If obama gets 1million votes he will consider making pot legal


Well-Known Member
BS,I don't think their gonna legalize it.Why?Pharmaceutical Drug Dealers.Alot of Pharmaceutical drugs won't be needed,if the ganja was legalized.


Well-Known Member
google is your friend.... starting a petition is easy... getting people to sign is different.... if our nation were still a true democracy, the hundreds of petitions that have been made in the past would have done something.... or look at the cities/states that have voted it legal in the past.... won by popular vote, struck down as meaningless by the man.... good luck bro, i'll sign yours, just as i have the past 5 that came my way.... stoneymcfried has one going on still i believe....
i know i hate this government i want to tear it down completely but im not going to go there i dont want to get shot like lenon did


Well-Known Member
BS,I don't think their gonna legalize it.Why?Pharmaceutical Drug Dealers.Alot of Pharmaceutical drugs won't be needed,if the ganja was legalized.
you could be rite but having that attitude wont help you would you sign a petition if it was placed in front of you?


thank you i am in the process of finding out it needs to be signatures from all 50 states millions of names I would appreciate help. its not illegal to sign your name stating that you believe marijuana should be illegal.

i told you that you have my signature.... and my wife's.... our names are on several ATM....

IMO, if ANYTHING were to come about from a simple petition, it would have to be an oldschool, paper/pen manual signatures, and as you stated, enough from every state, (as you are trying to change a NATIONAL law), in the allotted timeframe.... they dont give you forever to get your sigs.... all this for a glimmer of hope...

as i said, you have my signature, and i can guarantee one more... that is all


Well-Known Member
Re-legalization is not a priority for the Administration or the Democratic Party. They have their hands full as it is.

And there are plenty of special interests groups, which did a hell of a lot more to get Democrats in the majority, ahead of us in line.

Re-legalization can only be successful as a bottoms-up movement. Baby steps. The federal government will not concede defeat on this issue until it has no choice. As more and more individual states assert their power under the 10th Amendment (MMJ is a great example), the federal government will grudgingly end the War on Drugs, but it will drag its feet the entire way.


Well-Known Member
yeah im sure obama will be the one to legalize it if its going to happen but a real petition needs to be started
obama already took a vote a while back, even though it was a popular topic, he still said NO! obama will never legalize it. He said it himself a few times.

We need to start at the state level. And we already have. Thus far, 14 states have medicinal use, and alot more states have lenient laws towards small personal use. Contact your representatives and NORML http://www.norml.org/ to see how you can help.


And Im not fucking around either. Contact NORML and do something to help the cause/ Even if its a simple vote, you can do it. I have faith in you


Well-Known Member
Re-legalization is not a priority for the Administration or the Democratic Party. They have their hands full as it is.

And there are plenty of special interests groups, which did a hell of a lot more to get Democrats in the majority, ahead of us in line.

Re-legalization can only be successful as a bottoms-up movement. Baby steps. The federal government will not concede defeat on this issue until it has no choice. As more and more individual states assert their power under the 10th Amendment (MMJ is a great example), the federal government will grudgingly end the War on Drugs, but it will drag its feet all the entire way.
agreed just trying to do my part. the more people that become active in the subject the sooner they will not have a choice sure they will drag there feet but maybe we can push them along a bit quicker


Well-Known Member
Any petition has my vote as well... I'm taking a peak into NORML as I type... first time I've heard of it (gawd I feel so in the dark :-P)

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:
I'ts okay i just found out about it in june and you were more than likely in the dark for a reason


Well-Known Member
hey guess what we already established that welcome to the thread though do you have any information on petitions initiatives theories on how we should go about legalizing marijuana?

Simple steps the average cannabis user can take to further the cause:

1) Join a reform organization. NORML is good, but there are others. They do good work and need our support.

2) Educate yourself and the people around you as to why cannabis was made illegal in the first place and why it continues to be illegal. Buy The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

3) Civil disobedience. Grow cannabis.

4) Do not support the cartels. Grow cannabis.

5) Support cannabis-friendly businesses. RIU is a good example. Hydroponics shops are another.

6) Boycott cannabis-hostile business like Kellogs. Vote with your dollar.

7) Know your rights and exercise them. Get a copy of the U.S. Constitution and apply it whenever possible.


Well-Known Member
burn your dollars thats why we have our government....i mean i don't know what I'm saying DOn't listen to me


Well-Known Member
what i want is something thats legal and concrete and will be accepted by congress or does a peice of paper with legalize marijuana with a bunch of names on it count for anything?