If Sanders were to run as an independent...

Would you vote for Bernie if he ran as an independent?

  • Total voters
You're right, I'm wrong, take it easy you guys
So now you get all angry and passive-aggressive?

I've been fair to you throughout. No, your getting trashed in this discussion is because you haven't a clue on the facts about what you are saying. That's a correctable defect. You have no cause to claim you are some sort of a martyr.
So now you get all angry and passive-aggressive?

I've been fair to you throughout. No, your getting trashed in this discussion is because you haven't a clue on the facts about what you are saying. That's a correctable defect. You have no cause to claim you are some sort of a martyr.
Get ahold of yourself, I just don't feel like going on and on like this with internet strangers, it's not a big deal dude, take a deep breath.
Hillary beat Bernie in the primary, but it's irrelevant to whether she could do better in the general than Bernie. The dems would have supported Bernie because they hated dump. Similar to dump, tons of people loved to hate Hillary, Bernie not so much. Lots of people jumped to trump only because they hated hillary so much. Thought she was the devil. It's not like that with Bernie imo.
Lol so Bernie is the devil for running as a democrat, because his policies aren't consistent with Democratic policies, though Warren has the same policies (and more free stuff), and she's ok?..., and she's a democrat? Again, fighting over labels... They are pretty much campaigning for the same things, the only thing I've really seen different and that Warren hasn't adopted yet is Bernie's FT job garuntee..

If Bernie ran as an independent, I garuntee Trump walks away with it (siphoning votes away from whoever the dem would be). By him running as a dem, if he gets the nod, then we still have a chance of removing dump. By him running as a dem, liberals who are concerned have the chance to knock him off, so that he doesn't siphon. As an independent, that's not possible.
Bernie is not the Devil, and if he wins the Democratic nomination, regardless of the 'whoa is me' mentality that seems to be manufactured, I like almost every other Democrat will fall in line and vote for the guy.

It just sucks he is, as far as I have seen, not doing anything to help out the rest of the ticket in all of the states he is running in. He will need super majority in the Senate and also win the House to get anything done. And he will need to keep it for more than 2 years every other Democratic President had to make real changes that we desperately need. The Republicans are obstructionists that like to project blame onto the 'other' and will block everything and troll him nonstop.

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Get ahold of yourself, I just don't feel like going on and on like this with internet strangers, it's not a big deal dude, take a deep breath.

Welcome to the forum, don't get discouraged, it has been a brutal struggle in here for far too long. New accounts pop up every few days and turn out to be foreign trolls hammering this (and every other) website with disinformation and hateful rhetoric designed to make everyone fight with each other. Remember you have a ignore button, it is easy to fall into the trap of trying to push back on the trolling.

Together we stand, divided we fall. This is the Russian militaries goal for our democracy.
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Passive aggressive much?

LOL, OK, go away and sulk now. It's never your fault, is it?
This stuff really gets you upset huh? You even keep a running tab of Sanders supporters from this site? That's totally normal behavior.

Warren's great, what's not to like, she got her whole platform from Sanders. It's just she's a bit of a chameleon (registered Republican until age 47, "public school teacher" who taught 1 year, the whole Native American debacle). I just prefer the guy who was arrested protesting segregation in the 60s and has had a consistent POV ever since. If not for people like that, there would be no progress. His agenda was batshit crazy 20 years ago, now everyone is jumping on board. I prefer to judge candidates by their actual voting records.

Good luck with Warren though, looking at those Iowa numbers you're gonna need it.
This stuff really gets you upset huh? You even keep a running tab of Sanders supporters from this site? That's totally normal behavior.

Warren's great, what's not to like, she got her whole platform from Sanders. It's just she's a bit of a chameleon (registered Republican until age 47, "public school teacher" who taught 1 year, the whole Native American debacle). I just prefer the guy who was arrested protesting segregation in the 60s and has had a consistent POV ever since. If not for people like that, there would be no progress. His agenda was batshit crazy 20 years ago, now everyone is jumping on board. I prefer to judge candidates by their actual voting records.

Good luck with Warren though, looking at those Iowa numbers you're gonna need it.
Honestly, I vote according to my values and who I think is best and not the most popular.

Good luck with ignorance.
Honestly, I vote according to my values and who I think is best and not the most popular.

Good luck with ignorance.
Wowzers, you really just sit on this site all day and night??!?! That reply was so fast, impressive my guy. I saw you apologize half ass then edit it out after, this all really means a lot to you, huh? Maybe the pot is not working for you, you might need a Prozac or something. "Good luck with ignorance," ok thanks, that was barely a sentence. Good luck with your little poll here.
Wowzers, you really just sit on this site all day and night??!?! That reply was so fast, impressive my guy. I saw you apologize half ass then edit it out after, this all really means a lot to you, huh? Maybe the pot is not working for you, you might need a Prozac or something. "Good luck with ignorance," ok thanks, that was barely a sentence. Good luck with your little poll here.
So, whose sock puppet am I talking to and why do people like you do that? Soooo interesting when a person who hides behind mulitple made up identities tells us their unfounded opinions.
So, whose sock puppet am I talking to and why do people like you do that? Soooo interesting when a person who hides behind mulitple made up identities tells us their unfounded opinions.
I'm a Russian spy, paid by the Bernie Sanders campaign to go on marijuana forums and mess with you, on threads you started and tried to elicit opinions from. I'm outside your window, no wait I'm in your microwave... go see a doctor amigo, this shit ain't healthy.
Since it's clear that people outside of the USA are permitted to meddle in US elections, who should I, as a Canadian, vote for? Who's the best bet against Mr. Bone Spurs?
You should vote for the 78 year old that just had a heart attack and supposedly is going to bring tons of new voters out to vote for him who normally don't vote, even though he can't seem to attract the majority of people who do regularly vote who would all pretty much vote for three other candidates before they would vote for him. You know, the guy who has attracted a loyal following of people who want either "Progressive reform" that they haven't figure out how to pay for or get passed into law - and who would rather see Trump re-elected than their guy not win in the hopes that it will cause a revolution that will bring down the government and cause rioting in the streets that they hope will put them in power. You know, the guy who was a US Senator for 12 years and didn't manage to get much done.

Nah, I am just kidding. That would be fucking stupid.

You should vote for the 78 year old that just had a heart attack and supposedly is going to bring tons of new voters out to vote for him who normally don't vote, even though he can't seem to attract the majority of people who do regularly vote who would all pretty much vote for three other candidates before they would vote for him. You know, the guy who has attracted a loyal following of people who want either "Progressive reform" that they haven't figure out how to pay for or get passed into law - and who would rather see Trump re-elected than their guy not win in the hopes that it will cause a revolution that will bring down the government and cause rioting in the streets that they hope will put them in power. You know, the guy who was a US Senator for 12 years and didn't manage to get much done.

Nah, I am just kidding. That would be fucking stupid.
He can't even get much support from his own die-hard try-hards. Bernie Sanders is toast.
He can't even get much support from his own die-hard try-hards. Bernie Sanders is toast.
Are you going for Trump's tactic of just saying some BS over and over again, until some idiots actually believe it? We get it, you hate Bernie. Broken record much?
Are you going for Trump's tactic of just saying some BS over and over again, until some idiots actually believe it? We get it, you hate Bernie. Broken record much?
So let me get this straight, yesterday you were completely in tears about me responding to you on more than one thread and now you're back in this thread where you didn't even have the courage to vote in the poll to cry some more?

I'm more convinced than ever that Bernouts are objectively pro-Trump.
So let me get this straight, yesterday you were completely in tears about me responding to you on more than one thread and now you're back in this thread where you didn't even have the courage to vote in the poll to cry some more?

I'm more convinced than ever that Bernouts are objectively pro-Trump.
You seem deluded, and looking for conflict where there doesn't need to be one.
You seem deluded, and looking for conflict where there doesn't need to be one.
You seem upset, looking for my reaction and then claiming that I am looking for conflict by simply responding to you in a thread I started, which you didn't even have the decency to vote in.