Do you know why the Electoral college was invented in the first place?
The Government thought the people were to stupid to cast informed votes on their own. It is time to do away with the electoral college and count the popular vote. The last 2 elections are proof that the delegates are bought lock, stock and barrel.
They also didn't want Congress to be allowed to pick the president either. Although they did pick the first president we had. Since all the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and the 2nd Continental Congress were the 69 electorial college voters to pick Washington as President #1.
Jefferson also wanted to make sure that the founding fathers and their descendants would be the only ones to be president. That way, the King of England couldn't get somebody elected by the people or by Congress either. If you haven't noticed there were alot of presidents that have been related to each other;
John Adams (father) - John Quincy Adams (son)
William H Harrison (grandfather) - Benjamin Harrison (grandson)
Theodore Roosevelt (cousin) - Franklin D Roosevelt (cousin)
The Roosevelts were also related to the following presidents:
John Adams, John Q Adams, Ulysses Grant, William H Harrison,
Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, William Taft, Zachary Taylor,
Martin Van Buren, George Washington
George Bush (father) - George W Bush (son)
GWB is also the great-great-great grand nephew of Benjamin
Harrison because of his mother Barbara. She is his great-great grand
Seems like nepotism plays a big part in being president. If one of your relatives/ancestors have been president, then more than likely you can be as well.