If Sanders were to run as an independent...

Would you vote for Bernie if he ran as an independent?

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Your perception that he would have won had he not lost is correct. He would have won, if he hadn't lost.

I apologize for being rude, but I'm not sorry.
What am I saying that you don't understand? Yes, he lost in the PRIMARY election. In my opinion, if he had won the PRIMARY, my OPINION is that he would have won in the GENERAL election. Am I saying something confusing here? You do know those are different elections, yes?
I'm a Bernie supporter. There is no viable 3rd party in America, particularly when it comes to Presidential races, Independent votes only pull votes from the Dems. We can't have Trump win in 2020 so the answer is no, I'd unfortunately have to vote for whoever the Dems put up, just like I did in 2016. The misguided people that voted for Trump in 2016 (the ones who would have voted Sanders) were the ones that were fed up with D.C. and couldn't stand Clinton, which is the exact reason we can't put up a centrist in 2020. That said, regardless of how people feel about his disposition, Internet trolls, Bernie-bro nonsense, various identity politics, etc, if you want to look at voting records, he's been (for the most part) the furthest left, most consistently, for the longest amount of time. He's been fighting for the underclass since the early 60s, to the detriment of his political career, which tells me he's the real thing.
Why do you expect Bernie to accomplish great things as president when he hasn't done anything of note as a Senator in more than 12 years? Bernie has tagged along with Democrats all that time and his voting record for Democratic bills is great. But he didn't do the hard work, just showed up and voted for progressive bills that Democrats wrote and pushed. I will hand it to him though, when he moonlighted as a political activist, he shamed Starbucks into giving some employees a raise that is still below a living wage. But hey, a raise is great. I'm not knocking it, I just view a Senator as capable of helping many more people than some Starbucks employees. Maybe you don't. That's OK.

If he promised to sign every bill Democrats wrote and promised to continue to take advantage of drafting behind the Democratic party's semi, he'd at least be honest to you gullible people about what he's capable of doing. He's not the person to do the hard work that he's promising. That would be somebody else. Not Bernie.
What am I saying that you don't understand? Yes, he lost in the PRIMARY election. In my opinion, if he had won the PRIMARY, my OPINION is that he would have won in the GENERAL election. Am I saying something confusing here? You do know those are different elections, yes?

What other than your belief is there to back your claim? Bernie couldn't convince enough Democrats to vote for him. What gives you the belief that more conservative groups -- independent voters and Republikkkans would?
Why do you expect Bernie to accomplish great things as president when he hasn't done anything of note as a Senator in more than 12 years? Bernie has tagged along with Democrats all that time and his voting record for Democratic bills is great. But he didn't do the hard work, just showed up and voted for progressive bills that Democrats wrote and pushed. I will hand it to him though, when he moonlighted as a political activist, he shamed Starbucks into giving some employees a raise that is still below a living wage. But hey, a raise is great. I'm not knocking it, I just view a Senator as capable of helping many more people than some Starbucks employees. Maybe you don't. That's OK.

If he promised to sign every bill Democrats wrote and promised to continue to take advantage of drafting behind the Democratic party's semi, he'd at least be honest to you gullible people about what he's capable of doing. He's not the person to do the hard work that he's promising. That would be somebody else. Not Bernie.
I'd rather have someone who attempts drastic reform for the middle and lower classes, than someone who says they will for political reasons but doesn't have a record to back it up. Why vote for mediocrity because you feel that's all we can accomplish? Keep pushing and maybe one day we'll get there, idealistic maybe but I'd rather have a chance go that way than stay where we are.
Bro how high are you right now? Why am I fighting with strangers online right now? You win guy...
How did I win? You didn't vote in the poll. I am assuming that you would not vote for Sanders if he ran as an independent. It's pretty simple. IF he were to run as an independent, would you vote for him?
What other than your belief is there to back your claim? Bernie couldn't convince enough Democrats to vote for him. What gives you the belief that more conservative groups -- independent voters and Republikkkans would?
I don't know the real numbers, but there were a number of voters who would have voted Sanders that went with Trump, people voting for Washington outsiders. I don't think true Dems would vote for Trump, but these swing voters would have voted Sanders. Just my opinion.
I'd rather have someone who attempts drastic reform for the middle and lower classes, than someone who says they will for political reasons but doesn't have a record to back it up. Why vote for mediocrity because you feel that's all we can accomplish? Keep pushing and maybe one day we'll get there, idealistic maybe but I'd rather have a chance go that way than stay where we are.
So, yes, I get that you want something. From there you jump to "Bernie will accomplish great things". I'm pointing out that there is nothing in Bernie's record to show he is capable of accomplishing great things. Without proof all you have is faith. Basically a religious zeal.

There are other candidates in this campaign who have a strong record of accomplishment AND whose policies aren't all that different from Bernie's. Just saying, if you really want to see better social policies enacted look elsewhere and not just hope that an unaccomplished windbag like Bernie will suddenly become a world beater.

I don't know the real numbers, but there were a number of voters who would have voted Sanders that went with Trump, people voting for Washington outsiders. I don't think true Dems would vote for Trump, but these swing voters would have voted Sanders. Just my opinion.

Just posting this here as evidence that you have nothing to stand on.
So, yes, I get that you want something. From there you jump to "Bernie will accomplish great things". I'm pointing out that there is nothing in Bernie's record to show he is capable of accomplishing great things. Without proof all you have is faith. Basically a religious zeal.

There are other candidates in this campaign who have a strong record of accomplishment AND whose policies aren't all that different from Bernie's. Just saying, if you really want to see better social policies enacted look elsewhere and not just hope that an unaccomplished windbag like Bernie will suddenly become a world beater.

Just posting this here as evidence that you have nothing to stand on.
You're right, I'm wrong, take it easy you guys
Explain the difference between primaries and generals and I'll continue this convo. I really don't think you know what you're talking about.
First, you explain how he could have won the general when he couldn't even win the primaries. I mean, I do agree that he woulda won, if he hadn't lost. Those two things are in fact mutually exclusive. One can't both win and lose something, I think.