If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

please dont burn but they use wood..lol
Why didnt they use tin or zincaloom or something?
At least the fire hydrant is handy.
Such amateurs, I thought everyone knew how to defend their home in a riot. Just dont make them like they used to Luke.
Food shortage?
Meat processing plants are being shut down all over the Nation due too Trump's virus.
Farmer's are going bankrupt all over the Nation due too Trump's virus/trade war with China.
The Bread Basket of this Nation is in dire straights & that's a fucking fact.
Between climate change & Trump's idioctic actions towards trade, the future does not look bright.
When I was 18 I became a survivalist, not wanting too count on anyone.
I learned how to hunt/fish & garden to feed myself.
I learned how to grow weed & schrooms to satisfy my need for psychoactive drugs (a necessity)
I learned how to make beer/wine (another fucking necessity :) )
I believe I have the tools/knowledge too survive in this fucked up Century.
I hope you do
Stay safe/wear a mask
My wife is someone who should even TOUCH a firearm, loaded or not: she has neither the emotional maturity nor the personal self-control necessary to handle firearms safely. Bizarrely, she’s become obsessed with learning to shoot. Wil not teach her. I know her too well. My arms are under lock and key, away from the household; not convenient, for sure, but I simply don’t trust her to have a weapon near to hand...I *can’t* trust her with one. She’s a loaded gun all by herself.
I am glad mine is not interested. Just life where and how we grew up. Forget they are here. But you are right. Not a toy. Do air rifles. My sister was state ranked. Same one who knocked a chambered SKS over in the deer camp trailer with a Hellfire trigger mod on it. Tough call on second thought. Hmm.
Crosman 357 is a great learning tool for beginners on handguns.
OIP (17).jpeg
Hitler won legitimately.
Not entirely true. Trump, er I mean Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Paul Hindenburg. The National Socialists won more seats in the Reichstad so their party won the right to have one of their own be President and thus Chancellor. What is interesting is the letter sent to Hindenburg by the leading industrialists of Germany. They wanted Hitler.
Meat processing plants are being shut down all over the Nation due too Trump's virus.
Farmer's are going bankrupt all over the Nation due too Trump's virus/trade war with China.
The Bread Basket of this Nation is in dire straights & that's a fucking fact.
Between climate change & Trump's idioctic actions towards trade, the future does not look bright.
When I was 18 I became a survivalist, not wanting too count on anyone.
I learned how to hunt/fish & garden to feed myself.
I learned how to grow weed & schrooms to satisfy my need for psychoactive drugs (a necessity)
I learned how to make beer/wine (another fucking necessity :) )
I believe I have the tools/knowledge too survive in this fucked up Century.
I hope you do
Stay safe/wear a mask
What is interesting is that there is a national meat Cold Storage report. Yes the industry stores many pounds of beef and pork in cold syorage. During the so-called shortage storage reports show that this storage was not even tapped into. So I asked you how dire was the meat shortage. Not dire at all. I'm not saying that there would be no shortage, because the meat packing plants we're not turning out product. But it never got so bad that they had to tap into the National Storage
What is interesting is that there is a national meat Cold Storage report. Yes the industry stores many pounds of beef and pork in cold syorage. During the so-called shortage storage reports show that this storage was not even tapped into. So I asked you how dire was the meat shortage. Not dire at all. I'm not saying that there would be no shortage, because the meat packing plants we're not turning out product. But it never got so bad that they had to tap into the National Storage
Anyone that is worried, get yourself a toaster oven and fill up on these guys:
Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 9.52.04 AM.png

Make sure you have some four to make bread, seeds to grow veggies that are easily stored, and you will be just fine for the couple weeks shit may get bad here and there.

How does the other nations make sure the vulnerable in their nations have access to nutritious food? I know we have a lot of local folks and organizations that help out, and a lot of people that give a bit when they come across homeless directly (once again our cities foot the bill for the rural and suburbs homeless that get a bus ticket out of town). But wish we would finally fix these issues.

People should realize that making sure that 100% of our population is able to achieve as much as they can in life, helps our entire society.
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