If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

as it is now voters in rural areas receive undue attention and people in more populated areas get ignored....
It might seem like that, but I haven't seen too many small cities visited during the last couple weeks. Trump maybe, but that is because he was doing rallies in airports, but even they were bigger towns next to cities. I am willing to be wrong, but I just haven't really seen that.
For the GOP the census, just like the electoral college, is a tool to remain relevant and maintain power as their numbers dwindle and their ideologies wither.

The census is completely unassuming. Almost no one outside of politicians, bureaucrats and the professionally interested thinks about it, or about reapportionment. But these provisions are quietly powerful parts of our constitutional order. Their creation, Van Cleve notes, meant acceptance of the idea that the political majority “should be continuously represented in government, no matter where that majority was found within the nation’s expanding boundaries.” It meant that no existing political majority could ever fully insulate itself from the winds of change.

Jamelle Bouie raises good points
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f*ck trump.....
Aye chill i think trump is a dumbass just as much as biden is a retard. They both have a fucked up view of politics. Good way of the government to divide 2 groups of people against each other into a war. But alot of people view it as if you vote for this person and if you vote for this other person fuck you! these people are a bunch of sheep !
Aye chill i think trump is a dumbass just as much as biden is a retard. They both have a fucked up view of politics. Good way of the government to divide 2 groups of people against each other into a war. But alot of people view it as if you vote for this person and if you vote for this other person fuck you! these people are a bunch of sheep !
I'd take 10 Bidens over batshit crazy trump any day......lock trump up.....and his whole crooked family
Aye chill i think trump is a dumbass just as much as biden is a retard. They both have a fucked up view of politics. Good way of the government to divide 2 groups of people against each other into a war. But alot of people view it as if you vote for this person and if you vote for this other person fuck you! these people are a bunch of sheep !

I mean, Biden isn't encouraging people to ram Trump campaign busses off the road.
Aye chill i think trump is a dumbass just as much as biden is a retard. They both have a fucked up view of politics. Good way of the government to divide 2 groups of people against each other into a war. But alot of people view it as if you vote for this person and if you vote for this other person fuck you! these people are a bunch of sheep !
That is kind of a messed up thing to say man. Biden has a stutter.

Dont be presidential. It is not a good look.

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Lock both of em up ones a senile pedophile (biden) and ones a crooked criminal (trump) so you go ahead and pick ur giant douche over a turd sandwich

have you ever had to take a business class on 'how not to steal from cancer kids'? or barred from running a certain type of business due to your family's stealing from cancer kids?
yeah, yeah, we know..but don't you worry, we got something planned..one day you're going to want to take that red hat off..

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Lmaoo can i support trump first. Never have and never will! Sooo what are u trying to prove to me? That all the people that donate money to “campaigns” dont steal from you too..? Or wait let me guess you were going for bernie sanders and invested in his campaign just for him to drop out and take ur money? Also did you know that money u “donate” to cancer patients is almost all taken by the people advertising it? Bet you didnt know that as well.... just stop before you keep embarrassing urself!
You obviously accept corruption as normal.... I do not. Vote em out
I just live my life the best i can i dont worry about politicians being corrupt its been going on since theres been kings and queens. Just as long as you realize whats going on around you and treating people with kindness instead of judging people about ones opinion( which everyone has their own opinion) then i think everything will turn out how it should. Theres enough negative energy in this world and since all this shit has been going on it will keep getting worse.