Impeach Now, Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy


Well-Known Member
Commentary ..... from counterpunch .... I thought I'd put this up for the record ..... there's some dirtywork afoot ... :spew:

Impeach Now, Or Face the End....
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future. Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush administration will not bow to expert advice and public opinion and begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq is that the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.

..... no doubt in my mind the illegitimate bush regime will do more false flag, "terrorist" shit .... and there will be plenty that will fall for the bullshit .... look at 911.:roll:

:hump: :peace:


New Member
Commentary ..... from counterpunch .... I thought I'd put this up for the record ..... there's some dirtywork afoot ... :spew:

Impeach Now, Or Face the End....
Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future. Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush administration will not bow to expert advice and public opinion and begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq is that the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.

..... no doubt in my mind the illegitimate bush regime will do more false flag, "terrorist" shit .... and there will be plenty that will fall for the bullshit .... look at 911.:roll:

:hump: :peace:
Oh? ... and who exactly are these "attentive people?" I would assume the "expert advise" would be coming from the Democrat Party controlled congress and senate. The President is the Comander in Chief and MAY take the advise of these so-called "experts" and he may not. Its his perogative. And what the hell does "public opinion" have to do with anything? Are we now to run wars based upon popularity polls? That's a formula for disaster if I've ever seen one.

And by the way, don't construe my above comments as support for Bush. My comments are in rebuttal to a VERY stupid article.



Well-Known Member
Oh? ... and who exactly are these "attentive people?" I would assume the "expert advise" would be coming from the Democrat Party controlled congress and senate. The President is the Comander in Chief and MAY take the advise of these so-called "experts" and he may not. Its his perogative. And what the hell does "public opinion" have to do with anything? Are we now to run wars based upon popularity polls? That's a formula for disaster if I've ever seen one.

And by the way, don't construe my above comments as support for Bush. My comments are in rebuttal to a VERY stupid article.

Yeah the article was extremely extremist and stupid.. but looking back at why we invaded iraq, it was WMD.which turned out to be a very big mistake for this country. Well now we hear all this stuff about Iran possibly making WMD's doesn't it seem at least slightly odd?


New Member
Well, not really odd at all if one considers that we've been at war with Iran all along. Let democracy be established in Iraq with legitimate voting rights, women's rights, along with a strong constitutional goverrnment and Iran will fall from within. That is the leadership of Iran's biggest fear and they are fighting it with all their might ... IN IRAQ.



New Member
Well, not really odd at all if one considers that we've been at war with Iran all along. Let democracy be established in Iraq with legitimate voting rights, women's rights, along with a strong constitutional goverrnment and Iran will fall from within. That is the leadership of Iran's biggest fear and they are fighting it with all their might ... IN IRAQ.

Bullshit. Iran can solve it's own problems. If we stay out of Iran, the people will probably get tired of this rabid Islamic drivel and get rid of Amadinajad, just like we are tired of Dubyas drivel and are about to send him packing.


New Member
Bullshit. Iran can solve it's own problems. If we stay out of Iran, the people will probably get tired of this rabid Islamic drivel and get rid of Amadinajad, just like we are tired of Dubyas drivel and are about to send him packing.
you're about to send him packing eh? he cant be re-elected buddy so his only way is out. its also hard to oust a dictatorship so i doubt iran will get rid of him soon unless the clerics see fit. but nice little speech med


New Member
you're about to send him packing eh? he cant be re-elected buddy so his only way is out. its also hard to oust a dictatorship so i doubt iran will get rid of him soon unless the clerics see fit. but nice little speech med
Do you have to take medication to be so stupid or does it just come naturally?


Well-Known Member
Great.. here we go again.. someone else trying to start more crap.. Chill out and continue the argument without being a dick please.. things will be a lot better in the end.


New Member
Great.. here we go again.. someone else trying to start more crap.. Chill out and continue the argument without being a dick please.. things will be a lot better in the end.
Is that why your avatar says fuck off? You think this will make things better in the end if everyone just fucks off? Amazing.


Well-Known Member
Is that why your avatar says fuck off? You think this will make things better in the end if everyone just fucks off? Amazing.
No, my avatar expresses: "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY" it's towards everyone who decides to do what you are now, start fights and insult people for no other reason than to look good.I didn't insult you, I was making that comment on how the thread was about to go and look where it's gone? Strait to the shitter because some jerk had to come in all high and mighty. I'm not gonna have an opinion either way in this topic. just tired of seeing the BS around here.


New Member
No my avatar expresses. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY" it's towards everyone who decides to do what you are now, start fights and insult people for no other reason than to look good.I didn't insult you, I was making that comment on how the thread was about to go and look where it's gone? Strait to the shitter because some jerk had to come in all high and mighty. I'm not gonna have an opinion either way in this topic. just tired of seeing the BS around here.
Well, it certainly looks like a fuck off to me. If I gave you that pose, what would you think I was saying, have a nice day? Me thinks you are disingenous, So to you I say Fuck off-er have a nice day. ~LOL~ Humor, Humor, Eh? BTW I don't start fights. I long ago decided Hempie wasn't worth arguing with so in rebutal to his idiotic contentions I use the least energy possible, and also when I see an avatar with a pot smoking hippie giving me the double bird, I assumes dat is fuck off asshole, so maybe I'm havin trouble seeing, is that what you are contending?


New Member
Well, it certainly looks like a fuck off to me. If I gave you that pose, what would you think I was saying, have a nice day? Me thinks you are disingenous, So to you I say Fuck off-er have a nice day. ~LOL~ Humor, Humor, Eh? BTW I don't start fights. I long ago decided Hempie wasn't worth arguing with so in rebutal to his idiotic contentions I use the least energy possible, and also when I see an avatar with a pot smoking hippie giving me the double bird, I assumes dat is fuck off asshole, so maybe I'm havin trouble seeing, is that what you are contending?
med has trouble keeping up with me as the truth often shatters his weak delusional mind.


Well-Known Member
Well, it certainly looks like a fuck off to me. If I gave you that pose, what would you think I was saying, have a nice day? Me thinks you are disingenous, So to you I say Fuck off-er have a nice day. ~LOL~ Humor, Humor, Eh? BTW I don't start fights. I long ago decided Hempie wasn't worth arguing with so in rebutal to his idiotic contentions I use the least energy possible, and also when I see an avatar with a pot smoking hippie giving me the double bird, I assumes dat is fuck off asshole, so maybe I'm havin trouble seeing, is that what you are contending?
I say, to each his own. When I put up that avatar, that was what I was trying to express. but oh well, fuck off works too. idc how people see it. I don't put it up for them, I put it up because I liked it. If other people don't pff who cares? Also, I like hempie, he may not be the biggest genius here, but everyone has an opinion, I feel like bush is a warmongering guy who in theory could do what this thread was saying. If he was so inclined to do so. Yet again, my opinion. and argueing with me, or anyone else won't really change that. so I don't see the point in argueing with someone about such a trivial topic. On the other hand I do like telling people to chill out when they start insulting and argueing, whether it is with much earnest or just as a little squabble. It's annoying and it makes a thread to go hell. so in the end what's the point in handing out insults? Argue facts, with facts, or else you just look like an asshole.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the article makes perfect sence, I think the contry to be invaded after Iran will be Canada...or Mexico.By then the US will be a fully established fascist state and states like these have a tendency to gobble up their neghbours.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think the article makes perfect sence, I think the contry to be invaded after Iran will be Canada...or Mexico.By then the US will be a fully established fascist state and states like these have a tendency to gobble up their neghbours.
Eh, bush's Term is almost up anyways. Unfortunately it's not him that a lot of people need to worry about. he's just the public figure. hell we've got people in the congress(or senate I forget) that have been there for three times as long as bush has been president. It's these people who amass that much power are the real ones who have the power to turn this country into a dictator fascist nation. That is if they can sway the right people to their cause. One person can't do what this thread is about, but the right ones in unison can.


Well-Known Member
No, I think the oeople that really run this contry are not in congress, but at the corporate headcuaters.