earlier today the topic of honesty came up when I asked you if you supported @ttystikk who routinely posts fact-free propaganda without feeling any compunction to quote sources and loudly denounces anybody who questions his truthfulness despite being caught in it and refusing to take responsibility for spreading fake news. Now I see that you are as dishonest as Tty is - as opposed to delusional which is what seems to be more prevalent in @schuylaar.

Looking back, I already knew what a lying piece of trash you were. Any lie you need to make up to serve your purposes you find immediately justifiable because of your self professed moral superiority. Hey Pad, remember that time you called me "racist" because you didn't think I supported AOC enough despite my never having said anything negative about her whatsoever? And remember how you refused to answer any questions about what I said to deserve this rather serious epithet? You are as far from where you portray yourself on the political spectrum as Schuylaar is from homes in gated communities and a six figure income.

I have no doubt that you are able to twist your answers to the above questions into some sort of self-deluding optimal model of what you wish you were. In truth, you are a garden-variety, petty, egotistical, want-to-be tyrant.
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You're not seeking truth, you're seeding doubt, just like Tobacco insurance companies did in the 1970s

You know as well as I do M4A is the solution

That's sick, man. You put your own ego above getting millions of poor people healthcare. My ego tells me I'm a piece of shit if I don't, that is quite the difference..
You are too ignorant to have a conversation about a complex subject.

That healthcare bill is a pile of rubbish and a sentence to four more years of Trump. By that politifact report the number of people on private insurance stands at 160 million people, 70% of whom like the plan they are in. Now way Bernie can win in the fall with his authoritarian plan that simply tell them they have to give it up.

You showed in your earlier message that you don't even know what you are talking about so just consider this a one way conversation with me telling you how it is. Man-child.
Medicare for all is a nonstarter if implemented like Bernie's plan does. You don't sell it by first telling people it forcibly strips healthcare coverage from 80 million people who like their plan. There is also this problem with not having a price tag or means to pay for it but that would be diverging from the point that 80 million people will be forced off coverage the like and stuffed into the Medicare plan. Most of those people vote.

I still don't understand why you think voting is some sinister act but that's a different topic.

You do realize that there are like four different plans out there, don't you? Some of them DON'T forcibly strip people from plans they like. That part of Bernie's plan is beyond stupid. It's as if he deliberately sabotaged his own plan by handing an easy argument against it to Republicans. The only way it's not stupid is if Bernie is trying to get Trump back in office. .
So you're voting for Trump.


This is why so-called progressives are an oxymoron. They think the world revolves around them and if they don't get exactly what they want they take their votes and go home.

That's the opposite of progressive. That's digression.
He is an ardent supporter of Trump
Lol. And Rob Roy.
Too funny. That was filled out by Pad and presto! The mirror told him he was everything he already thought he was. Those magic mirrors can't be fooled too.

Crowing to tty about once Bernie's authoritarian leftist healthcare plan takes hold, rich people will have to wait in the long lines created by Bernie's plan with everybody else. Authoritarian left, upper left quadrant.
Too funny. That was filled out by Pad and presto! The mirror told him he was everything he already thought he was. Those magic mirrors can't be fooled too.

Crowing to tty about once Bernie's authoritarian leftist healthcare plan takes hold, rich people will have to wait in the long lines created by Bernie's plan with everybody else. Authoritarian left, upper left quadrant.
I laughed out loud when he posted the graphic and asked if you felt stupid now. What a goof.
I laughed out loud when he posted the graphic and asked if you felt stupid now. What a goof.

Someone used it against him so he thought he'd be really smart and use it against someone else without understanding that it most accurately describes him.
Calm down, Ron. It's OK.

You've survived being outed before. You'll no doubt survive it again.
He called you out for being completely intellectually dishonest and willing to threaten him- and by extension anyone else- who doesn't fall in line with your views.

And you call us authoritarian?