• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Impeach Now, Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy


Well-Known Member
Sorry grow rebel but 420 worshipper is actually right on this one, even if Bush got 0 votes from general population and 270 from electoral college he is still president, some democracy ha?
What does facts I have presented about election fraud and voter supression have to do with the electoral college?:-|


Well-Known Member
The simple fact that none of our votes relly count. There for since Boush got the vote of ellectoral college he is legally president.I dont like it anymore than you do but facts are facts.


Well-Known Member
No ... POLLY WANT TO SEE THE DUMMY DISPUTE THE FACTS IN THE REPORT ... I was right .... you are stupid ... :roll:
When somebody resorts to name calling it is usually when they are found to be ignorant of the facts. I did dispute the reports that you have presented here somebody else reported on the news shows before. And I did include the actual facts in everything that you have presented and not just one side of them. So either you are to ignorant to read everything that I put, or you decided to stop reading halfway through when you noticed they were factual and it proved you wrong. Then you decided to go on a name calling rant because the evidence I provided disproved all the information that others did the work on and you just posted here. Since you can't look at all the evidence and form your own opinions, look below



Well-Known Member
What does facts I have presented about election fraud and voter supression have to do with the electoral college?:-|
Wow, thats rich. I have shown where the problems with Florida's elections happened long before 2000. And the electorial college is how a president is elected. Since your first was he stole the election because he didn't win the popular vote. Well if you weren't to ignorantly spewing opinions of others and read the facts for yourself. Then you might read article 2 of the constitution. Because that is how a president is elected and not by popular vote. Again others in this thread have seen the facts that I have presented, gone and read the links for themselves and concluded that they were facts. Unlike you, who resorts to name calling because facts don't support somebody elses opinions that you have been posting here.


Well-Known Member
Do you know why the Electoral college was invented in the first place?
The Government thought the people were to stupid to cast informed votes on their own. It is time to do away with the electoral college and count the popular vote. The last 2 elections are proof that the delegates are bought lock, stock and barrel.
They also didn't want Congress to be allowed to pick the president either. Although they did pick the first president we had. Since all the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and the 2nd Continental Congress were the 69 electorial college voters to pick Washington as President #1.
Jefferson also wanted to make sure that the founding fathers and their descendants would be the only ones to be president. That way, the King of England couldn't get somebody elected by the people or by Congress either. If you haven't noticed there were alot of presidents that have been related to each other;

John Adams (father) - John Quincy Adams (son)
William H Harrison (grandfather) - Benjamin Harrison (grandson)
Theodore Roosevelt (cousin) - Franklin D Roosevelt (cousin)

The Roosevelts were also related to the following presidents:
John Adams, John Q Adams, Ulysses Grant, William H Harrison,
Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, William Taft, Zachary Taylor,
Martin Van Buren, George Washington

George Bush (father) - George W Bush (son)

GWB is also the great-great-great grand nephew of Benjamin
Harrison because of his mother Barbara. She is his great-great grand

Seems like nepotism plays a big part in being president. If one of your relatives/ancestors have been president, then more than likely you can be as well.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats rich. I have shown where the problems with Florida's elections happened long before 2000. And the electorial college is how a president is elected. Since your first was he stole the election because he didn't win the popular vote. Well if you weren't to ignorantly spewing opinions of others and read the facts for yourself. Then you might read article 2 of the constitution. Because that is how a president is elected and not by popular vote. Again others in this thread have seen the facts that I have presented, gone and read the links for themselves and concluded that they were facts. Unlike you, who resorts to name calling because facts don't support somebody elses opinions that you have been posting here.
When did I say he stole the election because he didn't win the popular vote? So me where I said that .... again too stupid to read .... those reports were facts not opinions .... and I have yet to see any of you dummies dispute the facts that the elections were stole through voter supression ... so until you learn how to fucking read don't come telling me about parroting opinions ... just because you do it doesn't me I do. So put up or STFU! Dispute the facts.:roll:

Next time I'm going to show the facts in the report to make you look like the complete and total ass you are on this issue. You better quit while you're behind.


Well-Known Member
When did I say he stole the election because he didn't win the popular vote? So me where I said that .... again too stupid to read .... those reports were facts not opinions .... and I have yet to see any of you dummies dispute the facts that the elections were stole through voter supression ... so until you learn how to fucking read don't come telling me about parroting opinions ... just because you do it doesn't me I do. So put up or STFU! Dispute the facts.:roll:

Next time I'm going to show the facts in the report to make you look like the complete and total ass you are on this issue. You better quit while you're behind.
You've got to be joking don't remember making this post in this thread earlier.


... and you are woefully ignorant of the facts ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people ....

Since when does never elected by the people not mean win by popular vote.
Now who don't know how to read, or remember what they post for that matter. And then I showed this in my post disputing your dumb ramblings...




And you keep calling it the illegitimate Bush regime. Why? Because he did not win the popular vote in 2000? Well for your information the US Constitution > Article 2 states you need 270 electorial college votes to be president. Nothing in the constitution states you need popular vote to be president. And speaking of that here is a list of all presidents that won by getting 270+ e.c. votes and not popular votes.

1789 George Washington 69 e.c. votes / No popular votes
He was the only president in our history that was selected

1824 John Quincy Adams 261 e.c. votes / -38149 popular votes less
1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 185 e.c. votes / -254235 popular votes less
1888 Benjamin Harrison 233 e.c. votes / -90596 popular votes less
1996 William J. Clinton 379 e.c. votes / -77396 popular votes less


So you need to read more of what is posted by you first, and then the facts as posted by me in the above links.


Well-Known Member
You've got to be joking don't remember making this post in this thread earlier.


... and you are woefully ignorant of the facts ... the illegitimate bush was never elected by the people ....

Since when does never elected by the people not mean win by popular vote.
Now who don't know how to read, or remember what they post for that matter. And then I showed this in my post disputing your dumb ramblings...




And you keep calling it the illegitimate Bush regime. Why? Because he did not win the popular vote in 2000? Well for your information the US Constitution > Article 2 states you need 270 electorial college votes to be president. Nothing in the constitution states you need popular vote to be president. And speaking of that here is a list of all presidents that won by getting 270+ e.c. votes and not popular votes.

1789 George Washington 69 e.c. votes / No popular votes
He was the only president in our history that was selected

1824 John Quincy Adams 261 e.c. votes / -38149 popular votes less
1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 185 e.c. votes / -254235 popular votes less
1888 Benjamin Harrison 233 e.c. votes / -90596 popular votes less
1996 William J. Clinton 379 e.c. votes / -77396 popular votes less


So you need to read more of what is posted by you first, and then the facts as posted by me in the above links.
I knew you couldn't find anything ... you just made an ass of yourself by assuming. He was not elected by the people because of election fraud. The popular vote had nothing to do with it.:roll:


Well-Known Member
This is from Greg Palast an INVESTIGATIVE reporter with BBC ... unlike american MSM it's a crime in England to print a story that isn't true ...

Florida By The Numbers Al Gore Won Florida in 2000 by 77,000
Here’s how to estimate the effect of spoilage on the election outcome. For fun, let’s take Florida 2000. We know from comparison of census tracts to precincts that 54% of the 179,855 ballots "spoiled" were cast by African-American voters, that is, 97,000 of the total.
Every poll put the Black vote in Florida for Al Gore at over 90%. Reasonably assuming "spoiled" ballots matched the typical racial preferences, Gore lost more than 87,000 votes in the spoilage pile. Less than 10% of the African-American population voted for Mr. Bush, i.e. Bush lost no more than 10,000 votes to spoilage. The net effect: Gore had a plurality of at least 77,000 within the uncounted ballots cast by Black citizens.

What really happened in Florida?

We are coming into Tallahassee. We want to know whether George W Bush won the election or did brother Jeb steal it for him? Our investigation suggest the answer lies in this shuttered building and in a very expensive contract between Governor Jeb's division of elections and a private company named DBT, which accidentally wiped off the voter rolls thousands of Democratic voters. 18th floor division of elections, we have come to ask Mr Clayton Roberts, the director, a few questions. Roberts agreed to talk, but became a bit uncomfortable when he learned that we had obtained the secret DBT contract, and asked him if he knew what DBT were up to.
Florida Director of Elections
No, I didn't ask DBT. They do what we contract them to do. We have a statute that says we have to have a private company to do this. We put it out for bid, we put it out for bid, and I think I'm done with this interview.
Let me just show you the contract if I could Mr Roberts. It says here in the contract that the verification is supposed to be done by DBT. That you paid them $4 million. It could look to others don't you think that you paid $4 million to purchase this election for the Republican party. 95% wrong on the felon list. Mr Roberts, could you answer the question regarding the contract... Instead, Mr Roberts called out State troopers. It's interesting here?
In all, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots. Jeb Bush's Secretary of State, Katharine Harris, stopped them counting these votes by hand. She did the same to Gadstone, one of Florida's blackest, poorest and most Democrat counties, where machines failed to count one in eight ballots. Again Harris stopped the hand count. This alone cost Gore another 700 votes, in an election in which Harris declared George Bush winner by only 537 votes.
Harris was a busy woman. In charge of Florida's vote count and co-chair of Bush's presidential campaign.
We are driving down to Miami to witness an American ritual. In Britain, you count the votes, then announce the winner. In Florida they declare the winner first and here we are, still counting the votes.
Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state - Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, both protegees of Governor Jeb Bush- ordered 57,700 "ex-felons," who are prohibited from voting by state law, to be removed from voter rolls. (In the thirty-five states where former felons can vote, roughly 90 percent vote Democratic.) A portion of the list, which was compiled for Florida by DBT Online, can be seen for the first time here; DBT, a company now owned by ChoicePoint of Atlanta, was paid $4.3 million for its work, replacing a firm that charged $5,700 per year for the same service. If the hope was that DBT would enable Florida to exclude more voters, then the state appears to have spent its money wisely.

The illegitimate bush was NEVER elected by the people.


New Member
Actually no the votes would not have mattered. Florida is not a state that requires its electors to vote for the candidate that the people vote for. There are only six states that have laws requiring that. And since a republican governor picked 25 of his republican party members as voters, they could still give them to GWB. These are the six states required by law to give all e.c. votes for who the people vote for.

ALABAMA - 9 Electoral Votes Party Pledge / State Law - § 17-19-2
MAINE - 4 Electoral Votes State Law - § 805
MASSACHUSETTS - 12 Electoral Votes Party Pledge / State Law - Ch. 53, § 8, Supp.
OREGON - 7 Electoral Votes State Pledge / State Law - § 248.355
SOUTH CAROLINA - 8 Electoral Votes State Pledge / State Law - § 7-19-80 (Replacement and criminal sanctions for violation.)
VERMONT - 3 Electoral Votes State Law - title 17, § 2732
I guess that is why Dubya said it's not over yet when told Gore had won florida. Must be nice to have your brother hand you the election that was taken from so many disenfranchised voters. What a sham. I admit you are right. Jeb Bush picked em and fixed the election. I guess that the problem would have been, if Gore had gotten those thrown out votes, and actually got the count, it would have looked pretty crooked to vote for your brother, eh. so to diffuse it even further they sent it to the supreme court and it threw it back to Jebs appointed state supreme court and viola, the illegitimate Bush was born. So anyway, he got put in illegitimately which ever way you slice it. And who knows what went on in Ohio, that was a scam also. There will be riots in the streets if a repuke wins in '08', mark my words.


Well-Known Member
I knew you couldn't find anything ... you just made an ass of yourself by assuming. He was not elected by the people because of election fraud. The popular vote had nothing to do with it.:roll:
Didn't even go back and look at your own posts. Popular vote means elected by people but obviously you are too ignorant to go and look at your own posts. Or any other evidence. But then again little minded people use profanity and name calling when their facts are found to be not so.


Well-Known Member
This is from Greg Palast an INVESTIGATIVE reporter with BBC ... unlike american MSM it's a crime in England to print a story that isn't true ...

Florida By The Numbers Al Gore Won Florida in 2000 by 77,000
Here’s how to estimate the effect of spoilage on the election outcome. For fun, let’s take Florida 2000. We know from comparison of census tracts to precincts that 54% of the 179,855 ballots "spoiled" were cast by African-American voters, that is, 97,000 of the total.
Every poll put the Black vote in Florida for Al Gore at over 90%. Reasonably assuming "spoiled" ballots matched the typical racial preferences, Gore lost more than 87,000 votes in the spoilage pile. Less than 10% of the African-American population voted for Mr. Bush, i.e. Bush lost no more than 10,000 votes to spoilage. The net effect: Gore had a plurality of at least 77,000 within the uncounted ballots cast by Black citizens.

What really happened in Florida?

We are coming into Tallahassee. We want to know whether George W Bush won the election or did brother Jeb steal it for him? Our investigation suggest the answer lies in this shuttered building and in a very expensive contract between Governor Jeb's division of elections and a private company named DBT, which accidentally wiped off the voter rolls thousands of Democratic voters. 18th floor division of elections, we have come to ask Mr Clayton Roberts, the director, a few questions. Roberts agreed to talk, but became a bit uncomfortable when he learned that we had obtained the secret DBT contract, and asked him if he knew what DBT were up to.
Florida Director of Elections
No, I didn't ask DBT. They do what we contract them to do. We have a statute that says we have to have a private company to do this. We put it out for bid, we put it out for bid, and I think I'm done with this interview.
Let me just show you the contract if I could Mr Roberts. It says here in the contract that the verification is supposed to be done by DBT. That you paid them $4 million. It could look to others don't you think that you paid $4 million to purchase this election for the Republican party. 95% wrong on the felon list. Mr Roberts, could you answer the question regarding the contract... Instead, Mr Roberts called out State troopers. It's interesting here?
In all, Palm Beach voting machines misread 27,000 ballots. Jeb Bush's Secretary of State, Katharine Harris, stopped them counting these votes by hand. She did the same to Gadstone, one of Florida's blackest, poorest and most Democrat counties, where machines failed to count one in eight ballots. Again Harris stopped the hand count. This alone cost Gore another 700 votes, in an election in which Harris declared George Bush winner by only 537 votes.
Harris was a busy woman. In charge of Florida's vote count and co-chair of Bush's presidential campaign.
We are driving down to Miami to witness an American ritual. In Britain, you count the votes, then announce the winner. In Florida they declare the winner first and here we are, still counting the votes.
Between May 1999 and Election Day 2000, two Florida secretaries of state - Sandra Mortham and Katherine Harris, both protegees of Governor Jeb Bush- ordered 57,700 "ex-felons," who are prohibited from voting by state law, to be removed from voter rolls. (In the thirty-five states where former felons can vote, roughly 90 percent vote Democratic.) A portion of the list, which was compiled for Florida by DBT Online, can be seen for the first time here; DBT, a company now owned by ChoicePoint of Atlanta, was paid $4.3 million for its work, replacing a firm that charged $5,700 per year for the same service. If the hope was that DBT would enable Florida to exclude more voters, then the state appears to have spent its money wisely.

The illegitimate bush was NEVER elected by the people.

So right above here you put "NEVER elected by people". If you are too small minded of an ignorant person to know. That means elected by popular vote. And in this country that is not how a president is elected. But seems you are to ignorant of the facts to go and read the constitution for your self. So again I will put a link to it here and quote how the president is elected since you are too small minded to do it for yourself. Seems somebody else is doing the work for you again!
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
(The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not lie an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; a quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two-thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice-President.) (This clause in parentheses was superseded by the 12th Amendment.)
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.


And if it's against the law to print untruths in British papers as you say, then why are so many celebrities winning lawsuits against reporters/papers/magazines in England? And why aren't these reporters being arrested in large numbers for printing the lies they are losing money from lawsuits for?


Well-Known Member
I guess that is why Dubya said it's not over yet when told Gore had won florida. Must be nice to have your brother hand you the election that was taken from so many disenfranchised voters. What a sham. I admit you are right. Jeb Bush picked em and fixed the election. I guess that the problem would have been, if Gore had gotten those thrown out votes, and actually got the count, it would have looked pretty crooked to vote for your brother, eh. so to diffuse it even further they sent it to the supreme court and it threw it back to Jebs appointed state supreme court and viola, the illegitimate Bush was born. So anyway, he got put in illegitimately which ever way you slice it. And who knows what went on in Ohio, that was a scam also. There will be riots in the streets if a repuke wins in '08', mark my words.

The only thing is it would work in reverse as well. All democratic governors would pick their friends in the democratic party. And if there was no laws requiring the e.c. voters to vote according to popular vote (peoples votes for growrebel) they could vote for the democrat for president and nothing could be done about that either.

And in Ohio this is how it turned out check out these links and you will see.

NARA | Federal Register | U. S. Electoral College 2004 Certificate

United States presidential election, 2004 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the US Electoral College, Bush received 286 electoral votes, and Kerry received 251. One vote went to Kerry's running mate, John Edwards, when one of the electors pledged to Kerry voted for John Ewards (sic) instead. It was the first time in U.S. history that an elector had voted the same person for president and vice president. For Vice President, 286 votes went to Bush's running mate, Dick Cheney, and 252 to Edwards.
The members of the college formally voted on December 13, 2004. On January 6, 2005, when Congress met for the official counting of the electoral votes, Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Senator Barbara Boxer made an official objection to the counting of Ohio's electoral votes. As a result, the House and Senate separately debated the inclusion of Ohio's votes. Within four hours of the objection, however, the last effective challenge to the election results ended, when the Senate voted 74–1[20] and the House voted 267–31[21] to reject the challenge to Ohio's votes. The counting process is detailed in the United States Code.[22]
Even if Congress had voted to reject Ohio's 20 electoral votes, the outcome would have been the same. With 518 valid votes cast (instead of 538), the majority necessary for election by the Electoral College under the Twelfth Amendment would have been 260 votes, which Bush and Cheney, each with 266, would have reached. If Ohio's votes had been deemed to have been cast, but not counted, so that no candidate had a majority, Bush and Cheney would have almost certainly been chosen by the House and Senate, respectively, under the Twelfth Amendment's procedures. Only a complete reversal of Ohio's vote count and a new certification for Kerry could have changed the result.

Even the democrats check this one out and counted all certified e.c. votes And a Senate vote of 74-1 means that both republicans and democrats had to vote for it to be that one sided. Same with the house vote of 267-31 a lot of democrats had to vote in order for it to be that large in the house.


New Member
You must realize that it was a repuke controlled congress. Congress is very reluctant to set precedents in electioneering and will seldom vote to investigate election proceedings, fearing that past mistakes may be brought up. Preservation of the status quo is paramount in congress. There were many suspicians in both Florida and Ohio, more than there should have been, but you have to blame it on the stupidity of the American people to not see through the smoke and mirrors of the Bush band wagon. I hope all those assholes that voted for the prick are seeing the error of their ways. There are a few hard core (idiotic right wing warmongers) that still believe in Bush, and I hope they are really pissed off when the Democrats sweep the elections in '08'.


Well-Known Member
Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Senator Barbara Boxer are both democrats. The Senate voted 74-1, and since there was only 56 republican senators there, that means that 18 democrats voted not to allow the challenge to Ohio's e.c. votes. And the House voted 267-31, and at the time only 169 republicans, that means that 98 democrats also voted not to allow the challenge. And I don't doubt the Dems will take the White House in 2008. The only reason is, nobody in the Republican Party wants Cheney to be president. If they did, then all those Republicans wouldn't be coming out of the woodwork to seek the nomination for the Republican party to run for president.


Well-Known Member
So right above here you put "NEVER elected by people". If you are too small minded of an ignorant person to know.


And if it's against the law to print untruths in British papers as you say, then why are so many celebrities winning lawsuits against reporters/papers/magazines in England? And why aren't these reporters being arrested in large numbers for printing the lies they are losing money from lawsuits for?
No ... your just too friggin stupid see that election fraud took place ... oooo ignorant and small minded eh?... and look at the dumbass who keeps posting .... :mrgreen:

What lawsuits? Name them.:neutral:


Well-Known Member
No ... your just too friggin stupid see that election fraud took place ... oooo ignorant and small minded eh?... and look at the dumbass who keeps posting .... :mrgreen:

What lawsuits? Name them.:neutral:
Keira Knightly settles Lawsuit against British Paper
Celebrity News - Knightley settles libel lawsuit

'Hell's Kitchen' chef Gordon Ramsay settles British libel lawsuit
'Hell's Kitchen' chef Gordon Ramsay settles British tabloid libel lawsuit - Reality TV World - News, information, episode summaries, message boards, chat and games for unscripted television programs

Cameron Diaz settles lawsuit against British paper The Sun
Cameron Diaz Settles Suit with British Tabloid - Cameron Diaz : People.com

Robbie Williams and his 'gay' libel victory
David Rowan: Media: Robbie Williams and his 'gay' libel victory (Evening Standard)

Just to name a few. And you have no proof that election fraud took place. Was any charges filed? Was anybody found guilty of election fraud? Did anybody go to prison? No, because there was no election fraud. If you have credible evidence linking any persons to election fraud present it to proper authorities. And this will be my last post to you. Seems you are too ignorant of people presenting facts to you because they make you look like an idiot. Since you can't find the evidence and present your own opinions about the facts. I don't see a need to carry on a conversation with somebody who parrots anothers opinion. Since the only evidence you've ever presented was news storys with others opinions and labeled them facts!



Well-Known Member
Good Show 420....outstanding job in exposing the specious, twisted nonsense
that GrowRebel has posted. As he has demonstrated, far lefties love to simply make stuff up!


Well-Known Member
All of these "impeach Bush" threads crack me up. There is no basis for an impeachment trial. Its all in your head guys. If there was any proof that bush was guilty of anything at all, the dems would have already started impeachment proceedings. You guys can throw all the accusations in the world out there, but it doesn't make it true....But as I see all too often, people believe if something is said enough times, it must be true.....Or my favorite, "If you read it on the internet, it has to be true." lol. So keep the bullshit coming fellas, I enjoy a good laugh.:mrgreen: