• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Impeach Now, Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy

Mango Haze

Active Member
Commentary ..... from counterpunch .... I thought I'd put this up for the record ..... there's some dirtywork afoot ... :spew:

Impeach Now, Or Face the End....
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future. Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush administration will not bow to expert advice and public opinion and begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq is that the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.

..... no doubt in my mind the illegitimate bush regime will do more false flag, "terrorist" shit .... and there will be plenty that will fall for the bullshit .... look at 911.:roll:

:hump: :peace:

I think your right, this country is becoming a "police state" ...WTF happened to "land of the free and home of the brave" most the people with power in this country care only about their paycheck, nothing more! did you see on the news about that guy who got busted with over 200 bombs and 200 RPG's (rocket propelled gernades) and a semi trailer full of machine guns with a "long time beef" with the government? these people will retaliate! If bush keeps pissing on these people, he better get the fuck out of dodge!


Active Member
you're about to send him packing eh? he cant be re-elected buddy so his only way is out. its also hard to oust a dictatorship so i doubt iran will get rid of him soon unless the clerics see fit. but nice little speech med
sad to say but yes he can be re elected. If he declares martial law, he essentially re elects him self. until martial law is lifted, the sitting president stays in. FUCKING SCARY HUH?


Well-Known Member
Im sure you know that Islam is no threat, never has been a threat and did not attack the WTC twice our embassies and war ships, nor attack our allies. and has infiltrated our front line defenses and first responders ,

Im sure you know Mohammad did claim to be a terrorist attribute his success to terrorism and say his god requires all muslims to fight until only Muslims remain on earth.
False flags up your own ass.


Well-Known Member
Like Christians dont do the same thing, and in a way Jesus was a terrorist too, so they crusified him.


New Member
Like Christians dont do the same thing, and in a way Jesus was a terrorist too, so they crusified him.
jesus was far from a terrorist. however i will be laughing my ass off when judgement day comes and jews, christians and muslims all look around just to notice that they ended up in the same place.


Well-Known Member
jesus was far from a terrorist. however i will be laughing my ass off when judgement day comes and jews, christians and muslims all look around just to notice that they ended up in the same place.
Holly shit, we actually agree on something!Have you heard this joke? "The guy dies and goes to haven,he meets st.Peter at the gates and the angel offers to give him the tour of the place. They walk into the great hall and it is full of hindus, all dancimg partying and getting high, they keep going and enter the next great hall which is full of jews who are also partying , dancing and getting high and drunk, as they keep going they see buddists, daoists, muslims all doing the same thing. Finally they get to a really long hallway and st.Peter sais to the guy "Now I have one more room to show you, but you cant make a sound."- "Why ?" _ the guy asks- "all the other rooms were so noysy and we had so much fun." -"I know the angel sais, but you see, here are the catholics and they think they are the only ones up here."


Well-Known Member
jesus was far from a terrorist. however i will be laughing my ass off when judgement day comes and jews, christians and muslims all look around just to notice that they ended up in the same place.
I belive it was "DOA" and Jello Biafra that did the song by the name "Jesus was a terrorist" check it out its pretty cool. But seriously, the people in power have a long standing tradition to label the people who question theyr authority terrorists, 2000 years ago this guy proclaimed that he was son of God, back than it was considered a terrorist act...


Well-Known Member
... and you are woefully ignorant of the facts ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people .... both elections were stolen ... that's a fact .... just as it is a fact that they are planning to steal 2008.
So if stating the truth undermines legitimacy in your eyes so be it ... I really don't give a shit .... I've presented the facts of the stolen election and not one person has been able to disputed other than saying I make stuff up... or I woefully incorrect without proving why .... :roll:

So if you don't like the way I refer to the illegitimate bush that's tough ... :-|

I have already shown you the truth in another thread but here goes again for the people ignorant of the constitutional process of electing presidents.

taken from: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/19330-more-reasons-impeachment-pick-one-5.html
And you keep calling it the illegitimate Bush regime. Why? Because he did not win the popular vote in 2000? Well for your information the US Constitution > Article 2 states you need 270 electorial college votes to be president. Nothing in the constitution states you need popular vote to be president. And speaking of that here is a list of all presidents that won by getting 270+ e.c. votes and not popular votes.

1789 George Washington 69 e.c. votes / No popular votes
He was the only president in our history that was selected

1824 John Quincy Adams 261 e.c. votes / -38149 popular votes less
1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 185 e.c. votes / -254235 popular votes less
1888 Benjamin Harrison 233 e.c. votes / -90596 popular votes less
1996 William J. Clinton 379 e.c. votes / -77396 popular votes less

So it seems there was more than one president in our history that won on e.c. votes and not popular votes. Back in '96 I didn't see Bob Dole crying to the U.S. Supreme Court that President Clinton didn't win popular votes so he shouldn't be president. Thats because Dole, unlike Gore, new the constitutional process of electing a president and was willing to live with the results like a gracious loser and not cry about it like some 2 year old child who don't get their way.

Must electors vote for the candidate who won their State's popular vote?
There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories -- electors bound by State law and those bound by pledges to political parties.

Above quote taken from here...
NARA | Federal Register | U. S. Electoral College

You should read these two books and they will help you on the process of electing a president.

[SIZE=+0]After the People Vote: A Guide to the Electoral College. Edited by Walter Berns. Rev. enl. ed. Washington: AEI Press, 1992. xiv, 101 p. Includes bibliographical references. AEI studies ; 542. ISBN: 0844738034; 0844738026 (pbk). LCCN: 91032732. JK529 .A68 1992[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]After the People Vote: Steps in Choosing the President. Edited by Walter Berns. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, c1983. AEI Studies 395. 39 p. LCCN: 83015535. JK529 .A68 1983[/SIZE]



Well-Known Member
I have already shown you the truth in another thread but here goes again for the people ignorant of the constitutional process of electing presidents.

... wow you really are stupid ... if you won't read the link ... it means you can't dispute the facts ... so you come back with some bullshit stat from the people that stole the election ... how dumb is that ... :roll:

... dispute the fact that 58000 voters ... mostly black and dems ... were illegally purge for the voting rolls in 2000 in Florida but the illegitimate bush's brother and his cronie SOS.

See if you can wrap your brain around that fact and explain it away ...


Well-Known Member
Sorry grow rebel but 420 worshipper is actually right on this one, even if Bush got 0 votes from general population and 270 from electoral college he is still president, some democracy ha?


Well-Known Member
... wow you really are stupid ... if you won't read the link ... it means you can't dispute the facts ... so you come back with some bullshit stat from the people that stole the election ... how dumb is that ... :roll:

... dispute the fact that 58000 voters ... mostly black and dems ... were illegally purge for the voting rolls in 2000 in Florida but the illegitimate bush's brother and his cronie SOS.

See if you can wrap your brain around that fact and explain it away ...

God you really are too stupid for your own good aren't you. I bring you facts from the Constitution and the Electorial College who have been electing presidents since before you were born. And you say that I can't dispute your parrot comments from some left wing asshole who was crying like a baby because he lost. Now, show the evidence of the crimes you speak of. Don't look at somebody elses comments and put them here as your own. If you don't have the intelligence to have a thought of your own about evidence you find yourself. Then look in a mirror before you call somebody stupid. Oh yeah, how come you didn't look at my links about the true way to elect a president? Know that the truth is something you don't want to look at or face! So I have one final thing to say to an ignorant person like you...



Well-Known Member
... dispute the fact that 58000 voters ... mostly black and dems ... were illegally purge for the voting rolls in 2000 in Florida but the illegitimate bush's brother and his cronie SOS.

See if you can wrap your brain around that fact and explain it away ...
And here you go again speaking somebody elses nonsense. When if you checked the facts the problems started in May 1993 when President Clinton enacted the National Voter Registration Act. Also if you would have checked you would have seen that for 135 years the state of Florida has had a no felon voting policy. Which is understandable most states that I know of has the same policy in effect, "Commit Felony, Lose Right To Vote". So after a Democrat rigged the 1997 Miami Mayorial election, Florida started a 1998 policy. Now I will include links but I'm gonna quote part of one for you because you don't seem to read everything when the truth is coming at you.

Florida's pre-election voter-roll purging: Threats to voting rights

Despite the price tag, similar errors recurred from 1998 through 2000, involving non-felons who were misidentified as felons or actual felons whose rights had been restored:
  • More than 3,700 before election 1998.
  • More than 11,000 before election 2000.

Wow problems way back before 1998 elections. So I guess Bush/Cheney invented a time machine and went back and got President Clinton to do what he did in 1993. The state of Florida to do what it did 135 years ago. And then the problems in 1998 can be blamed on them as well. So in 2004 the US House of Representatives did this:


To amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require States to provide notice and an opportunity for review prior to removing any individual from the official list of eligible voters by reason of criminal conviction or mental incapacity.

And if its the convicted felons need to vote, I bet you would change your mind if they voted opposite of your ideas!


New Member
God you really are too stupid for your own good aren't you. I bring you facts from the Constitution and the Electorial College who have been electing presidents since before you were born. And you say that I can't dispute your parrot comments from some left wing asshole who was crying like a baby because he lost. Now, show the evidence of the crimes you speak of. Don't look at somebody elses comments and put them here as your own. If you don't have the intelligence to have a thought of your own about evidence you find yourself. Then look in a mirror before you call somebody stupid. Oh yeah, how come you didn't look at my links about the true way to elect a president? Know that the truth is something you don't want to look at or face! So I have one final thing to say to an ignorant person like you...

Let me interject with this thought, if I may. If 58,000 votes were thrown out in florida,. and bush won by 57999, didn't the thrown out votes influence the election since, isn't it a winner take all of the electoral votes of a state, and if florida had given Gore it's electoral votes, would not he have won? so in this example, yes the 58,000 thrown out votes may have influenced the election. I believe that the 25 electoral votes going to Gore instead of Bush would have made him president, Am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Let me interject with this thought, if I may. If 58,000 votes were thrown out in florida,. and bush won by 57999, didn't the thrown out votes influence the election since, isn't it a winner take all of the electoral votes of a state, and if florida had given Gore it's electoral votes, would not he have won? so in this example, yes the 58,000 thrown out votes may have influenced the election. I believe that the 25 electoral votes going to Gore instead of Bush would have made him president, Am I wrong?

Actually no the votes would not have mattered. Florida is not a state that requires its electors to vote for the candidate that the people vote for. There are only six states that have laws requiring that. And since a republican governor picked 25 of his republican party members as voters, they could still give them to GWB. These are the six states required by law to give all e.c. votes for who the people vote for.

ALABAMA - 9 Electoral Votes Party Pledge / State Law - § 17-19-2
MAINE - 4 Electoral Votes State Law - § 805
MASSACHUSETTS - 12 Electoral Votes Party Pledge / State Law - Ch. 53, § 8, Supp.
OREGON - 7 Electoral Votes State Pledge / State Law - § 248.355
SOUTH CAROLINA - 8 Electoral Votes State Pledge / State Law - § 7-19-80 (Replacement and criminal sanctions for violation.)
VERMONT - 3 Electoral Votes State Law - title 17, § 2732


Well-Known Member
Do you know why the Electoral college was invented in the first place?
The Government thought the people were to stupid to cast informed votes on their own. It is time to do away with the electoral college and count the popular vote. The last 2 elections are proof that the delegates are bought lock, stock and barrel.


Well-Known Member
God you really are too stupid for your own good aren't you. I bring you facts from the Constitution and the Electorial College who have been electing presidents since before you were born. And you say that I can't dispute your parrot comments from some left wing asshole who was crying like a baby because he lost. Now, show the evidence of the crimes you speak of. Don't look at somebody elses comments and put them here as your own. If you don't have the intelligence to have a thought of your own about evidence you find yourself. Then look in a mirror before you call somebody stupid. Oh yeah, how come you didn't look at my links about the true way to elect a president? Know that the truth is something you don't want to look at or face! So I have one final thing to say to an ignorant person like you...

No ... POLLY WANT TO SEE THE DUMMY DISPUTE THE FACTS IN THE REPORT ... I was right .... you are stupid ... :roll: