If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Hmm. All that to dodge the fact Kamala was a prohibitionist drug warrior and many people on this very website, a pot website. voted for her anyway.
Do you have a signed poster of Jeff Sessions on your wall too?

Where is the propaganda? It's pretty well known Kamala was a prosecutor isn't it ?

If I were talking out my ass, the extensive fur would muffle my voice, so no, I am not doing that.
No poster of Sessions racist ass on my wall.

So you don't actually know anything about Harris' record, you are just pretending like you 'know' because you have all these bad 'feelings' about her previous job as a AG when pot convictions dropped off a cliff under her time in office. Basically meaning you are just being disingenuous in your posts about her.

Maybe that will work on Stormfront or Chuckers Paradise, but I don't buy it. I think you are just trolling a highly competent and well educated woman of color that is on the verge of breaking a big glass ceiling because of whatever reason it is that you don't want to admit to.
Dude what the fuck is up with you and Kamala? I really don't care about her much but it seems like you have a mushroom cock in your ass about her. Not that it's a bad thing to have a mushroom cock in your ass but after a while it gets played out. Kamala this Kamala that. It sounds like you were once in love with her and she broke your heart.

So, I'll explain Kamala to you since you seem to be uninformed. Kamala is a women who has sex with men. Men like having sex with Kamala. No apologies needed because people like to fuck. Are you the wife of that politician she fucked way back when people liked to fuck?

Stop being butthurt Rob Roy. Take that mushroom cock out of your ass. Everything will be ok...........I promise :blsmoke:

No, I do not have a mushroom cock in my ass. If you would like to fantasize about it, that's your right though. I'd appreciate it if you would imagine me to be a competent lover though. That's all I ask, the rest is up to your imagination.

Kamala is attractive and if she weren't a prohibitionist psychopath and I weren't in a committed monogamous relationship I would let her seize my weapon between her swarthy (but not black) not bad middle aged thighs and make passionate love to her. Except Kamala IS a prohibitionist psychopath (many politicians are) therefore I will not focus my fantasies on her. I refuse to even think about grudge fucking her.
No, I do not have a mushroom cock in my ass. If you would like to fantasize about it, that's your right though. I'd appreciate it if you would imagine me to be a competent lover though. That's all I ask, the rest is up to your imagination.

Kamala is attractive and if she weren't a prohibitionist psychopath and I weren't in a committed monogamous relationship I would let her seize my weapon between her swarthy (but not black) not bad middle aged thighs and make passionate love to her. Except Kamala IS a prohibitionist psychopath (many politicians are) therefore I will not focus my fantasies on her. I refuse to even think about grudge fucking her.
Rob, I can't imagine you as a competent anything. I DO imagine you as a giant Bigfoot tho :blsmoke:
No poster of Sessions racist ass on my wall.

So you don't actually know anything about Harris' record, you are just pretending like you 'know' because you have all these bad 'feelings' about her previous job as a AG when pot convictions dropped off a cliff under her time in office. Basically meaning you are just being disingenuous in your posts about her.

Maybe that will work on Stormfront or Chuckers Paradise, but I don't buy it. I think you are just trolling a highly competent and well educated woman of color that is on the verge of breaking a big glass ceiling because of whatever reason it is that you don't want to admit to.

You aren't denying she is a political chameleon and was a drug warrior though ? I think you would rather not admit that.

Pot convictions dropped off a cliff because politicians finally realized, they had milked that cow dry and the public was tired of it.

If Harriet Tubman were alive today and ran for President, I would vote for her before I voted for Kamala. Tubman freed black people, Kamala put them in jail for victimless crimes. You voted for Kamala didn't you ?
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You aren't denying she is a political chameleon and was a drug warrior though ? I think you would rather not admit that.
I don't know her do you? I haven't looked at everything she has done throughout her entire career one by one to see how I 'feel' about her decisions. Until you do that, you are full of shit about her and are just going off your 'feelings'. Which are bullshit.

Pot convictions dropped off a cliff because politicians finally realized, they had milked that cow dry and the public was tired of it.
Right, people with a wider understanding of the world started to win office (people like Kamala Harris) and things started to change for the better. It is not rocket science how this happens.

If Harriet Tubman were alive today and ran for President, I would vote for her before I voted for Kamala. Tubman freed black people, Kamala put them in jail for victimless crimes. You voted for Kamal didn't you ?
Oh wow, nice bar you set. Impressive logic. Not really, you are just grasping at anything now because you are worked up (or need to pay rent?) about a highly competent educated woman of color being on a winning ticket for the leader of the Executive branch of the United States of America. It happens.

I voted for Biden in the primary election for the Democratic nominee, and when Joe picked Harris, I then gladly voted for Biden/Harris ticket, because it was the responsible choice.
gladly voted for Biden/Harris ticket,

Knew it. You voted for a former prosecutor who put people in jail for weed. No remorse at all ?

Biden was a drug warrior too. He was pro "get tough on drugs" or have you chosen to forget that too?
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Kamala is attractive and if she weren't a prohibitionist psychopath and I weren't in a committed monogamous relationship I would let her seize my weapon between her swarthy (but not black) not bad middle aged thighs and make passionate love to her. Except Kamala IS a prohibitionist psychopath (many politicians are) therefore I will not focus my fantasies on her. I refuse to even think about grudge fucking her.

If only Kamala knew what she was missing.
Mike Pence is a dolt.

I have no obligation to defend him, simply because you cannot defend your stance of voting for Biden (a hardcore prohibitionist for decades) and Kamala a trollop chameleon who probably smoked confiscated weed from the people she put in jail.

Now because Kamala wants to legalize weed, you believe she should be forgiven for her past ? How can you trust a person who smokes weed, but puts others in jail for it ?
Mike Pence is a dolt.

I have no obligation to defend him, simply because you cannot defend your stance of voting for Biden (a hardcore prohibitionist for decades) and Kamala a trollop chameleon who probably smoked confiscated weed from the people she put in jail.

Now because Kamala wants to legalize weed, you believe she should be forgiven for her past ? How can you trust a person who smokes weed, but puts others in jail for it ?

Your heart is just not in it today huh.

Yeah Biden by a mile over the alternative.

Do you want to see some Trump fascist tweets where he asks for (and gets) someone killed?

The choice was easy this time around. The best people won.
Conspiracy theory: Russia planned for the election to stall like this and everyone to relax because they assume Biden won. But then BAM Trump wins the remaining states. This leads to civil war and Russia buys lots of popcorn.